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30th September 2013, 02:36 AM
so i have been very interested in sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming for a long time now but just started to research OBE's. Earlier today i tried some techniques i had read about and think i may have had a brief experience of one.

i was relaxing in a swivel office chair (at work haha) and could feel my body was frozen, but i was still somewhat conscious. i swiveled the chair to try and pull out that way and did, a little. i could see coworkers in the office (not really there) and about half of my own face and then suddenly i saw a blue/white flash and almost a zapping sound and i was awake. but i dont know if it was just a dream from all the research or what. can you give me your thoughts?

30th September 2013, 01:07 PM
More than likely you were in the hypnagogic state, a preprojection stage in which the dreaming mind starts producing images and sounds. This is a fascinating state and a platform to projection if you can hold your focus and not fall asleep. Luckily (?) you were in a situation that fostered 'not completely falling asleep.' The zapping sound could have been the frequency reintegration that is sometimes heard when you are shifting frequencies.

3rd October 2013, 04:56 AM
thank you for responding! so lately i have been trying to put myself in a trance state and try to project that way but i dont know when my cue is to attempt it. my entire body becomes numb and i can sometimes feel myself spinning or moving but i dont feel any vibrations. any tips you can give?

3rd October 2013, 12:35 PM
Yes, I recommend you start by reading this:

and Robert's Treatise on Astral Projection, specifically this (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/content.php?195-Part-3-Projection-Training) part.