View Full Version : What would you do if you had cancer?
14th October 2013, 09:27 PM
Curious what people on this forum would do if they had (or suspect they have) cancer, esp if any of the following describes you/your belief system:
- you are not afraid to die, but maybe the pain/suffering and the dying process might bother you
- the body has the natural ability to heal (along with many natural/alternative healing methods)
- the mind has the ability to influence the outcome
- not much faith in how western medicine treats cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, etc)
- everything happens for a reason, even diseases/illnesses
- underlying all diseases/illnesses is spiritual forces at work (e.g. karma, reincarnation/lessons, spirit possession, self-induced, etc)
- cancer screening could lead to overdiagnosis ( _cancer_progression)
I'm guessing many people on this forum are on some kind of a spiritual journey/path to discover that we are more than our physical body. So the question is, if you had cancer, or you think you might have cancer, what would you do? Do you go to a doctor to get a diagnosis (knowing the cancer might just go away on its own)? What healing modality and treatment (if any) would you look into? Would you try to heal yourself or seek experts? There are so many different healing modalities and alternative treatments for cancer out there, it is so difficult to filter out the good from the bad.
Also, please share any (if you know of any) promising cancer treatments/methods (with solid experience/science/research, not n = 1)
14th October 2013, 10:58 PM
I'm not sure how to answer this question, because I've 'been there, done that'.
I tried to address it publicly, but found that I couldn't, which is interesting, I can talk about specifics, but not necessarily with my beliefs regarding the disease. If you have specifics, I'll talk to you regarding whatever you want to know, but it seems I can't do it in the public forum.
15th October 2013, 03:39 AM
I am happy you ask, now I have an opportunity to talk about my belief about the most decese what haunts humans, cancer.
I believe that cancer is a key in a way, it will show you the area you might work on in your life, and also a key to show your fear and weakness so you can work on it to improve and also know life deeper.
Take me for thyrodea gland did go wild and was removed so it is easier to control my hormone levels by medicin, and doctors did think I had cancer in the gland but I am lucky that it did not go that deep.
Thyrodea gland is a life supporting and body supporting hormone producing gland with the hyphophys, they work togeather so to speak. Now when I do not have a thyrodea gland hypophys does still be the marcour to tell that I have right amount of hormone in my system...the level of THC is telling if I need more or less of the hormone medicin and I also are starting to notice when to contact a doctor to take a test on the hormone levels to know if I have to take more or less medicin.
I have never bean able to speak up and talk or call for help, but this deaces are learning me this lacking abillity, the thyrodea gland´s location is in the throat...and throat chakra is for communication.
I have to learn to speak up for myself now, it is not easy when got this old, but life is a school, and learning is ongoing every minut of your life on earth, thank god for that.
So my belief is that cancer is a life teacher.
To get right balance in sleep, eat and exersice is crusial, and the more crusial if you have cancer. To beat cancer you have to have good physical health and be in a good psychologial healt too.
Have to gane self respect and trust and make LOVE come into self both inside love for your self but also express your love for life in all areas, both to others but most to your self.
I believe cancer to develop because of lack of self love.
Everything start´s with your self. There is only ONE and it is US. Learn to love you then you love all.
15th October 2013, 04:36 AM
Post deleted so as to avoid conflict. Apologies for sharing my thoughts and my reality.
15th October 2013, 04:59 AM
I'm just going to share my reaction to this topic.
I do not spend time, nor do I want to spend time, imagining what I would do if I had cancer. I don't want to put myself in that place, I don't want to energise any thoughts of that nature. I have given myself other illnesses (diabetes, for example) by spending too much time thinking about and worrying about what I'd do if I developed it, what my risk factors were/are, and so forth. So the idea of me trying to imagine myself in a place where I'm dealing with cancer? I'm not willing to go there, not even for the sake of a forum thread. ;)
I understand you reaction BW and I respect that, but how I understand this thread is much life in self are....and you by telling your story how you got your deseces is exactly...WORRYING.
This is the biggest threat´s combined with fear what developes all deaseses....we have to stop worrying us for this and that...the illneses is only a key to show what the body will develop as a help for self help....
We have to dare to discuss what make´s us ill!!!
15th October 2013, 05:10 AM
Post deleted so as to avoid conflict. Apologies for sharing my thoughts and my reality.
15th October 2013, 05:56 AM
This sounds almost like a school assignment :-). What got you interested in this question javalinar?
15th October 2013, 10:44 AM
Yes. Exactly. Which is why I make every effort to avoid worrying.
Imagining yourself in the situation of being sick, energising those thoughts with fear or worry or other energy, that's metaphysically unsound.
For me to have any idea how I would react, I'd have to create that in my mind, and, well, I'd rather not. ;)
So you mean BW that to share your knowledge and what led you to that, is not to share, but let everyone stuggle best they do keep your "secret´s" for your self??
I do believe in sharing the knowledge I have gained in life and if I can ease someone´s stuggle I am willing to do that...every time.
To talk about what will make us one of the reasons is....WORRYING.
Meditation is one of the key´s to make the mind to stop spinning in worry, for instance...
What is your secret??
15th October 2013, 12:50 PM
15th October 2013, 02:10 PM
Post deleted so as to avoid conflict. Apologies for sharing my thoughts and my reality. Lesson learned.
To the OP: I sincerely apologise. This derailing was not my intention. I only intended to put out a little "food for thought", and it appears to have snowballed into something else. Please forgive me. This will NOT happen again.
15th October 2013, 03:53 PM
I share BW's sentiments. Not even thinking about a negative "what-if-I..." is the best way.
I'd even go so far that I am "sure" that I won't develop cancer. Call it mindset or just an affirmation or whatever. Call me a fool if you will. ;)
On a sidenote, as an "evolving" naturopath you can of course safely assume that I would not go for orthodox treatment. By now, I know lots of 'alternative' treatments that work to alleviate or even heal completely certain types of cancer (and some treatments can be applied to all types). Therefore I would try a lot of them (provided I can afford them because some are costly, even more in their sum when you want to do all of them simultaneously).
But again: enough said. I agree with BW, let's better not even think about such things.
15th October 2013, 04:38 PM
This sounds almost like a school assignment :-). What got you interested in this question javalinar?
This thread is going in the wrong direction... :-( so I just want to clarify the first point I made (if you also resonate with this statement) is "you are not afraid to die". If this topic makes you uncomfortable, skip the thread.
All things considered, the thought of having cancer is something that produces a lot of fear/concern/worry in people. This thread is not really meant to dwell in that realm. It is more of, accepting a certain reality of life that happens to some people for x number of reasons (physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, lifestyle, genetics, etc) and that because we're on a spiritual journey of growth/development (as IA56 pointed out), what are PRACTICAL ways to approach this.
To go even deeper as to why I'm asking, I felt something "out of place" in my body over the past few weeks while doing energy work. I have the genetic factor and strong family history, but honestly, I don't feel fear or worry. It's not like I'm constantly dwelling in thoughts/fears that will eventually manifest that fear (LOA). I don't fear cancer/death, but I have two young children and a husband who is on a different spiritual path/journey. Matter of fact, he is a scientist, more specifically, an oncology researcher for a major pharma, and relies on hard data when it comes to any kind of medical treatment. Basically, anything related to the spiritual aspect of health/healing is pseudoscience. So if cancer were to be diagnosed, I'm most certain that he will pressure me to do a form of treatment I don't want to do.
It would be one thing if my own health/thoughts/reaction/choices affect only me but that's not how it works most of the time with cancer patients.
That said, this thread is NOT about me. It's a philosophical question to get a discussion going, so again, if this topic makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this thread.
15th October 2013, 04:45 PM
This thread is going in the wrong direction... :-( so I just want to clarify the first point I made (if you also resonate with this statement) is "you are not afraid to die". If this topic makes you uncomfortable, skip the thread.
All things considered, the thought of having cancer is something that produces a lot of fear/concern/worry in people. This thread is not really meant to dwell in that realm. It is more of, accepting a certain reality of life that happens to some people for x number of reasons (physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, lifestyle, genetics, etc) and that because we're on a spiritual journey of growth/development (as IA56 pointed out), what are PRACTICAL ways to approach this.
To go even deeper as to why I'm asking, I felt something "out of place" in my body over the past few weeks while doing energy work. I have the genetic factor and strong family history, but honestly, I don't feel fear or worry. It's not like I'm constantly dwelling in thoughts/fears that will eventually manifest that fear (LOA). I don't fear cancer/death, but I have two young children and a husband who is on a different spiritual path/journey. Matter of fact, he is a scientist, more specifically, an oncology researcher for a major pharma, and relies on hard data when it comes to any kind of medical treatment. Basically, anything related to the spiritual aspect of health/healing is pseudoscience. So if cancer were to be diagnosed, I'm most certain that he will pressure me to do a form of treatment I don't want to do.
It would be one thing if my own health/thoughts/reaction/choices affect only me but that's not how it works most of the time with cancer patients.
That said, this thread is NOT about me. It's a philosophical question to get a discussion going, so again, if this topic makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this thread.
Yes, I did read your right :-)
I am very interested to discuss this topic because it is to be solved to have the right mindset so to see this from a energy is possible...I am little bit in hurry...but I am very interested to penetrate this issue...thank you for bringing it is this kind of issues we ought to disscuss...this is what make us evolve as humans...
15th October 2013, 05:42 PM
No, folk´s ..let us put our heds into the sand and sing a happy song and not talk about any serious issue at this way we can protend that there is nothing healt threath what so ever....yey!! so brillint.
Well, I agree with you that of course one can talk about cancer and cancer treatments in general. I remember we also did and do a lot health discussion, even some kind of 'advice' if s.o. comes here with an existing health problem. And that's the point: existing, actual problem.
It was just about the conditional wording of the thread title and conditional basic question ('what would you do if you had' instead of e.g. maybe the usual 'what would you recommend to s.o. who has' ...).
So yes, I agree to you that of course these discussions are important, as with every negative (health or other) issue, if we talk about them in general or with s.o. who actually has that specific problem. So it was just the conditional wording that arouse some "resistance" (if you like to call it that way), but I think it's nothing to get so all worked up about now, IA56, you can relax again. :cool:;)
15th October 2013, 06:32 PM
Well, I agree with you that of course one can talk about cancer and cancer treatments in general. I remember we also did and do a lot health discussion, even some kind of 'advice' if s.o. comes here with an existing health problem. And that's the point: existing, actual problem.
It was just about the conditional wording of the thread title and conditional basic question ('what would you do if you had' instead of e.g. maybe the usual 'what would you recommend to s.o. who has' ...).
So yes, I agree to you that of course these discussions are important, as with every negative (health or other) issue, if we talk about them in general or with s.o. who actually has that specific problem. So it was just the conditional wording that arouse some "resistance" (if you like to call it that way), but I think it's nothing to get so all worked up about now, IA56, you can relax again. :cool:;)
15th October 2013, 08:19 PM
It was just about the conditional wording of the thread title and conditional basic question ('what would you do if you had' instead of e.g. maybe the usual 'what would you recommend to s.o. who has' ...)
Illnesses, symptoms, pain, etc in the human body are ways in which the universe is telling us about ourselves. One doesn't need an official diagnosis (be it cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, etc) from a doctor to know there's something 'wrong' with your health/body. Also, intuition (that inner voice) plays an important role too in helping people to self-diagnose or seek help. I'm not talking about being a hypochondria. I'm talking about a very real possibility that something is not right but you know going to see a medical doctor could be more harmful than helpful.
... that said, there's nothing wrong with using the conditional wording "what would you do if you... " out of curiosity and/or earnest desire to hear what others would do, and not out of fear-based "oh my god, I think have cancer, what should I do?!"
I wish people would stop being so critical and judgmental on this thread. This is supposed to be a safe forum for all of us to learn/share.
16th October 2013, 04:05 AM
I like how you clarified your intent and gently stayed true javalinar.
16th October 2013, 05:10 AM
Illnesses, symptoms, pain, etc in the human body are ways in which the universe is telling us about ourselves. One doesn't need an official diagnosis (be it cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, etc) from a doctor to know there's something 'wrong' with your health/body. Also, intuition (that inner voice) plays an important role too in helping people to self-diagnose or seek help. I'm not talking about being a hypochondria. I'm talking about a very real possibility that something is not right but you know going to see a medical doctor could be more harmful than helpful.
... that said, there's nothing wrong with using the conditional wording "what would you do if you... " out of curiosity and/or earnest desire to hear what others would do, and not out of fear-based "oh my god, I think have cancer, what should I do?!"
I wish people would stop being so critical and judgmental on this thread. This is supposed to be a safe forum for all of us to learn/share.
Hi javalinar,
I am of same thinking as you are :-) Nice to have this feeling of mutual understanding, it is not often I got to feel it, but I am feeling it now and I am so happy. Thank you!!
16th October 2013, 12:07 PM
I agree with your last sentiment, javalinar. Once again, if you'd like me to share my experience I'll be happy to do so in private.
20th October 2013, 05:02 AM
Mine's easy....... i'd follow the Body Electroniocs healing advice, since i already do / am in an energetic/ spiritual connections....
in mine eye, N.H.S. conventional Healing failed my parents miserably.......... struggle, suffering, pain, no resolution.... NO HEALING occured only time given, with LESSER symptoms.......
.....this is MY experience & i am aware it is not others........ gud luck to all others, i pray you get the Best there is, without suffering, trauma or un-necessary PAIN x~ x~x ~x
13th November 2013, 04:37 PM
I'm not willing to go there, not even for the sake of a forum thread. ;)
I'm with Bttrfly here. I can't even read this thread, in the same way I must stay away from WebMD. I can't let these sort of thoughts into the rich earth of my Mind where my imagination will take hold. Like BW, I have made myself sick over and again simply dwelling on being sick.
I'd give you some examples but I'd rather not - 'not even for the sake of a forum thread' ;-)
13th November 2013, 04:54 PM
Richard, Why Do you write å at all,javalinar wrote, if you find this thread uncomfortable, plese skip the thread...right? Love ia
13th November 2013, 05:03 PM
Richard, Why Do you write å at all,javalinar wrote, if you find this thread uncomfortable, plese skip the thread...right? Love ia
Well, on my screen .....had cancer didn't appear. Yes, I would not even have come by if I'd seen that WORD.
14th November 2013, 12:26 PM
Alright then, I'll play along.
If I learned I had cancer (and I've thought of that of before) I wouldn't do much of anything. I wouldn't turn what little money/property I've left over to doctors and hospitals. Besides, I've already given my daughter my major assets so there's not much else. So I wouldn't fight it money-wise.
I would like to square my social accounts before I go. Funny, I might re-marry my Ex just because I've known her and loved her longer than anybody else (save my brother). Since our divorce neither of us have re-married - and she's a pretty gal, hard to believe.
Within the last six years I've lost two of my best friends to cancer. One was very graceful about it and I would like to do as well. The other had a more difficult time and, I suppose, the process was in fact, more difficult.
There aren't really any fences to mend. Perhaps one, but she refuses to speak to me. I text'd her two nights ago, but no reply. My family loves me and they know I love them, so nothing to do there.
Bottom line, I would simply lay me down. But if that became too arduous, I definitely would consider self-euthanasia. Above all, I put my trust in the perfection of the Universe and pray for a quiet and unremarkable death.
[Highly recommended: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche]
14th November 2013, 04:28 PM
First of all anyone who has cancer GO SEEK Medical ATTENTION, and get a proper diagnosis. Then when you know what you are dealing with it is time to change your life. Completely rid your life of all distraction video games, tv, are battling for your life at this moment, and if you wish to help this world than you will need your your health!
But just so you guys know cancer is not a death sentence, medical science has improved so much. And yes it is expensive (depending on your country) to get treatment, but you should always do your own research. And that means breaking out the biologoy books yourself and reading about exactly what processes are going on in your body that cause the disease to happen.
Some great resources are
- Novocure ttf cap
- Bob beck protocal (, use products from sota instruments)
- Soylent
Continue to eat healthy, exercises, and focus your entire MIND<SOUL>BODY on getting healthy. Continue to meditate, master robert bruces spiritual programs and live your life the way it is ment to be lived. But the most important thing is to focus, Focus and concentrate with everything you have and fight this battle and win!
14th November 2013, 05:11 PM
First of all, atsguy, your presumptions are unfounded. I live by the Grace of Heaven and I shall die so. Did I fight Life when I was born? It wasn't easy I'm sure (but I can't remember). Will I fight death? Even less so.
I'm satisfied. Not too old (62) but I have no regrets - have lived a superlative life materially and spiritually - the way I see it. When my ticket for this physical journey expires I'll be happy to take the bus outa' here and hope for a speedy return. :)
14th November 2013, 06:01 PM
This is the thread that keeps on giving. I must say I didn't expect this much interest.
20th November 2013, 09:19 AM
There aren't really any fences to mend. Perhaps one, but she refuses to speak to me. I text'd her two nights ago, but no reply.
She text'd me tonight. She was drunk, but I'll take it! We'll meet up tomorrow. Sad, both her daughter and one of her bf"s were diagnosed with cancer and her other bf has had multiple surgeries. Life grinds on. I really hope I stay healthy.
27th December 2016, 11:54 PM
I would prepare a plan to stimulate body mind and spirit to heal itself.
This would complement the medical attention I would receive.
DIET - By putting incorporating the following into food on a weekly basis
Tamarind (sweet)
Ajwa Dates
Hemp Seeds
Diatomaceous Earth (for detox)
Training the Mindset to encourage the buds of love and gratitude for everything in my life
Find light and Laughter as often as possible amongst friends.
Finding time to sing each day
Finding time to give each day
Be utterly determined to move towards optimal health. Feel the inner strength and inner love to live in connection to everything
EXERCISE - Routines (with wiggle room for variety each day)
Stand up Yoga (Peter Van Daam)
Reverse Aging Meditation (Quantum Touch - Alain Herriot)
Reverse Aging Meditation ( Caves of Power - Sergio Magana -)
Use of a PandoraStar Device to encourage Healing
Use of Overtones to sing the tone of each Chakra
Use of a singing bowl for healing frequencies
12 Colour Meditation (Quantum Touch)
There is another natural plant tool that can be added to the daily routine which has anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness. It cannot be discussed here.
Create all of this as a routine and connections to friends to make life purposeful each week. Give my entire consciousness the chance to manifest optimal health.
No fighting cancer, no beating cancer, no getting angry at Cancer, just loving frequencies throughout entire consciousness.
All of the above almost sounds like an awakening to the way that life should be lived.
28th December 2016, 09:37 AM
No fighting cancer, no beating cancer, no getting angry at Cancer, just loving frequencies throughout entire consciousness.
i was contemplating these idea, as i was busy sorting my old bedroom.
i found a round green sparkle & also a Turkey shaped gold sparkle, i picked them up.
Myself & my 3D physicalized Simulation WOrld are congruent with your statement
Thankyou :idea:
28th December 2016, 07:13 PM
I realize I was being unnecesarily mystical. I have had cancer, twice already, and I'd do what I did- do the medical stuff, and live as if this was my last day. For me at least, cancer hasn't been my center of focus, only 'something that happened, but is all better now.'
28th December 2016, 07:46 PM
I realize I was being unnecesarily mystical. I have had cancer, twice already, and I'd do what I did- do the medical stuff, and live as if this was my last day. For me at least, cancer hasn't been my center of focus, only 'something that happened, but is all better now.'
Happy to hear that is all better now. :thumbsup:
29th December 2016, 08:16 AM
Strange for this thread to resurface again so suddenly. I was reminded of a few things because of it (mostly the reasons why I don't write that much about my views any more; it tends to piss people off too much).
I have other insights from this thread, too, but I'll keep those to myself (see above). ;)
29th December 2016, 10:38 AM
Curious what people on this forum would do if they had (or suspect they have) cancer, esp if any of the following describes you/your belief system:
- you are not afraid to die, but maybe the pain/suffering and the dying process might bother you
- the body has the natural ability to heal (along with many natural/alternative healing methods)
- the mind has the ability to influence the outcome
- not much faith in how western medicine treats cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, etc)
- everything happens for a reason, even diseases/illnesses
- underlying all diseases/illnesses is spiritual forces at work (e.g. karma, reincarnation/lessons, spirit possession, self-induced, etc)
- cancer screening could lead to overdiagnosis ( _cancer_progression)
I'm guessing many people on this forum are on some kind of a spiritual journey/path to discover that we are more than our physical body. So the question is, if you had cancer, or you think you might have cancer, what would you do? Do you go to a doctor to get a diagnosis (knowing the cancer might just go away on its own)? What healing modality and treatment (if any) would you look into? Would you try to heal yourself or seek experts? There are so many different healing modalities and alternative treatments for cancer out there, it is so difficult to filter out the good from the bad.
Also, please share any (if you know of any) promising cancer treatments/methods (with solid experience/science/research, not n = 1)
Is an interesting question, and I suspect you try to discover/evaluate how much forum member's behaviour is influenced by knowledge exposed at this site. In another words, ¿are we really Robert Bruce's teachings firm believers/practicants?
In my case, it would be interesting and source of surprise to develop a cancer. Main reason is I'm follower of Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg's discovery implicit teaching and prevention procedures derivates from that (alkaline feeding, specifically). Furthermore, somewhere I read about suspicion chemoterapy is the more antihealthier procedure.
Of course, it exists the risk cancer can have origin at a genetic code error and be independent of acidic/alcaline balance.
Too much research must be done in order to debug risks of actual conventional treatments.
29th December 2016, 11:16 AM
I want to add my discoveries about where my own development have taken me....I have had more to learn deep relaxation...the first was to speak up for myself....then to discover to stop being a good doer...I have bean so good to follow directions and practice until I drop down now I am dismantling all of this life´s must´s and compulsions and forces....that has exposed how deep my fear of what other´s may think/say...also shame and I have made a total halt and just sit and observe so I can start to get this fear out of my I can start to live for real reasons and not through the above what I have write is more complex than I can ever express in words....
I find more peace and courage when I at last have dared to look more deeply in me....
29th December 2016, 03:48 PM
I'm not a believer of 'alternative' treatments. This is because they all treat cancer as if it was 'one' disease with 'one' cause- and neither of those is true. It is a group of diseases that have one thing in common- producing growth of abnormal cells. This is the same as saying that 'all' viruses are alike, and they can be defeated by 'one' thing.
This is counterproductive, because it introduces the idea that you caused your disease- not in a metaphysical context, but in a physical, material, situational context, and this is the same as blaming someone for what happens to them. It does nothing for the disease, doesn't help the person going through it, and introduces the idea- counterproductive for someone who believes they create their reality- that somehow, they must 'deserve' it.
I do believe a healthy body, or healthy practices helps your body fight off whatever is causing problems- but this is in a logical, matter of fact, cause-and-effect way.
I take the supplements that I have researched for what my problem (in particular) is, and do not believe the sensationalistic pseudoscience (beware of lysenkoism) that is out there in the internet, designed for either clickbait or selling things that are cheap for more money than they are worth.
29th December 2016, 04:00 PM
Is an interesting question, and I suspect you try to discover/evaluate how much forum member's behaviour is influenced by knowledge exposed at this site. In another words, ¿are we really Robert Bruce's teachings firm believers/practicants?Ángel
Exactly ! Join dates concerning this thread's beginnings...both late nn recent doesn't equal "rolaids". Two black eyes or learning how to duck/block ... all after one ~> tiny lil case having throne/thrown fubar penis envy punches.
29th December 2016, 04:33 PM
In this, Gregg Braden reports a case of bladder tumor being healed by a mixed technique "Qi-Gong and Affirmations" practicants at Beiging (China).
This case is also reported at following Gregg Braden's video, starting at timemark 39:40
My best regards,
29th December 2016, 04:39 PM
Strange...I was reminded of a few things because of it (mostly the reasons why I don't write that much about my views any more; it tends to piss people off too much). ;)
I reckon it's better to be pissed off than to have been pissed on. The former tend-ency is perhaps a reaching last ditch builder of good character where otherwise present...none or very lil apparently is.
It talks, but does it walk?
They cuz their walked walk walks.
A single fish given for a day's meal or to fish for a life's time of meals.
I like your..
..Cool Hat/s
Ref. Matthew 7:12-20
Butterflies oft see themselves as Monsters Sim-Ply because their Caterpillar is forever of them...Com-Plex-Ly relieved. Diagenesis ... Idiomorph~>Xenomorph
29th December 2016, 05:30 PM
I reckon it's better to be pissed off than to have been pissed on.
Hey, some people are into that. I don't judge. ;) :twisted:
They cuz their walked walk walks.
And sometimes the places walked can't be described in ways that those who haven't walked can understand, and then they get angry and hurt and confused and it's better to just let them find their own path. Telling them does no good. They have to walk it for themselves.
29th December 2016, 06:11 PM
#1 Hey, some people are into that. I don't judge. ;) :twisted:
#2 And sometimes the places walked can't be described in ways that those who haven't walked can understand, and then they get angry and hurt and confused and it's better to just let them find their own path. Telling them does no good. They have to walk it for themselves.
#1 yes:twisted:yes
Candy Rain
#2 I agree, masking layers, anger covers hurt covering confusion. A body relieved of what's not their's in parts ...of certain given fusion...some in certitude giving are.
Art's Unavoidable
Vocational Hazards
*It was hard work filtering out me naughty mischief for dis hear reply. ;)
Tolkien Quotes...
Golden Raindrops
::::smoking a cigarette::::
Wounds of crisis must be healed...where one goes/comes for/to help in their time of want/need determines what may be said to/for them...whether fully piss them off or (they in their needful readiness to receive)...not so very much.
Ref. Gal. 6:17 ; 1 Peter 2:24 ; Jude 22-23 (et)and|i|dna(te) 24-25
A Glass Darkly
Conversely ... 2 Peter 2:21 ... For it had been better for them not to have...Back Up
For contractually ... either your way or the way ... the lion becomes a man...
29th December 2016, 06:29 PM
In this, Gregg Braden reports a case of bladder tumor being healed by a mixed technique "Qi-Gong and Affirmations" practicants at Beiging (China).
This case is also reported at following Gregg Braden's video, starting at timemark 39:40
My best regards,
Thank you Ángel for posting this, it is wonderful feeling to see the video.
30th December 2016, 03:14 PM
I'm not a believer of 'alternative' treatments. This is because they all treat cancer as if it was 'one' disease with 'one' cause- and neither of those is true. It is a group of diseases that have one thing in common- producing growth of abnormal cells. This is the same as saying that 'all' viruses are alike, and they can be defeated by 'one' thing.
This is counterproductive, because it introduces the idea that you caused your disease- not in a metaphysical context, but in a physical, material, situational context, and this is the same as blaming someone for what happens to them. It does nothing for the disease, doesn't help the person going through it, and introduces the idea- counterproductive for someone who believes they create their reality- that somehow, they must 'deserve' it.
I do believe a healthy body, or healthy practices helps your body fight off whatever is causing problems- but this is in a logical, matter of fact, cause-and-effect way.
I take the supplements that I have researched for what my problem (in particular) is, and do not believe the sensationalistic pseudoscience (beware of lysenkoism) that is out there in the internet, designed for either clickbait or selling things that are cheap for more money than they are worth.
It always goes Back to beliefs it seems.
Despite my belief that the application of consciousness should be able to restore optimal health on its own regardless of the condition, I covered many bases with my treatment plan.
My current view on the many types of cancers is that it involves getting lost in this reality and not taking a step back. Just a different approach amongst many.
I've not visited the forum for some time and this section of the forum is always of interest of me.
30th December 2016, 04:49 PM
What is consciousness that it's application may bring resolve?
What is optimal health that it may be delivered to its restoration?
From One...many. Adam-ic named names the many. From the singular rod cell the many performers that delineate the body of's extant proportions.
Is the cell both named (et)and the particular cell's surrounding molecular governance the priori naming said cell?
Therefore the nominal hedging in the optimal...Life itself the streaming Genesis springing eternal...even to say that in death the Dissolution of alive, these two the simultaneous event as the body of any One.
Unended...I wrote more, but my data is zero, leaving me not logged in when I attempt to save content.
My Immortal
The given that presently is our priori understood unto the genome code, why is our out-stance yet bound up in our posteriori...views as if comic book versions of whom we are, video game perspectives and envogue televisations....all limiting our already diminishing views.
Have __?__ will travel.
What is your __?__
Lightning Crashes
ha-Urim veha-Tummim
Ref. Ps. 14 (et)and Ps. 53 ; *Urta (et)and Tamitu* ; Molecules(Re-posing) (et)and Cellular[Move-mentum(instrument, medium)]Growth ; (Be Still)Understand<~(et)and~>Know THAT...etc...
The radical protestant up jumps the authoring surround...
What is ob-served...the observer IS.
Ref. Matt. 5 ; Matt. 6 ; Matt. 23
Which came first...the molecule or the cell...the atom or the molecule....the chicken or the egg....
Ref. Matt. 23:37-39 ...
"Art (et)and Love are the same thing: the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."
"A real work of art destroys."
"A free drawn line is a line out of hands."
Site of Entombment - highly charged site, wonder, awe, and triumph.
*"Time travel is [also] accomplished using command and intention."* - R.B.
Philemon :kiss:
31st December 2016, 02:18 AM
I'm fine.
Language won't work in this Instance
More direct communication may help
...... RTZ, Astral or another reality
Is forum on RTZ
Consciousness and love...more illusion.......
Application of consciousness......I wonder if any intent can be focussed
Can this focussed intent perpetually and eternally move us towards more healing of spirit
Is there such a thing as healing?
Step outside of illusion to understand the consciousness label
Is it real
Shall we find out next year
31st December 2016, 08:05 AM
I'm fine.
Language won't work in this Instance
More direct communication may help
...... RTZ, Astral or another reality
Is forum on RTZ
Consciousness and love...more illusion.......
Application of consciousness......I wonder if any intent can be focussed
Can this focussed intent perpetually and eternally move us towards more healing of spirit
Is there such a thing as healing?
Step outside of illusion to understand the consciousness label
Is it real
Shall we find out next year
Hi Sanatogen,
Yes, let´s us find out next year all about what must be done to heal....and yes healing is real :-)
I have always had a voice inside of me who will speak to me when it is spoke to me all the time when I was a little child....then it spoke to me in 1981 when I was badly beaten reminded me that I am not my body and to dare to leave the bad relationship....then it spoke to me in 1989 to stop drinking...and I did....then it spoke to me and told me that what use it is to heal me when I do not help myself at all....this was about smoking...and I stop smoking in help me understand more deeply I have developed injuries in my body what you can see on X-ray too...and the latest one is bad stop me from being active because we do not listen deeply enough, we have to still us more and relax more deeply to listen both to the body and understand it is total mechanical.....and to find all our false I´s.....I have recently started this work....
I had a dream what I did not record here at was about me seeing my sister looking upon a syllable A on a blackboard....I said to her that my teacher have told me it is O...and I did correct her A to an O...then I felt that she has not the same teacher as I I did first make it to an lying 8...the eternity sigh....and then I did make the O back to an A for her.....
I know that not many will agree what I have experienced and what I have written I might not wright more because I feel it as pain when I am put down by members ...
I thank you for bringing this subject up and I will with interest be following this thread.
31st December 2016, 04:20 PM
I'm fine.
Language won't work in this Instance
More direct communication may help
...... RTZ, Astral or another reality
Is forum on RTZ
Consciousness and love...more illusion.......
Application of consciousness......I wonder if any intent can be focussed
Can this focussed intent perpetually and eternally move us towards more healing of spirit
Is there such a thing as healing?
Step outside of illusion to understand the consciousness label
Is it real
Shall we find out next year
Hi sana,
"won't work in this instance"..."may help"....perhaps you might directly share your particulars of this "Instance" in this thread.
Language is the Miracle that dispels "illusion" when sharing gets real.
After a rain shower birds gather round the brief puddling to drink, bathe and preen; not even a single bird loses sight of real to either individual reflection or sky reflected. No bird heads down into the reflection expectant to take wing and fly.
Yet each of these creatures as each in every of One is abled as the singular individual.
Man would make mountains out of mole hills, but Man cannot reconstitute his history/generationally gathering mountains back into the molehills. Fore/For This means to Surrender to That, else a (boy king) David come to slew the Goliath which has each in every of One shaking in their boots. Irony
What does this speak to us as humans...about consciousness...about our personally conscious individualities within numbers grouped. Are we each within a group enabled through the Dynamic of our numbers to more...more security, sustainability toward a cooperative future, assurance to non-incestual procreate...etc.
Consciousness is Dynamic, affording ap-parent manifold redundancies...that if anyone would care to research...have in recognition aided in understanding very cancer, even to predicting certain (derivative driven) variables forecasting of the future.
For example, a given algorithm can be set upon any time compiled mass of evident data to speedily arrange/compile to whatever parameters chosen. Like Google Earth Engine current sifting 1972-Now the amassed LandSat satellite images, that engatherance prove to large of a task for human hands on efficiency.
Let's see vast numbers of people Crowding the sidewalks of a large city, each on their personal way. Or the million man march in D.C....or great numbers attending a concert/rave....on and on.
Intent is of course mostly personally be abled to be. Intent...given the enabling external verities can quickly mass becoming the group.
Command is our Confusion juxtaposed between verities and balderdash. It's not so much that humans...any singular human questions; it's just that what is very human before we would think to within itself THAT which ever az the consequential Answer ...Who... of continuous Question questions the choosing of the Choice, "What Am I?".
After The Storm
One child raising a hand ends confusion for the classroom and the teacher...Whom while having the answer is unknowing of questions left silent to within dynamically grouping confusion. Consciousness....Childlike
Lover Of The Light
You Are That
Great Work...My Friend
"Blessed is he who has crucified the world (et)and [who] has not [allowed] the world to crucify him." - Jesus...The Book of Jeu
IO=J ; EU - good, well, true, genuine ; Jeu (Joy) - The name of The Father ; Oy=Oh - exclamation of Emotion ..."Oh!"... perhaps as Adam exclaimed to Eve, "Oh Baby!!!"
Intent (et)and Command, not merely on demand to supply or supplying upon demand.
Ref. John 5 ... All ; Psalms 68:18 ; Eph. 4:8
Are You fine...?
31st December 2016, 08:20 PM
31st December 2016, 08:30 PM
Wishing A Loving New Year
22nd April 2019, 09:13 PM
Post deleted so as to avoid conflict. Apologies for sharing my thoughts and my reality.
That's similar to me, I was getting good at the placebo effect. I knew the placebo effect existed, so I used my belief in the placebo effect instead of the belief that a placebo was actually a drug. I thought it was possible that there was a more effective mind thing than belief. (Details removed) and I was quite interested on how much the mind could affect the body, but then I had the same worry as you, so I forgot about it as a solution to that worry. Later I remembered it, but took a little while to remember why I had forgotten.
11th April 2020, 09:06 AM
Curious what people on this forum would do if they had (or suspect they have) cancer, esp if any of the following describes you/your belief system:
- you are not afraid to die, but maybe the pain/suffering and the dying process might bother you
- the body has the natural ability to heal (along with many natural/alternative healing methods)
- the mind has the ability to influence the outcome
- not much faith in how western medicine treats cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, etc)
- everything happens for a reason, even diseases/illnesses
- underlying all diseases/illnesses is spiritual forces at work (e.g. karma, reincarnation/lessons, spirit possession, self-induced, etc)
- cancer screening could lead to overdiagnosis ( _cancer_progression)
I'm guessing many people on this forum are on some kind of a spiritual journey/path to discover that we are more than our physical body. So the question is, if you had cancer, or you think you might have cancer, what would you do? Do you go to a doctor to get a diagnosis (knowing the cancer might just go away on its own)? What healing modality and treatment (if any) would you look into? Would you try to heal yourself or seek experts? There are so many different healing modalities and alternative treatments for cancer out there, it is so difficult to filter out the good from the bad.
Also, please share any (if you know of any) promising cancer treatments/methods (with solid experience/science/research, not n = 1)
Very valuable post, worth to quote (again).
First of all, it is not "to have" (victim orientation), it is "to choose" an illness (winner orientation).
So the question should be:
what people on this forum would do if they chose cancer experience for their lives
This also suggests the answer... read on.
I'm not going to share any experience on something that I have not experienced myself, as requested. But I don't think it does matter. I also don't do any researches other than those which are practical to me in a direct way, nor I trust the scientific method in giving such practical clues in a reasonable amount of time, as it has been a mental design / framework for a different purpose. I may share only what I see from my childhood about an ill people.
Every illness is an effect, not a cause. People constantly forget that. People on this forum as well.
Human being is a multidimensional being, and the physical is the last dimension of the manifestation process. Illness must occur on non-physical level to manifest itself - there is no other alternative.
Every illness has a certain pattern.
Recognizing the pattern is your own, personal way to healing.
It is particularly a mental pattern (more than any other pattern). Cancer is especially an explicit manifestation of mental patterns - patterns reflected in your thoughts-patterns, and then in personality. It's easier to see patterns in others than in selves.
When I look at people with advanced cancer, I can see the very similar pattern about them. I can see a mental and emotional deeper "sorrow" - which may take a form of sadness, frustration, depression, big life disappointment (like betrayal), heaviness etc. From my view, cancer is a pattern of taking your youth-forces, energy and joy away from you.
A strong emotional attachements are typical candidates for a mental cancer to happen. They reflect the patterns of our believes, which in turn create (manifest as) our energy patterns, which in turn manifest the physical body.
A person who suffers from cancer first went through a personal "trauma" experience (clearly seen in his or her non-physical presence) - which is in fact something that "weakened" his or her fundmental believes: like a belief in others to always support him or her (and the disappointment could take a place in a form of a betrayal of a loved one - typical for women, from the parents, etc.), or being cheated in a life project (I believe that Steve Jobs could suffer from that). This is the pattern that has been challanged at some point of life (likely to happen in a time of a difficult astrological influences), the pattern that was very deeply rooted in the personality and personal believes - typically unconscious ones.
These patterns handle the flow of life energies from your spirit. Cancer is simply a mental and spiritual factor that blocks the life energies coming, so that they stop to flow and not replenish the (normal) negative forces out from the body - the natural process that is present in a healthy body.
This of course at the same time indicates the cure (healing): the opposite pattern. The pattern of healing is one of an honest lightness, joy, freedom, putting the thoughts into ligher and happy areas. IMHO cancer is a very mental illness, more than most of other illnesses (like flu).
How to achieve that? First of all, don't force yourself to the opposite extreme; instead, allow natural healing, joyful process to emerge naturally by your firm and constant (re-)focus on the aspects of life that are of the qualities I mentioned - the opposite to the ones that disturbed the healthy pattern.
29th September 2020, 07:32 AM
Mine's easy....... i'd follow the Body Electroniocs healing advice, since i already do / am in an energetic/ spiritual connections....
in mine eye, N.H.S. conventional Healing failed my parents miserably.......... struggle, suffering, pain, no resolution.... NO HEALING occured only time given, with LESSER symptoms.......
.....this is MY experience & i am aware it is not others........ gud luck to all others, i pray you get the Best there is, without suffering, trauma or un-necessary PAIN x~ x~x ~x
This is interesting & humorous to a certain degree !
i got my cancer diagnosis early this Jan. after having a mole removed that had grown 3 times it's original size over a period of a few months.
N.H.S. care professionals diagnosed me with an 'at least' stage 2 malignant melanoma condition & following on from this i was then 'kindly offered' [strongly advised to take / have] more N.H. recommended services & treatments, which after some time of contemplation i later declined.
Currently using Essiac, some supplements, diet changes [of which i need to get back on] & Wholesoulwork
22nd November 2020, 06:13 PM
Thats the view for me. I believe I manifested this health condition, creation took care of how it physically came about. Thats a niche view I imagine most people dont share in their own circumstances.
Once I came to that conclusion, I took full responsibility and got on the front foot , cutting out toxic relationships, food, thought patterns etc.
However, I have no proof of anything, only evidence of what I did to come back from Stage4 Lung
I'm not a believer of 'alternative' treatments. This is because they all treat cancer as if it was 'one' disease with 'one' cause- and neither of those is true. It is a group of diseases that have one thing in common- producing growth of abnormal cells. This is the same as saying that 'all' viruses are alike, and they can be defeated by 'one' thing.
This is counterproductive, because it introduces the idea that you caused your disease- not in a metaphysical context, but in a physical, material, situational context, and this is the same as blaming someone for what happens to them. It does nothing for the disease, doesn't help the person going through it, and introduces the idea- counterproductive for someone who believes they create their reality- that somehow, they must 'deserve' it.
I do believe a healthy body, or healthy practices helps your body fight off whatever is causing problems- but this is in a logical, matter of fact, cause-and-effect way.
I take the supplements that I have researched for what my problem (in particular) is, and do not believe the sensationalistic pseudoscience (beware of lysenkoism) that is out there in the internet, designed for either clickbait or selling things that are cheap for more money than they are worth.
22nd November 2020, 06:20 PM
I think I did that some time ago and annoyed the Admins. Forums have their limits in sharing whatever it was.
Post deleted so as to avoid conflict. Apologies for sharing my thoughts and my reality.
23rd November 2020, 07:39 PM
ariesr, could you share (if it's ok with you) what you did to come back from it?
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