View Full Version : Chakras changing location.

24th August 2013, 02:06 AM
Hello Robert.

I have experienced something and I was curious as to whether you have as well.

Each of my primary energy centers seem to have 2 locations, one slightly lower on the body and one slightly higher, reflecting different levels of balance and activation.

For instance my heart may be active in the middle of my chest and then move up closer to the colar bone. My throat may be active around the adam's apple and then move up closer to the chin. The higher position seems to go with a more balanced and radiant state of consciousness pertaining to that chakra.

Seems simple to me - I have just never heard of chakras moving around. Thoughts?

Robert Bruce
6th September 2013, 01:41 AM
The chakras do not really move, per se. Each chakra is part of the energy body and everything is connected. Chakras are also larger than most people suspect. They are also connected to each other. Energy sensation activity can move from chakra to chakra, and to different parts of the energy body. This could be said to be related to Kundalini activity.


18th September 2013, 10:45 PM
I suppose like everything else, the energy centers are not really separate from each other. One will gradually blend into the next in a fluid system.

While we are on the topic, one more inquiry.

When working out physical muscles, no gains will be made unless you steadily increase the weight you are lifting. You could curl a 15lb dumbell all day and not get stronger until you go up in weight.

Does this apply to energy work at all? Or will even small bits of energy work have a gradual, cumulative effect? Do you need to spend longer sessions on a certain chakra to push it to higher levels, or will minor energy work build up over time?

Robert Bruce
6th October 2013, 10:49 AM
Both are correct. Slow and steady regular work will pay off. Longer sessions where you push harder will also pay off. Both are needed.

Long session work is key. Build your meditation and energy work sessions to an hour or two. Then you will face a whole new set of difficulties to overcome.


24th October 2013, 07:47 PM
Thank you for the replies.

I have been doing a couple hours of meditation and energy work most days out in the woods. I haven't encountered major difficulties yet, but I suppose I will know them when I see them.