View Full Version : Is it possible?

1st October 2013, 03:35 PM
Hey guys,

Recently I've been dreaming too many times about a certain guy. Apart from thinking too much about him in the day (which I sometimes do), could it be possible that he may be... intercepting my dreams? In person, he's trying to attract me with his hot&cold games which is kinda working, though I don't let him know that I'm falling for it. But in my dreams, I cannot help blushing when mutual friends tease us about our 'relationship', or chase after him when he disappears and reappears. I feel like my subconscious is giving me away (this thread is kinda reminiscent of Leyla's thread (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?16395-Beating-the-Love-Game-on-the-Astral) huh).

Why I have this suspicion is because, he's been lucid dreaming for as long as he could remember, though I'm unsure about his astral abilities. I've never OBE-ed before, but have recently learnt to control my lucid dreams. So he's got an edge over me, as far as control over lucid dreams may be concerned.

Of course, I know that if we think a lot about something in the day, we might dream of it at night. I would wholeheartedly accept this explanation, if the possibility of dream interception is too crazy or unheard of. Am I thinking too much? Any thoughts or opinions would be much appreciated!

2nd October 2013, 07:54 AM
Hey Effy :wave:
i did intercept dreams , not once but many many times , i used to dance professionally a long long time ago , my company was one of great prestige , one day just like that , i got up and out of bed and decided not to dance anymore , no decisions , no judgement , no pre-meditation , no motive , no incentive.
For a company member to just up and leave coldly like that either means someone is threatening either their life for their role or higher more singular position had come up (neither was the case).And is considered the equivalent of splashing wine in your superior's face.
i cant tell you the many a times when i intercepted my dance master's and my artistic directors dreams (i had no idea at all they were that interested in me and my quitall)

One particular night in a dream stood the all three of us , waiting to break a glass (a glass is broken and the dancer steps in on it with new shoes making mincing steps as people cheer , to soften the soles , signifying the start of a new fruitful season)
I just looked at them both standing there, the look on their faces absolutely priceless , and started laughing , in fact I woke up laughing.

The going ons on me and my private life are exclusively confidential to me and my person , no one is allowed to step in unless clearly granted privy.In this case I had the right not to explain my decision to quit and fought with all my might till the very end to protect that right.

there are a number of things i'm not fond of within myself , but the sort of person for whom the saying "in a battle of wills only mine shall prevail" rings only too true :-)

Believe in your individuality : its a powerful thing.

2nd October 2013, 08:47 AM
Hey Effy :wave:
i did intercept dreams , not once but many many times , i used to dance professionally a long long time ago , my company was one of great prestige , one day just like that , i got up and out of bed and decided not to dance anymore , no decisions , no judgement , no pre-meditation , no motive , no incentive.
For a company member to just up and leave coldly like that either means someone is threatening either their life for their role or higher more singular position had come up (neither was the case).And is considered the equivalent of splashing wine in your superior's face.
i cant tell you the many a times when i intercepted my dance master's and my artistic directors dreams (i had no idea at all they were that interested in me and my quitall)

One particular night in a dream stood the all three of us , waiting to break a glass (a glass is broken and the dancer steps in on it with new shoes making mincing steps as people cheer , to soften the soles , signifying the start of a new fruitful season)
I just looked at them both standing there, the look on their faces absolutely priceless , and started laughing , in fact I woke up laughing.

The going ons on me and my private life are exclusively confidential to me and my person , no one is allowed to step in unless clearly granted privy.In this case I had the right not to explain my decision to quit and fought with all my might till the very end to protect that right.

there are a number of things i'm not fond of within myself , but the sort of person for whom the saying "in a battle of wills only mine shall prevail" rings only too true :-)

Believe in your individuality : its a powerful thing.

Hey DarkChlyde, thanks for sharing your experience and letting me know that dream interception is not impossible!

As an update, last night when I did my circle of protection before falling asleep, I added in a few words about blocking this guy. And I had a dreamless sleep for the first time in many nights.

2nd October 2013, 08:54 AM
As an update, last night when I did my circle of protection before falling asleep, I added in a few words about blocking this guy. And I had a dreamless sleep for the first time in many nights.

there we go , good as new :thumbsup: