View Full Version : The Silent Knowledge

28th September 2013, 11:07 PM
Anyone can tap into the silent knowledge. It is an awareness that knows all things because it is one with all things. This oneness can give us answers that we normally would not have because we realize our oneness with the source of all life. For many people the silent knowledge has been blocked by the ego's perception of separation and individuality. In other words the ego spends too much time holding the ball, and thinking of itself. We think we already have all the answers and have developed no way to listen to sources outside of our own egos. The silent knowledge can be seen as a telepathic link that provides knowledge and answers and can guide an individual to accomplish anything. This is done because of our link to the environment and every living being. The silent knowledge is like a channel of all knowing awareness. It is a voice of seeing because it sees and knows how to accomplish what you are seeking. It already has the answers. The first step in developing a clear link to silent knowledge is to intend one, and then become aware that all things are one and interconnected. Energy can be perceived directly and awareness can be attained. All the answers are within everything around us. Some people possess a clear link already and as such have great insights, and knowingness, success and ability. It can be said that they are more intuitive and even observant than most. they have a voice, or a link inside of them that guides them and bestows to them answers and awareness. We all have the ability to see energy directly, so that we can see, but many have invested their focus into their egos, and their self-importance. Removing the focus from our individual importance and our egos naturally leaves more energy to be free and directed accordingly. Once the link to our ego dissolves more awareness is free to witness this connection to all things, and the awareness that it can bestow. Most don't realize just how much of our attention is invested in the ego and the self-importance we possess. When one takes back this energy attention is free to focus on other sources, including the true energy that is before us. It has been said that all the answers are within us, and we have all that we need. and i tend to agree, however first we need to rid ourselves of the fixation we have to our own individuality and our self importance. The ego.

It would be nice if there were a magical teaching that stated that work on eradicating the ego is not needed, and that all we need to do is think that it was true. But sadly for the average person our ego is developed and very self-important. It spends most of our energy reaffirming itself, strengthening itself, and telling us how great we are. It positions itself to be better than most people. It takes a great amount of work to derail self-importance, for it is a habitual process that is well ingrained into most people. It takes self-awareness and rehabituating. It means watching yourself and reforming the energy that is so accustomed to us. One with no self-importance has no need to waste energy defending their opinions and does not care if someone does not like them. they don't need to protect their precious self. A good place to start is to realize just how small we are in the grand scheme of infinity. We only have so much energy, so much attention to give to ourself, and the world around us, and spending it in ego is wasteful. Once the energy starts to be diverted it flows through new channels and pathways, into areas like silent knowledge, seeing energy directly, and new awareness. In one school of thought our mind upholds the world we live in, our attention is the essence of time, this means that our thoughts and our awareness is responsible for the world we perceive. By changing that awareness, and by changing your thoughts you can effect change in the world. Your awareness dictates your perceptions, they are like a link. The energy needed for this sorcery of the mindscape is trapped in self-importance, sustaining just how great we are and how much we think we know. It creates rigidity in our awareness, because we think we know of everything. This makes stagnant energy, and locks our perception into the normal everyday world. The energy needed to break that mold to perceive new things is tied up in the ego. Forget what you think you know about the world, and open your horizons to something beyond yourself. Become small so that you may grow. Become humble so you may be open to learn.

29th September 2013, 01:35 AM
all in all, i have found that the ole ego is is required, however, is not one's true ideation. to pull off the multi-faceted roles, required of family, friends, just people in general, one requires a transmission. it is merely a refinement of shifting, even a pairing down of many roles into more general categories where fewer shifts give way to smoothness.

i've even discovered that a lot of traits i had suffered as negatives, are indeed of positive resource. like, it is quite alright to be an very good at being an arsehole, if in fact that all the circumstances allow. otherwise, you don't pull out a wrench if you need another kind of tool.

also, copy skills are best, however, there is nothing wrong with behavioral mechanisms that help one manuever/navigate unfamiliar ground, or even their familiar ground. Life is a kinda proving ground for a healthy admix of behavioral mechanisms and coping skills.

like, one mans junk is another man's treasure. my behavioral mechanism that i may suffer, might with another be the very coping skill they are hoping for.

being humble is taking what you got, along with what you may have put into practice, and just doing your best, as your are.

also, it is important to remember, that even selfishness is redeemable, for without it, there would be no road, as no one would undertake such a lonely way through self-persecution arriving at one's true self.

folks wonder where is this road, yet do not realize they themselves are the very road, each in every of One body of Makind/Humanity. Suffering is unavoidable. suffering the suffering is avoidable.

but, we do not disagree.

the most humbling awareness is when you realize what's really taking place all around you. the shear magnitude of our co-worlds [persons] as one world [all people] happening at once, like a spinning top that does not fall, is such certitude beyond one's self, that humility cannot but respond.

the most negative force in our one world is those people whom with doom and gloom cast negative judgement upon what they are thinking to see. they goe as far as negatively judging being human even as they too are human, as if being human as we all cannot but be, is the worst imaginable "thing" to be. cumulatively, this gathered condemning force is the hatred which is even adversarial to them which in their own judgemental force have brought "it" to bear upon us all.

there is nothing that is greater than is Human, such that being Human is nothing to be taken for granted.

the autonomy of one's awareness would be grave error, for all of nature reacts from awareness, and all of nature responds in kind, in that all of nature is what nature cannot but be. partnering, as nature exemplifies is the key modality, for in nature a reaction merely brings the awareness up into the conscious realm of activity, to therefrom respond. where with man, man's reactions rule mankind, with little or no responce time accordingly given wherein all concerned is/are protected. this is the difference between mindful and mindless. nature rest within serenity, reaction stirs, responce is given. man never rests, thus is ever reactive.

nothing may be responsively given, if not from rest, even as this going through reactivity comes. this is why peace always at hand is arrested, within laws that mankind having not rested within, are ever willfully broken simply because man will not rest.

are we to claim that we do not know how to rest? ahhh, yet who among us, does not yearn for rest. can anyone yearn for that which is not within them that they might from yearn?

if i am churning butter then i understand what is rest. if i am making homemade wine then i understand what is rest.

we do know everything are able to think upon everything from our knowing; yet we do not apply that understanding which our road reveals to us every sleepless waking moment.

endlessness or infinity, what would these be at all, if not for us whom consciously in a few words, ply our ability to ponder such as would not be if not for our being that through conscious recognition, sees?

the utility of words is not perforce given through humans to in turn iradicate our humanous. this utility is rather ours, such that we realize ourselves within our co-ability to understand being Human.

words negatively bent against one's self, is why we are all afraid today, as with any day gone by. is why life is so cheaply expendable, so much so that we won't even acknowledge how expendable life has become, are co-willing to sacrifice anything, even life as a suggestively mere "thing", so that our fears are lessened. yet, where is our rest in that?

there is no such thing as a school of thought. there is only us whom think, us whom imagine to know. however, we are all within this samely together, equally so'd, equally reaping.

when we've had enough, i reckon we will have had enough. therein we'd all be so'd within our new co-beginning, for having had enough is the end of "it" as surrendered "things" that had held us to our distraction from one another.

Reckoner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVegpypXN1I

if we inundate the natural barrier reef, we cannot blame the tides eroding of the shored, even as a manmade wall of thinking would imagine to know, with holding back the tide's natural erosionability through manmade erosion of the rightful tide.

a pleasure reading you,


p.s. knowledge may be silent, but the outcrys of human beings reveal what knowledge sown without understanding reaps, and unfortunately is sown toward the next generations to themselves reap.

29th September 2013, 09:11 AM
Anyone can tap into the silent knowledge. It is an awareness that knows all things because it is one with all things. This oneness can give us answers that we normally would not have because we realize our oneness with the source of all life. For many people the silent knowledge has been blocked by the ego's perception of separation and individuality. In other words the ego spends too much time holding the ball, and thinking of itself. We think we already have all the answers and have developed no way to listen to sources outside of our own egos. The silent knowledge can be seen as a telepathic link that provides knowledge and answers and can guide an individual to accomplish anything. This is done because of our link to the environment and every living being. The silent knowledge is like a channel of all knowing awareness. It is a voice of seeing because it sees and knows how to accomplish what you are seeking. It already has the answers. The first step in developing a clear link to silent knowledge is to intend one, and then become aware that all things are one and interconnected. Energy can be perceived directly and awareness can be attained. All the answers are within everything around us. Some people possess a clear link already and as such have great insights, and knowingness, success and ability. It can be said that they are more intuitive and even observant than most. they have a voice, or a link inside of them that guides them and bestows to them answers and awareness. We all have the ability to see energy directly, so that we can see, but many have invested their focus into their egos, and their self-importance. Removing the focus from our individual importance and our egos naturally leaves more energy to be free and directed accordingly. Once the link to our ego dissolves more awareness is free to witness this connection to all things, and the awareness that it can bestow. Most don't realize just how much of our attention is invested in the ego and the self-importance we possess. When one takes back this energy attention is free to focus on other sources, including the true energy that is before us. It has been said that all the answers are within us, and we have all that we need. and i tend to agree, however first we need to rid ourselves of the fixation we have to our own individuality and our self importance. The ego.

It would be nice if there were a magical teaching that stated that work on eradicating the ego is not needed, and that all we need to do is think that it was true. But sadly for the average person our ego is developed and very self-important. It spends most of our energy reaffirming itself, strengthening itself, and telling us how great we are. It positions itself to be better than most people. It takes a great amount of work to derail self-importance, for it is a habitual process that is well ingrained into most people. It takes self-awareness and rehabituating. It means watching yourself and reforming the energy that is so accustomed to us. One with no self-importance has no need to waste energy defending their opinions and does not care if someone does not like them. they don't need to protect their precious self. A good place to start is to realize just how small we are in the grand scheme of infinity. We only have so much energy, so much attention to give to ourself, and the world around us, and spending it in ego is wasteful. Once the energy starts to be diverted it flows through new channels and pathways, into areas like silent knowledge, seeing energy directly, and new awareness. In one school of thought our mind upholds the world we live in, our attention is the essence of time, this means that our thoughts and our awareness is responsible for the world we perceive. By changing that awareness, and by changing your thoughts you can effect change in the world. Your awareness dictates your perceptions, they are like a link. The energy needed for this sorcery of the mindscape is trapped in self-importance, sustaining just how great we are and how much we think we know. It creates rigidity in our awareness, because we think we know of everything. This makes stagnant energy, and locks our perception into the normal everyday world. The energy needed to break that mold to perceive new things is tied up in the ego. Forget what you think you know about the world, and open your horizons to something beyond yourself. Become small so that you may grow. Become humble so you may be open to learn.

Thank you for this post....:-)
I am aware of this source and I am also able to tap into it now and then...what I am more comfuced that I am not able all the time to tap into it...but I know it has to do with relaxation and just do it....when I start to hesitate...then I am doubting my own abillity and will not succeed...I am working on this to solve.


29th September 2013, 06:02 PM
all in all, i have found that the ole ego is is required, however, is not one's true ideation. to pull off the multi-faceted roles, required of family, friends, just people in general, one requires a transmission. it is merely a refinement of shifting, even a pairing down of many roles into more general categories where fewer shifts give way to smoothness.

i've even discovered that a lot of traits i had suffered as negatives, are indeed of positive resource. like, it is quite alright to be an very good at being an arsehole, if in fact that all the circumstances allow. otherwise, you don't pull out a wrench if you need another kind of tool.

also, copy skills are best, however, there is nothing wrong with behavioral mechanisms that help one manuever/navigate unfamiliar ground, or even their familiar ground. Life is a kinda proving ground for a healthy admix of behavioral mechanisms and coping skills.

like, one mans junk is another man's treasure. my behavioral mechanism that i may suffer, might with another be the very coping skill they are hoping for.

being humble is taking what you got, along with what you may have put into practice, and just doing your best, as your are.

also, it is important to remember, that even selfishness is redeemable, for without it, there would be no road, as no one would undertake such a lonely way through self-persecution arriving at one's true self.

folks wonder where is this road, yet do not realize they themselves are the very road, each in every of One body of Makind/Humanity. Suffering is unavoidable. suffering the suffering is avoidable.

but, we do not disagree.

the most humbling awareness is when you realize what's really taking place all around you. the shear magnitude of our co-worlds [persons] as one world [all people] happening at once, like a spinning top that does not fall, is such certitude beyond one's self, that humility cannot but respond.

the most negative force in our one world is those people whom with doom and gloom cast negative judgement upon what they are thinking to see. they goe as far as negatively judging being human even as they too are human, as if being human as we all cannot but be, is the worst imaginable "thing" to be. cumulatively, this gathered condemning force is the hatred which is even adversarial to them which in their own judgemental force have brought "it" to bear upon us all.

there is nothing that is greater than is Human, such that being Human is nothing to be taken for granted.

the autonomy of one's awareness would be grave error, for all of nature reacts from awareness, and all of nature responds in kind, in that all of nature is what nature cannot but be. partnering, as nature exemplifies is the key modality, for in nature a reaction merely brings the awareness up into the conscious realm of activity, to therefrom respond. where with man, man's reactions rule mankind, with little or no responce time accordingly given wherein all concerned is/are protected. this is the difference between mindful and mindless. nature rest within serenity, reaction stirs, responce is given. man never rests, thus is ever reactive.

nothing may be responsively given, if not from rest, even as this going through reactivity comes. this is why peace always at hand is arrested, within laws that mankind having not rested within, are ever willfully broken simply because man will not rest.

are we to claim that we do not know how to rest? ahhh, yet who among us, does not yearn for rest. can anyone yearn for that which is not within them that they might from yearn?

if i am churning butter then i understand what is rest. if i am making homemade wine then i understand what is rest.

we do know everything are able to think upon everything from our knowing; yet we do not apply that understanding which our road reveals to us every sleepless waking moment.

endlessness or infinity, what would these be at all, if not for us whom consciously in a few words, ply our ability to ponder such as would not be if not for our being that through conscious recognition, sees?

the utility of words is not perforce given through humans to in turn iradicate our humanous. this utility is rather ours, such that we realize ourselves within our co-ability to understand being Human.

words negatively bent against one's self, is why we are all afraid today, as with any day gone by. is why life is so cheaply expendable, so much so that we won't even acknowledge how expendable life has become, are co-willing to sacrifice anything, even life as a suggestively mere "thing", so that our fears are lessened. yet, where is our rest in that?

there is no such thing as a school of thought. there is only us whom think, us whom imagine to know. however, we are all within this samely together, equally so'd, equally reaping.

when we've had enough, i reckon we will have had enough. therein we'd all be so'd within our new co-beginning, for having had enough is the end of "it" as surrendered "things" that had held us to our distraction from one another.

Reckoner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVegpypXN1I

if we inundate the natural barrier reef, we cannot blame the tides eroding of the shored, even as a manmade wall of thinking would imagine to know, with holding back the tide's natural erosionability through manmade erosion of the rightful tide.

a pleasure reading you,


p.s. knowledge may be silent, but the outcrys of human beings reveal what knowledge sown without understanding reaps, and unfortunately is sown toward the next generations to themselves reap.

I just want to point out a useful tool i discovered regarding sorcery. In sorcery there is a practice that opens up new worlds. It is called suspending judgement. Naturally we all have judgements, and observations we have built up during the course of our lives and experiences. In sorcery the task is to suspend these judgements, cancelling them out to allow a new flow of awareness to surface. It, in practice, allows new energy to form. In this concept it is our judgements and our awareness that we possess that keeps us fixated in the world, and by suspending them the practitioner stops the world from being the same manifestation that we have cultivated. It is helpful for removing negative judgements and observations from the world, and the people around us and allows in practice a new configuration to arise. It takes the expression sow and you shall reap what you sow very seriously. It places the power in your hands, so that your judgements are actively forming the world. So when you judge people as being generous you receive the fruits of this judgement as reward. The world is very magical when we can perceive it as being so. The power is in our awareness and our perception. Judge not lest ye be judged. I know it is very biblical but there is much knowledge and wisdom in the bible.

29th September 2013, 06:05 PM
Thank you for this post....:-)
I am aware of this source and I am also able to tap into it now and then...what I am more comfuced that I am not able all the time to tap into it...but I know it has to do with relaxation and just do it....when I start to hesitate...then I am doubting my own abillity and will not succeed...I am working on this to solve.

I had encountered the same problem in my past. I overcame doubt by realizing that the power i invested in it was mine to take back. I started to see that even in the face of my doubts my intent could still manifest. This way i repositioned the power in the doubts to be smaller then the power of my intent to succeed. Every time after that i encountered my doubts and my fears, my intent was stronger because i realized it as being so. The power of our minds and realizations, the power of our intent can overcome doubt.

30th September 2013, 12:06 AM
I just want to point out a useful tool i discovered regarding sorcery. In sorcery there is a practice that opens up new worlds. It is called suspending judgement. Naturally we all have judgements, and observations we have built up during the course of our lives and experiences. In sorcery the task is to suspend these judgements, cancelling them out to allow a new flow of awareness to surface. It, in practice, allows new energy to form. In this concept it is our judgements and our awareness that we possess that keeps us fixated in the world, and by suspending them the practitioner stops the world from being the same manifestation that we have cultivated. It is helpful for removing negative judgements and observations from the world, and the people around us and allows in practice a new configuration to arise. It takes the expression sow and you shall reap what you sow very seriously. It places the power in your hands, so that your judgements are actively forming the world. So when you judge people as being generous you receive the fruits of this judgement as reward. The world is very magical when we can perceive it as being so. The power is in our awareness and our perception. Judge not lest ye be judged. I know it is very biblical but there is much knowledge and wisdom in the bible.

awesome.:) sorry about the overload in your thread here.

30th September 2013, 12:14 AM
awesome.:) sorry about the overload in your thread here.

no problem at all.

30th September 2013, 05:04 AM
really liked this thread. I once had an experience where my ego was blasted, and i just zoomed out of this world into the stars. I instantly understood how small but inter-connected we are.

30th September 2013, 01:03 PM
Many mystical traditions (such as A Course in Miracles) indeed teaches about the ego's failed attempt to make itself real by causing us to believe the illusion of separation, but it is my opinion that disciplines that teach to 'destroy the ego' are self-defeating because they place too much emphasis on the ego and its defects, mental devices that actually work to strengthen it, instead of working on the understanding that eternity is reality and the ego really doesn't exist, and leaving it at that.

30th September 2013, 03:11 PM
it is my opinion that disciplines that teach to 'destroy the ego' are self-defeating because they place too much emphasis on the ego and its defects, mental devices that actually work to strengthen it, instead of working on the understanding that eternity is reality and the ego really doesn't exist, and leaving it at that.
Ditto. That to which your give energy and attention persists. The more energy and attention you put on your ego and its attempts to destroy itself (which is ridiculous, when you think about it; it's like a drawing deciding to pick up an eraser and remove itself), the more the ego is actually involved in BEING.

[EDIT] I saw a joke today that reminded me of this thread. Slightly modified: The Ego is the most important element. According to the Ego.

In other words, the Ego is SO IMPORTANT you have to spend lots of time and energy and focus on it, to eradicate it. Yeah. That's it. Ego = important. Pay attention to it. ;)

30th September 2013, 06:57 PM
Many mystical traditions (such as A Course in Miracles) indeed teaches about the ego's failed attempt to make itself real by causing us to believe the illusion of separation, but it is my opinion that disciplines that teach to 'destroy the ego' are self-defeating because they place too much emphasis on the ego and its defects, mental devices that actually work to strengthen it, instead of working on the understanding that eternity is reality and the ego really doesn't exist, and leaving it at that.

Amen! is exactly what Jesus meant when he said, "Satan get thee behind me". support Me, I am the real or genuine article. i agree wholeheartedly, to "think" otherwise is to feed the enormity of the ego, instead of actively loving your (perceived) enemy.

the word and the flesh as one, and all that jaZZ. dance...........count "it" joy. when we, when our co-world, become/s real to us, then we will see the change, simply because we will be the change that we wish to see...Ghandi.

wonderful teachers/mentors up in this forum watching over us. thanks be to CFT and BW in this thread's case.

beyond the "ideal", I love this artist's sculpture depicting what cannot be put into words...

Truth Is Beauty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJIs3_lnMHk&feature=em-share_video_user

all human form, all ego from and through that form, come from and through the Feminine. "it" isnt so much that we need to call Her Goddess, in as much as "it" is about treating Her like a Goddess. just like saying, "I love you", without the loving the words mean zilch.

the "Silent Knowledge" is therefore from actualized being, about doing or walking the talk, by or being the example of what otherwise is left dead in the water as spoken/written words undone, being undone do not add to life and merely subtract from life's availability to provide for the doing, therefore add to death, death while breathing yet is, though sadly true being is not, as swallowed doctrines and dogmatic "themes/ideas" that never leave the spoken/written word. Houston, we do not have lift off....wa...wa..wa..wahhh.

body language....dance your truth beauti~fly.

30th September 2013, 07:17 PM
to "think" otherwise is to feed the enormity of the ego, instead of actively loving your (perceived) enemy.
Wow. That's some food for thought. I have traditionally always been my own worst enemy. What you just suggested has sent my perceptions in whole new directions. Thanks, Tim.

30th September 2013, 07:37 PM
wow. thanks BW. i realize that you have an active operable understanding of Buddha [Understanding], because this is what He intended to impart. or to say, that when we learn how to properly suffer, the suffering is refined to where we may with comfort reside within much discomfort, perhaps not our own personal discomfort, but that which we observe and witness around within other's perceptive-disabilitys. "it" is much like the dial is just a hair off the desired station's signal with much static and less depth of clarity. the mind without clarity cannot but contrive or matrix [static noise] that which we imagine is the real depth into an artificiality of reality, perhaps even as a worship~abled idol. is this wrong? of course not. is it right? of course not. "it" just is 'as it is' until such time as "it" ain't enough.