View Full Version : Archangel Michael

11th September 2013, 04:44 AM
I posted on the RoE forums too, but I'd like your thoughts too.

I have noticed sorcerers seem to get vastly better results when they evoke and command a spirit or an energy to do their bidding, as opposed to merely asking for help from said spirit or energy.

Is Archangel Michael simply an universal energy closest to Source which can be directed for a purpose, or is Archangel Michael an actual entity with his own Will, who decides whether or not he wants to help?

When we perceive Archangel Michael, are we perceiving an universal energy that takes on the symbolic form we expect, or are we perceiving something other than that?

I don't subscribe to many of E.A. Koetting's morals and techniques (he is a black sorcerer and I'm not a black hat), but he did describe this:

On one particular occasion, a client of mine was being magickally harassed by a coven of witches. His health had given out without warning, his financial success evaporated, and he even started experiencing poltergeist activity, as well as at least one spontaneous "hag attack" while he was sleeping.

I asked why he thought this might be a curse, as most people who think they're cursed simply aren't very adept at managing their affairs, and often will find out that they are sabotaging themselves, rather than being victims of some evil curse.

Rather than just relying on some fleeting feeling of phantasmagoria, though, this particular client had good reason to believe that he was under a curse. Three days into his suffering, he received a phone call from one of these witches, who laughed as she asked how he was feeling.

When he told her how every aspect of his life had taken a nose-dive, her cackle became hysterical. She told him that he was being punished, and that his misery would continue to increase until he was finally dead.

My client confessed to me that this group of witches had discovered that he had been unfaithful in his marriage, and this group of witches were friends of hers, so their attacks against him could be construed as justified. Nevertheless, he had hired me to protect him against their attacks, and so that's exactly what I did.

Without considering any other entity to work with, I broke out a scrying mirror, candles, incense, and the sigil of Michael, and began the conjurations.

Although the entire coven was helping in placing this curse, three of them in particular were leading the charge. So, it was those three that I worked directly against.

Michael The Archangel's Face Appeared In My Mirror...

With Michael the Archangel's face visible in the black mirror, I commanded him to bind these three witches, so that they could no longer use their power to harm others.

Within 24 hours, the same witch called my client's phone, no longer laughing, no longer so sure of the potency of her curse.

"What have you done?" he reported her screaming at him through the phone. Not only had their power been bound from harming my client, but it was as if their ability to tap into the spirit world was taken from them completely. They could no longer astral project, summon spirits, or conduct the most basic spellcasting rituals. Michael had bound them with a fury that I had never before witnessed, nor have I seen a binding hat effective since.

*excerpt taken from http://www.becomealivinggod.com/newsletter/archangel-michael-attacks-violent-coven-of-witches.html

I'm wondering if I'd see more success from evoking and commanding as well as making offerings to establish and maintain a relationship with Archangel Michael?

Thoughts? Have any of you tried evoking and commanding Archangel Michael for protection? What were the results?

11th September 2013, 11:06 AM
Thoughts? Have any of you tried evoking and commanding Archangel Michael for protection? What were the results?
Not Michael, but I can tell you a bit about Archangel Raphael if you're interested.

11th September 2013, 12:25 PM
Here are some thoughts, take them or leave them as usual....
I think that when a person goes through a process of training, and 'get up the nerve' to practice evocation and such, their worldview and attitude is vastly different than a person who does the traditional 'begging for mercy', seeing themselves as lesser than the being they are asking for protection. A person who is traditional-minded will think themselves as powerless and, if they are religiously inclined, they might even see themselves as undeserving of that help-if you look at some religious prayers you will see this attitude reflected. So in my view, the entity (whether it's an 'honest-to-goodness' archangel or an universal energy 'thoughtform') will respond not just to the expressed desire but to the implied feeling- which may result in either a weak amount of help-feedback or no help at all, while the magician who has the feeling of control of the being may have better results- because they know they deserve the help or believe that they do.
Of course, this is just one possibility.

11th September 2013, 01:50 PM
Not Michael, but I can tell you a bit about Archangel Raphael if you're interested.

Yes, I'm interested. :)

11th September 2013, 01:51 PM
Here are some thoughts, take them or leave them as usual....
I think that when a person goes through a process of training, and 'get up the nerve' to practice evocation and such, their worldview and attitude is vastly different than a person who does the traditional 'begging for mercy', seeing themselves as lesser than the being they are asking for protection. A person who is traditional-minded will think themselves as powerless and, if they are religiously inclined, they might even see themselves as undeserving of that help-if you look at some religious prayers you will see this attitude reflected. So in my view, the entity (whether it's an 'honest-to-goodness' archangel or an universal energy 'thoughtform') will respond not just to the expressed desire but to the implied feeling- which may result in either a weak amount of help-feedback or no help at all, while the magician who has the feeling of control of the being may have better results- because they know they deserve the help or believe that they do.
Of course, this is just one possibility.

Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for your insight. :)

11th September 2013, 05:12 PM
Yes, I'm interested. :)

It's here (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Sinera-s-Lucidiary&p=114394#post114394).

Also I am convinced I had help when I did my naturopath (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heilpraktiker) exam a few months ago. It is a difficult exam, written and then (if passed) oral. For the oral exam I went to another school just for intensive medical training again to be prepared specifically for the official authorities of my city that grant the license. To that school I only went 3 times, however, just for preparing the oral exam.

The teacher that prepared us chose only a few topics. And it was EXACTLY what I was asked about during the exam then later. This is a very very low probabilty to happen, considering the vast field of subjects and that I only were there for three training sessions. And the subjects came up exactly, as I said. We were three candidates in this exam session and I would not have performed well on the other candidate's questions, some I did not know at all. So this is almost a "miracle" and to good to be true for a mere lucky accident, although one can add that this teacher knew what these authoroties (and the medical doctor doing the exam) is likely to ask as many have their favorite topics. Anyway! Still a great "coincidence" to me, also the path that led me to this school was first only 'coincidental' (it seemed... but in hindsight it was not coincidental at all ... I was to go there!).

I had asked for help before, also from this energy (being) and I think I got it.

I am not religious, it might be an energy (being) close to Source (as you also defined it above) but i believe it might indeed appear as an angel to persons with this belief system to make them comfortable and give them a point of reference. To me it appeared as a swirl / galaxy / chakra, whatever.

Can't prove it, just what I derived from my personal experience and what makes most sense to me.

11th September 2013, 05:18 PM
Of course, let me add, this energy might have been part of my Higher Self, since I had demanded my HS to appear then (just re-read it myself as I had forgotten this part).

So... Maybe a part of the "Source" is always in us, so are the "Angelic energies" too? The fact that the "energy" appeared almost as a chakra might even support this hypothesis.

11th September 2013, 05:55 PM
awesome response CFT,

Here are some thoughts, take them or leave them as usual....
I think that when a person goes through a process of training, and 'get up the nerve' to practice evocation and such, their worldview and attitude is vastly different than a person who does the traditional 'begging for mercy', seeing themselves as lesser than the being they are asking for protection.

yes, it is for us to be bold [get up the nerve]. however, it is never the "person" that begs for mercy, but rather, is the true being which begs release of the person, for it is within the personage that 'thoughtforms' rule, and therefore leave the true being as powerless beyond the "person". true, the religiously inclined accept that they personally are lesser than, this is not incorrect from the pov of true being, and is not a human step to be frowned upon simply because understanding is lacking. for this step has taken who knows how long, many lifetimes to amazingly come around, wherein "person" feels at the end of themself. gentle coaxing from true being has brought this to bear, such that true being has the simplistic power just to be, and is no longer at the feet of "personal thoughtforms" illustrious as they as ideations all may seem to have been. one must see here that there is no loss what~so~ever to whom one is, as it is, a release to be as one is, to be Me as I am given of my Self to Be.

A person who is traditional-minded will think themselves as powerless and, if they are religiously inclined, they might even see themselves as undeserving of that help-if you look at some religious prayers you will see this attitude reflected. So in my view, the entity (whether it's an 'honest-to-goodness' archangel or an universal energy 'thoughtform') will respond not just to the expressed desire but to the implied feeling- which may result in either a weak amount of help-feedback or no help at all, while the magician who has the feeling of control of the being may have better results- because they know they deserve the help or believe that they do.
Of course, this is just one possibility.

yep, one possibility. anything i might add to this as possibility would be a mute/moot point. to say that there is nothing beyond true being, past or future, as it is, presently being [true power free of past and future "personage"]...come what may, whatever will be will be, or whatever i will be i will be. I will always, in all ways of my Self, be Me. true power = no"thing" as everything redeemed within the present moment of awe.

To thine own Self be True ~ Fidelity

12th September 2013, 05:00 AM
Angels are intelligent permutations of Creative Source/Force. They appear to us using our own cognitive filters and they express Creative Will. In as much our will is aligned with some aspect of Spirit they may respond. At least thsts what I believe and experience. If you evoke or invoke Michael, you may find out the answers to your questions.

13th September 2013, 04:54 PM
What happens when one invokes an Archangel? :whatthe:

14th September 2013, 05:06 AM
Invoking means offering your energy for use in the operation - it means being a channel for manifestation. There is giving and receiving involved.

14th September 2013, 03:57 PM
I can't even imagine that- an archangel is such a different entity than a human (with all that power). I wonder if you'd ever be the same again.

15th September 2013, 06:05 AM
Its not necessarily all the power. People are magnetic and electrical - we can be charged and drained. Its like - I think - having your capacitor changed out , to accomodate the purpose. And after evokation or invokation, or energy work, or kundalini etc we're not the same either. Thinking too, about what the divine marriage is... its a transmuting experience that changes capacity. I think archangels and angels know better than to blow the human fuse. But - I wonder. The effects are not neat or linear.

15th September 2013, 06:58 AM
As I understand these things, we have only very small part of soul in our body and first we must invoke our soul in our body and when this is done we start to understand more of the "higher" realms.
I am sure the biggest part of our soul is in contact with these archangeles but we do not know because we only can remember what we have capasity to take in through our body and how much of our soul is awakened/invoked inside of our body because the most of our soul is not in the body, this is my 2 cents.


15th September 2013, 02:50 PM
underestimating the human being's capacity to "take" through is an enormous error. to ere is human, to forgive is divine. yet, we as human are called to forgive.

Michael throws the coals upunder the wheels; Gabriel removes the hot coals putting them into the mouths of babes.

The Lord's is the earth and its fulness, the world and all its peoples.

on Jesus' left hand is Thomas/James, on His right is John/Mary

at the transfiguration is Moses and Elijah

the OT dispensation is angelic rule; the NT dispensation is the fulfillment of angelic rule, refused even, opted for God Alone in the Garden of Gethsemani where Jesus' disciples fell asleep, though Jesus himself fulfilled walking through our human nature et all.

opening up forgiveness, this being the ultimate power through God Alone. "if there be any way, let this cup pass from me", yet he drank it, for this were the only way. unless of course he relented to unfulfillment of angelic rule by calling in the legions that surely would have come.

"forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who've trespassed against us".

human beings are thereby given and charged to/with the ultimate power of God Alone. "for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever. amen."

"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

"give us this day our daily bread"

"lead us not into temptation," , for it is written that neither can the Lord thy God be tempted, nor does the Lord thy God tempt man.

"but deliver us from evil." how be it? see the prayer as you read it.

wait up...was not the Lord tempted in the wilderness? yes, but he did not concede to temptation, thereby setting the rule. for He said, "The Father and I are one". folllowing the transfiguration was this, "satan, get thee behind me".

anyhoo, i could site on and on, but the point is, is that Jesus through our very own human nature, and his too, took it all through.

so, any limits that you may have imposed upon yourself are just that, self-imposed, and therefore, have no-thing to do with neither human nor divine reality, these two which together are One as REALITY.

we could all sit around a dog turd all day, deliberating upon what it is, but at the end of the day it is a dog turd. moral of that is, without study where is the end of the day wherein we all deliberate what cannot otherwise be the same conclusion.

some of y'all deliberate this as if you've brought a six shot revolver to the ok corral, that revolver being analogous to Michael, but ya didnt bring any bullets. makes no sense to have not studied that which in our very time is abundantly available. especially if you're able to join in this internet forum via a computer, via the internet.

ya need to be where dion whomever isnt required to inform ya, otherwise where are your bullets, so to speak. I love that scene in Crocodile Dundee where he informs a fella who has drawn a knife, "that's not a knife....this is a knife", and the fella makes haste to get the heck of Dodge.

the capacity of a human being is to anthropomorphise an aspect of Self into that which carrys out human intent, intent that is not personally understood, merely thought or imagined to be known. [Self here as that Being intended of God as Human being given of freewill yet born into ignorance, the height of which is arrogance]

forgivable yes, however this is of free choice given that thee might yourself forgive, thereby as well be forgiven.

the will of God is already willed, that we humanly be as we are given to be. His kingdom comes when we personally will it so to be, simply in that measure given, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who've trespassed upon us", thus is one's free will aligned with God's will if one would have God be forgiving of theymself.

beyond the metaphoric utility, i of my freewill choose to live without weapons or bullets. if it is for me to die, then that cup is mine in that unavoidable specific instance of time. words suffice, upon the voice or within the written, to plead the case within any given moment, such that specific instances of time have no-thing of say either before or beyond such a ever~presentational moment. zeman

thusly is forgiveness unto liberated freedom within the kingdom [come/on earth], the power [thy will be done/on earth] and the glory [delivered from evil/on earth the Child/ren of God] of our Father who art in heaven. for ever. amen.

do you hallow His name? what is hallowed, such that if uttered is uttered in the fear of God. what is fear of God?

hmmm, to fear God's not coming, for as the boy who cryed wolf too very many times also did the town not come a running when the wolf did show up. the boy did not hallow the cry of "Wolf!", did he now? for he spent the name unwisely, calling upon it's meaning/purpose as if a lark, as if a toying play of word to pistol around without any bullets, dem thar bullets...the town's people quickly coming to his aid. reputation ~ character revealed via conduct ~ conduct forgiven via understanding

if you're going to pistol around, respectfully [to yourself] learn what is upon the tongued reach afore it is vainly loosed. of course, doesnt mean you will gain actual control over the tongue, just means you'll understand the need for forgiveness' meaning/purpose.


15th September 2013, 03:43 PM
"lead us not into temptation," This english translation has always bothered me. I learned the Lord's Prayer in the spanish version, which goes "no nos dejes caer en tentaciĆ³n": do not let us fall into temptation. I have read somewhere that this is a more correct translation of the original (although I can't remember where I read this) but it makes more sense to me in relation to how I view Divinity.
Just a note.

15th September 2013, 04:18 PM
yeah, i've seen that too, it is precise, as to alert us of our own human capacity to fall into what is personally ours by nature. what i was responding within is the context of common translation, which we agree is not at all the case. God wouldnt lead us into temptation, however...we'd sure mislead ourselves. that's why i pointed out scriptural reference in support of it making no sense. was my point. i know you see that though, just saying.

the way i see to read the "lead us not into temptation", is as a challenging statement of fact within the prayer that the one praying faithfully states as truth that God does not lead us into temptation, but does in fact deliver us from evil [our own self-made]. for in that time it was widely misunderstood/believed as being very "God" that would tempt us, that would lead us into. that's why this is stated, as i see it, as an affirmation of truth, as well as restated/supported variously throughtout collective subsequent scriptures. for there is no real timeline as to when or how the NT books/letters were as individual writs sequentially fell, just that at a point in time they were arranged just so.

i chose this particular language of reference because it is where we are respectfully given of Archangel Michael. yep, there's much about english translation that bothers me too, is why ive treaded elsewhere for the deeper sight. latin is cool, greek is cool, hebrew is cool, sanskirt...on and on. but, i imagine english/american language is here and now, and must be forged through for forgeries, as especially american speak is a gatherance from all manner of linguistic origins. might say that when pairing out the word, ya have to turn away from the general which aint on the battle front and get down in the trenches with the non-coms who have actual sight on experiential evidence of what the battle is and is not.

15th April 2018, 01:33 PM
Is Archangel Michael simply an universal energy closest to Source which can be directed for a purpose, or is Archangel Michael an actual entity with his own Will, who decides whether or not he wants to help?

When we perceive Archangel Michael, are we perceiving an universal energy that takes on the symbolic form we expect, or are we perceiving something other than that?
Michael is a universal energy closest to Source directed for one purpose only: "I want humanity, humanity wants glory." Now if any of that doesn't sit right with you, stay the heck away!!! :/