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View Full Version : Mental Wandering in the RTZ?

25th June 2006, 09:32 AM
Hello Mr. Bruce,

My question is simple, can I use the mental wandering technique described by Bardon (or a similar one) to operate in the Real Time Zone. If I were to use the playing card experiment, where I try to see a card chosen randomly from a deck while projecting, will it work with mental wandering? If so, can you tell me in brief what the overall mechanics of this is?

When I do a RTZ projection, a copy of consciousness is transferred to the projected double. If I use mental wandering, will this projected double be more like a point of consciousness, and consequently will it take less energy to maintain allowing me to remain the RTZ for a longer period?

Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to answer my and everyone else’s questions, it is extremely generous of you. I have already learned a great deal from reading the posts in this forum category.

PS -- I realize that the "copy of consciousness" thing is your term not Bardon's, and that he has a somewhat different theory about what occurs when you project (ie the mental body leaves the physical-astral).

Robert Bruce
5th January 2007, 03:17 AM
There are a seemingly infinite spectrum of frequencies and corresponding types of OBE.

Mental wandering and astral phasing are similar, or the same. This type of OBE is not very good for exploring the real time zone, as reality fluctuations are much stronger than they are during a real time OBE.

However, the mental wandering/phasing method plus a lot of energy can produce a very accurate view of real life. The remote eye projection method is another way to approach this.

Some projectors I know have attained a 77% accuracy rate with observing the playing card test. So this is doable.

The sheer amount of energy you are capable of raising before an OBE exit sets the 'solidity' of the experience. So energy work is key.

Robert Bruce