View Full Version : Path of The Masters

18th October 2013, 08:34 AM
Hello Robert. You sparked my curiosity in this point for I have not heard of the path myself. I only heard of the three paths and have not learned that there was always a fourth. I would like to learn about how you self exorcised yourself, what kind of techniques I might learn from someone with a lot more experience than I. I currently am doing Initiation Into Hermetics, but I would like to know techniques from other sources like you. Practical knowledge which I could record in my journal for successes and stuff. I want to do your techniques as well so that I may destroy my own programming over time. If I could learn from you, I promise I will put in full effort and the amount of time I need while organizing my own day.

Thank you

Robert Bruce
19th October 2013, 07:09 AM
The story of how I accomplished this is given in my book, The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook. I recommend you get a copy. The story is mind blowing. In brief, I was forced to connect with my higher self and was led through signs and omens to a place in the wilderness where I slept on the ground for a few days. Unknown to me at the time, I was sleeping atop an underground stream of water. This is what removed the neg from me.

One hour per day is needed to make any progress. Two hours or more is better.

Keep working with IIH. It is a good practical guide and most of the exercises are universal; meaning, similar exercises are used in many other traditions.


19th October 2013, 08:03 AM
Thank you. I am buying the Kindle version of the book right at this moment. I will keep striving for the highest. I also plan on getting the 2012 version of Astral Dynamics too.