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View Full Version : Avoiding personal negativity while troubled?

10th August 2013, 01:43 AM
Lately, In an effort to get closer to my higher self, I have been trying to restrain myself from the tendency towards the expression of negative traits and aspects of my personality while afflicted by negs without causing further psychological and emotional problems. It has been noted that excessive repression and self restraint over the long term can lead to outbursts and an energizing of the tendencies themselves, various physical and mental disorders and health problems, hard feelings toward
the self and others upon the expression of such traits, and other complications. I have found all of this to be true but have noted that negative entities often try to encourage and force victims to engage in negative acts for food and pleasure and to fulfill various obligations put on them, which is something that has caused problems for me in the four most obvious sides to the issue I presently see and have taken: firstly, the more I repress something the more negs create situations that bring the emotions and tendencies to the surface, thereby causing them to erupt or/and causing emotional uncomfort and negativity. Secondly, when I take the route that says I should express how I feel entirely and avoid self restraint with the hope of dissolving previous tied up emotional energy, this is also used against me and the negs will cause me to indulge in various things. Thirdly, when I focus on restraining myself the majority of the time to function in society and to avoid excessive indulgence so that I may progress spiritually, I will set aside brief periods for the organized expression of these shadow aspects and I will try things such as the safe ritualized and symbolic venting of these energies and tendencies and will perhaps enact a fictitious role, will light a bunch of papers on fire in a safe place, will write, or will sacrifice something, but In doing these things I will often find that, it seems, thought forms may be created (without any conscious intent on my part) that cause certain negative events to happen and that these thoguhtforms, which may unintentionally be projected at people or will affect my life, will often be infused with emotional energy by me which is intensified by the various negs that are involved in my situation. And fourthly, when I try to get at the root of these tendencies and transform the underlying beliefs that sustain them so that I may restrain myself more easily without so much emotional turmoil and repression when the negs try to influence me, I am successful sometimes but find three frequent things 99.9% of the time: the negs will stop me from thinking or I will be clueless as to what beliefs to attempt to implant, and how to keep the negs from causing self-doubt.

So, my question is: In my situation, Is it possible to avoid the exessive expression of these negative traits without harming myself and others and, if so, does anyone have any tips on how this might be accomplished?

10th August 2013, 05:35 AM
Yes. Find a professional counselor with shamanistic leanings, or one who understands and works with energy. Let them help you by guiding you in structuring the experience of processing emotion and making meaning of your experiences.. Ask for help from God as you know Him to transmute and requalify the negative emotions, and to guide you to the people who will serve you well in doing so. Because people are God's hands.. Shield yourself daily. Learning to work with and through your emotions - even the constricting, heavy, uncomfortable ones - is a vital life skill.

10th August 2013, 05:58 AM
I agree with kcsobko.

I also want to put something out there for consideration. In my experience, the negativity and poor expectations and so on actually creates the atmosphere in which, well, negative entities thrive. If you can work to change your worldview, you can often eliminate all such experiences from it, simply by making your reality a place that is inhospitable to them.

So working on the belief system, worldview, etc., is very important work, probably the most important. In the meantime, as kcsobko suggested, counselling, positive intention for change, prayer, and sheilding will give you some peace in which to work.

10th August 2013, 02:23 PM

own what is yours, stop resisting what isn't you by denying it's existence, by letting go the belief structure that upholds it, "it" being as real as you allow it to be, "it" having only that "power per force" which you alone feed to it. as children we often find ourselves being parented wherein our personal privacy is limited, and therefore is not nurtured, this because of parental fears, some rational but mostly irrational. this sets up the young adult to fears, even to fear their own sense of privacy which they crave, yet somehow end up opening themselves up to invasive behaviors that allow other persons to walk all up in their life. these other persons are equally without an internalized sense of healthy boundaries which should have been instilled and nurtured when as children. all in all, these attract to one another, simply because a person with healthy boundaries would see quite clearly that such as these are not in their best interest to be friends with. yet, this healthy person is whom such as these crave to attract, because they deeply recognize the difference, yet in the relating would themselves be overtly invasive, thus repeling a healthier person.

this is quite a personality conflict within, having grave feelings which are hard to own without having assigned them to entitized negatives which help deny that one's personality makeup is indeed unhealthily structured. no one is without such "conceptuals", as we all have our "demons" so to speak, or as the old saying goes.

truly, one's "world-view" is within, no different than one within their house is looking out a window upon the externalized world. it is within this view that one is required to re-organize, no different than one would turn inward from the house's window to clean the house, re-organize the furniture, purge toward simplification and openess of flow...etc.

at my age, 53, it is just pure frustrating hell to look around at the house in such dis-array that any free time i have would have to be given fully to cleaning it up. the longer i put this off the more the frustration builds, even to be angry at myself for such procratination as to cause much time lost whereas had i done the work along the way when it called me too, then i'd be looking at a clean organized house with the freedom of mind to go out and do something just for fun's sake. it is hard to go off and have this "fun" when inward frustration goes with you.

your dialogue shows that you are on the threshold dwelling over this toward healthy resolve. your self-doubt is the reflective reciprocal agent of strong belief in some"thing" other than yourself at the seat of "it". the transition is right at your feet, because you are beginning to recognize personality and human traits toward bad and good (natural). as long as one has strong belief is negatives other than themself within than they also hold out for some"thing" like "hiher-self" to come along and save them, to just show up to clean up their mess for them, as they themself are completely powerless.

this sense of dis-empowerment goes back to having not been allowed the nurture of personal privacy that would have initiated the child to cleam their own dag gum room up. the parental fears did these tasks for the child for fear of the child sensing natural failures or shortcomings, coming to terms with themself, trying harder, become self-empowered, self-sufficient, effciently operable standing alone in a world of their own making for better and for worse, self-accountability and being a responsible person in their own human right...etc.

the goal is to mature, to spiritually mature, such that "ideals" like higher-self are releases, such that the real Higher Self is dis-charged to go on about Higher business. this no different than does a bird per-force push a nestling out that it too flys. all that is Parental has the Higher Right to be dis-charged, as one themself becomes Parental. this scheme is as true as the divine plan as it is true as the plan for mankind working out the divine plan through being human.

we as humans imagine differently, as if divinity looks down upon us indifferently. however, it is the other way around, that we imagine to have to become perfect before divinity would take notice of us. well, this is just pure b.s.. if it werent bull crap, then we ought to just reject divinity altogether for such inane persuasion that we become perfect as are "they". who needs that crap, noen of us do. any plan works itself out within implementation toward a finish. this is true for one person and all peoples, at once. the divine plan works out through humans, other wise their is no divine plan at all, for it is we that are the conscious beings in recognition of divinity which otherwise would not be consciously operable or that which being implemented is working out through us.

the point, TURN that Mother around, see Her face to face, and say, "Mama, i am doing fine, thank you for all of your help in allowing me to find my OWN way within Your WAY. She flys and I fly with Her, I even fly alone, being just fine, as it were.

"there'll be peace when YOU are done", not while that peace is imagine to be done by any Other/s.

Wayward Son: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SF6vFPf2xg

as the one being, it is to You to have done, "I do", and to be done.

ya see Josh, i spent a lot of years mad a shell at a "god", at "God". from this, I felt a lot of shame and guilt deeply. as i matured, the "idea" of some"thing" beyond my Self coming like SuperMan to clean up my personal mess evaporated. cool thing was, no "thing" came. but, I realized that i was never alone, am not alone, and never will be alone. yet, that which accompanys my Self, or any other Self, is not a "thing" of imagination's creation. rather, I am that which is created, and without my Self as Me, that which created Me would be utterly alone. Contemplatively, this is as going into the Garden of Gethsem-ani to Be with God Alone, otherwise "god" is alone, as is any one whom feels so dreadfully alone.

this is called God Beyond "god", and is surely a Friend to Me even as I am a Friend to Thee. for where else but through one another does this God beyond "god" express, other than we ourselves humanly being, working out the wrinkles of our personal natures and all working out our co-nature.

Just like the Lord is crucified in any given moment that any one would in the garden be surrendered as ready, so it is just as true that the Lord has Come in any given moment of personal self-presence. however, the co-expression, all poeples, do not await the Lord's coming, it is rather that we are awaited in our on-coming spiritual maturity that fully realizes ourselves as Spirit being Human. that is a great moment of awakedness, of full and complete ownership of SELF...et all. the release of all "that" which imaginatively held us back as if we were never good enough. Human was good enough in the beginning, and this same good enough is our ending, such that either or, is un-recognizably different, to say that beginning and end are one and the same...momentous outcoming of God"s Nature through Human Nature. this does not make Us gods, for as it is written, we would be liars if we denied that we yet miss the mark (sin). it's all about being honest, but this honesty begins and ends with one to them ver self being true, thus is higher self and the release of character representation beyond that, for beyond that is God, incomprehensibly so, as we that which works our the comprehensive nature also come as that maturity which is accountable to and responsible for what is undeniably ours as co-creative beingss.

one has to own the temptation as their own, and release all that would as within or without, be pointedly witnessed against as being other than ourself at blame. it is our co-fears that allow war, that allows the prostitute to be demeaned in profession. the demand calls for the supply, yet that which demands also curses the supply as balmeful for it's wars and compromising of world "characters" whom fill the call to supply.

this be the very blood of Christ, those sacrificed to such as "that" which calls for supply from the demands of those referenced to in the outcry, "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do". this blood is upon the hands of each in every of One. every child born into "it" toward whatever outcome that "it" relegated to ic unavoidably in the running, a running before it's birth and a running through whatever life it cannot but endure. thus is Love that endures all "things", believes all "things"...etc. simply because it is Us that would of "things" immaturely reckon a "demand" which cannot but be "supplyed", for fear's sake.

my friend, Fear God Alone, and in that trembling, awaken to your OWN. God is Love, and Love is un-conditional, always and in all our ways...perfect. we however, are not but within that patience which has Her perfect work. thus, count it Joy.

Beneath Your Beautiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TACXBMQtwI

like a child suddenly stepping into it's onesy, step out into your body, holding you in your arms....

I Need Your Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrQ-rfKD89I

and just because you can, see the humour in life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQtOg_TFes0

instead of focusing on the negatives that just are.

forgive the errors above, spelling and syntax. i wrote this quickly, as it came to me to write. i will look through it later.

imho offered, we live in a co-world where it is impossible not to be troubled within. we ought to co-recognize tthat this is also our self-manifesting co-opportunity, one as never before offered to us by our very selves in this wide open information age.

Long ago (or was it just a moment ago), Jesus in His final breath said, "It is finished.". Therefore, BE DONE WITH "IT"! saying 'I DO' to done, so done, done (thrice). Do YOU Josh...? Yes, I do. well, then "it" is done, and let no man put this most Holy Union asunder.

I'm Done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrvG5rLyHwA

Everything Happens for a Reason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW7uX6ePjh8

so done!

Carry on,


30th August 2013, 09:17 PM
I agree with the above, and I know how you feel because I am dealing with similar issues.

I suggest getting professional therapy as well as doing an uncrossing ritual. I went through an uncrossing ritual (not quite completed yet) and already it's helped to remove one neg from me that I know of. I'm also going through cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) to help me deal with my emotions, old patterns, etc.

http://www.acat.me.uk/page/home (http://www.acat.me.uk/page/home)

http://www.molochsorcery.com/uncross.html (http://www.molochsorcery.com/uncross.html)

In your case, if you've never performed an uncrossing ritual, I recommend going to a reputable practitioner. And don't be surprised if you don't get overnight results. In severe cases, it can take months to work.

Oh and one more thing. One thing I know negs hate is when we take positive action to deal with something negative. Check out The Work by Byron Katie (get the book), and do the exercises whenever your inner crap comes up. :)
