View Full Version : strange childhood experience.

12th October 2013, 11:56 PM
When I was a young'n, around 8 or 9, I was in bed for the night. Not sleeping, I was looking up at the ceiling when these faces came down at me one after another rapidly, not sure how many I would guess 7, they were not scary faces, but they we're pleasant either. After the last one a strong sensation like a charge went through my body from head to toe, it didn't hurt, but it was not pleasurable either. I don't remember anything significant happening following that but I have never forgot it and think about it often, even all these years later, wondering what it was or represented. I'm wondering if anyone has experience something like this or my have an idea of what this experience was or represented?

13th October 2013, 04:29 PM
The parade of faces is something that often happens at first when you meditate deeply into a state of trance, and I'm almost sure that everyone who practices to have conscious out of body experiences get them from time to time. I am not sure what it means, there have been many interpretations, such as memories coming to the surface, your subconscious 'creating' something to startle you out of the state, 'astral' beings, past life memories- you name it. Whatever it means, it happens.

5th November 2013, 10:38 PM
Mine is not exactly the same but I also seen a face while doing an AP, but I'm still conscious, my eyes are half opened, I'm still in a first stage of meditation. I saw a face of an Indian lady with bindi on her forehead. I saw her right before me, she was saying like "look on to this dot (as she points her index finger) so you can concentrate well." After that, I feel the vibrations are being amplified and I went into lucid dreaming.

6th November 2013, 01:22 PM
Alright then I'll throw mine in the mix as briefly as possible. I'm looking through a small window in a door at a group of people in the room. They file up one by one and look at me then file away. The lighting was a monotone orange. I concluded then it was a hypnagogic experience considering my 'conscious' state during the affair.