View Full Version : Transfering physical mass into an astral projection

6th October 2013, 07:46 PM
The first step to this incredible feat is to realize that the physical body can be altered from its original form by using mental focus and projection.

All of the ideas we have about our body create a pattern of manifestation that the body follows, like a blueprint.

All the knowledge we have about the body is responsible for the projection of this pattern. This includes our beliefs, our knowledge and awareness of the body.

Awareness creates perception, and so as you expand awareness your perception will expand to match. Our awareness dictates our experience. Any change in awareness will result in the equivalent change in our experience. We call these shifts of awareness.

With controlled shifts of awareness one can guide the perceptions of the body. As you actively learn of the body your awareness and perceptions grow. One can control the shifts by controlling the knowledge one applies to this pattern. One can, with practice, control the knowledge that forms the body. Actively enhancing the awareness of the body.

The definition one applies to their body defines the form you are casting. So as you change your definition, expanding it, so does the pattern change to match. It is best to actively search for a higher awareness of the body. For as your awareness grows so does your body.

The first thing to do upon realization that you are responsible for casting the form of your body is to do away with all the curses we place on it. All the scientific limitations we place onto our definition. These are all just patterns and manifestation we consciously place into our form. The truth if you can see it now is that your body is a vessel of potential. It can become any pattern or form. Any kind of knowledge may be applied. You can create your own ideas. All it takes is fluidity, and practice.

If anyone has any ideas, comments, or questions I would be happy to hear them. Have you ever transformed your body in any subtle or profound way?

6th October 2013, 08:25 PM
Once in the early days of OBE I felt OBE in progress and was viewing a dark mist raising from my body but was viewing from the door. I was also viewing the lighter mist at the door from the darker mist. As me merged I had a quick sight and feeling of being an earwig.
This was amusing at the time but didn't want to repeat. It didn't last long enough for me to experience being one and I had being reading previously about this possibility. Ugh

6th October 2013, 08:46 PM
Once in the early days of OBE I felt OBE in progress and was viewing a dark mist raising from my body but was viewing from the door. I was also viewing the lighter mist at the door from the darker mist. As me merged I had a quick sight and feeling of being an earwig.
This was amusing at the time but didn't want to repeat. It didn't last long enough for me to experience being one and I had being reading previously about this possibility. Ugh

An earwig, gross. But I do hold the value of the experience highly. I too have had times of becoming other animals. My most notable experience was of becoming a dragon for few seconds. I also have become a dog, and had the mouth of a cat while eating salmon. Yum.

I had learned once upon a powerful shift that as you focus your attention on an animal your attention can become the animal. This realization sparked a connection from my attention to the form I wanted to become. At the moment of the shift I looked at a dog in the street and felt my entire head become that of the dog. I could feel his nostrils breathing and flaring, and could feel the sensitivity of the nose in the wind. It was what I call an active realization. One that sparked the transformation.

6th October 2013, 09:04 PM
I think it's Kurt Leland who writes of his deep experiences whilst viewing a particular type of fly skimming across the water on a river and he became that fly and could feel the water skimming past his feet as if he was that fly. He felt he had become that fly for a brief moment .

7th October 2013, 01:18 AM
I think it's Kurt Leland who writes of his deep experiences whilst viewing a particular type of fly skimming across the water on a river and he became that fly and could feel the water skimming past his feet as if he was that fly. He felt he had become that fly for a brief moment .

I believe it.