View Full Version : Healing for a little girls who's dying

22nd August 2013, 10:19 PM
This is a long shot but a friend's daughter (2 years old) is dying of cancer. Doctors have "given up" on her saying there's no more treatment they can try (she has not responded to any treatment). The parents are completely lost and don't know what to do. I'm not even sure if they'd be open to alternative treatments or any of this spiritual/energy healing since it's outside their scope of understanding. However, I do believe in the power of energy/spiritual healing.

Is there anything anyone here can do to:
-- read her aura/energy body
-- remove/clear blockages
-- alleviate pain
-- improve quality of life
-- bring peace
-- keep the child safe/not scared
-- cast away spirits/entities that are causing her cancer
-- cure the cancer

Let me know what info you need (name, pic). Much appreciated!

23rd August 2013, 12:04 AM
This may be a very tough one indeed. The energy may also be overwhelming. I think she is slowly letting go of her life. The desire for her to stay is bad. The parents want her, but does the child want to stay and also have to live with the pain that cancer is causing her? Reading the aura won't do a doctor justice, blockages will also do nothing. Let her be free. I know the feeling. She is going to go soon but please accept it. She will be okay. I remember the day I saw my great grandmother die. I was sitting right next to her at the moment and watched her have a heart attack. I knew she was in great pain and asked why she couldn't stay, but I knew she was suffering. She was suffering so much. She knew the time she was going to be gone. I knew I could have restored her back, but it would be selfish for me to bring her back to the pain that caused her to die. There are no bad spirits that are causing her cancer. I feel most likely the law of karma. The child is safe and not scared of death. Do you know why? She has not faced the barriers of us who think that it is scary to die. She has nothing stopping her from feeling that way. She is completely safe. The strongest things are faith and love. Keep those in your hearts and she will be alive and well.

23rd August 2013, 12:40 PM
Can you pm me her name and general location? Thanks.

23rd August 2013, 01:15 PM
i will need her name , a photo , and her location - send by pm .

23rd August 2013, 02:14 PM
i'm in, too

if you can send the details (photo if you have or at least location, first name) via pm, and I will try sending healing thoughts and energy

23rd August 2013, 04:40 PM
I am into this too. Send me a PM her name and location. Or make it open here in this thread.


23rd August 2013, 06:54 PM
Thanks for those who have replied. The little girl died yesterday afternoon. The parents are devastated but I know the girl is doing well now. Can anyone try to contact that little girl and get a message from her for the parents? Her name is Janie. She was in NYC.

23rd August 2013, 07:25 PM
Thanks for those who have replied. The little girl died yesterday afternoon. The parents are devastated but I know the girl is doing well now. Can anyone try to contact that little girl and get a message from her for the parents? Her name is Janie. She was in NYC.

I am so sorry to hear this, I send my condoleances to you and her parent´s and others who knew her.
I send my love and peace too.
Sorry to say but I am not custome to make contact with the other side, I have only few time´s met my dead one´s in my dream´s, but if she should somehow appear in my dream or other way I off course will write in this thread.

I send healing energy to parents and other who grief her departing.


23rd August 2013, 09:19 PM
I am so sorry to hear, i was gonna make this post but i didnt realize she passed away already. But for anyone else that is having health issues it might be a good idea to look at this:

I would really suggest you tell them to look up the BOB BECK PROTOCAL.

Here is a video that goes into detail on the whole process and who bob beck is…


DO NOT BUY ANYTHING other than the sota instruments products, they are the best and of the highest quality. There are other products out there that use the same technology but I am just not sure about them. I have been using the silver pusler, brain tuner, and ozone generator for years. I don’t have cancer but for any minor problem the silver pusler stops viruses and speeds up healing.

Just go here:
I would get the kit but if the family decides not to do that just get the silver pulser, and magnetic pulser. They expensive but when you have no options and the life of someone is on the line then its worth it.

Disclaimer: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11245-Healing-and-Health

24th August 2013, 01:51 AM
Luckily you have landed on the right site. Astral Dynamics. I would say IMO that the parents should learn astral projection. The have connection to the soul of the child no one else has and are very connected. You will find though that she is not suffering. I know in my heart that she is okay.

24th August 2013, 10:40 AM
I'm sorry to hear this, my condolences. Maybe Gman above was right and it wasn't in her "plan" to stay long on this plane for this life.

Losing a child is the worst thing that can happen, having to accept it and coming to terms with it is a hard lesson indeed. Let's hope the parents will master it in the course of time, I wish them good luck.

26th August 2013, 06:28 PM
Thought I'd share something that happened in the few days since Janie passed to the other side. The night that Janie passed, my daughter (3yo) had a dream about Janie. Recently, I started encouraging my daughter to share with me her dreams every day because I started the MAP program a couple weeks ago and figured we can do this together. Kids are much better and more in tune to their spiritual/intuitive side than adults. It has been an interesting experience listening to her share her dreams. When she told me about Janie, I was surprised because I told my daughter very little about Janie but she was able to tell me over the last few days her dreams and visions of Janie -- her flying with the angels to a far away place, to a new home, that her mommy and daddy were very sad and wanted Janie to come home, but Janie had to go away. She was able to share things that happened in the past as well as present. I shared this with Janie's parents and they were very much comforted by my daughter's dreams.

I'm going to create a new thread in an appropriate topic about tips/suggestions on how to encourage and spark this aspect of spirituality in young children. Feel free to share with me or point me to old posts that talk about this.