View Full Version : Astral projection devices and 'stargates'

23rd October 2013, 07:36 PM
I've always been very skeptical about devices that claim they induce AP, and even more so about stargates (I've only ever heard one person talk about them, apparently they are built with high powered magnets, honestly Im not entirely sure what they are). Does anyone have any experience or views on either?

24th October 2013, 05:42 AM
I have never heard of them but now you sparked an interest in me. Have to google ;)

24th October 2013, 11:20 AM
I have never heard of them but now you sparked an interest in me. Have to google ;)

That was my first reaction too, heres the only quote I saw of star gates, other than that I'm as clueless as you

Making a star-gate:
I'm not sure how much you know about star gates, so I'll just splurge everything I know. The tough part of a star-gate is you would need a lot of energy to go any long distances like planet-to-planet (more distance needs more energy). It needs perhaps more energy than several energy plants could provide. And it's extremely risky. From what I've seen, the biggest scientific disasters in this galaxy have been caused by star-gates. I've even seen flashbacks into the Milky Way's past and watched a star-gate experiment collapse three populated star systems into black holes, just like that.

Considering this, I imagine you'd attract a lot of (unwanted) attention if you start toying with hyper-space.

But I've got a few small tips. A star-gate is little more than magnetism on an extreme level. In the same fashion that a star bends space with gravity, a star-gate bends space in a tunnel, using extremely high-powered magnets. This shortens distances so you can travel - say - 50 miles by crossing 20 feet in the tunnel. Add more power and you can travel 100 miles by crossing 20 feet in the tunnel. A high-powered star-gate is setup so people can cross between star systems in only a few minutes, without breaking any known laws of physics. (you're not moving faster than light, just moving a warped distance)

The tough part is making a gate stable enough to transfer physical matter across distances without anything being destroyed or lost in sub-space. There are actually weapons based on failed hyperspace technology that hit an enemy and teleport them to a random part of the universe

The actual construction is something like a set of high-powered magnets setup in a circle, and there has to be two gates already setup for it to work. I don't know much beyond that

the weird thing is, they werent discussing star gates on this forum, this guy just came out and said it, nobody responded to him, it was just there

24th October 2013, 12:14 PM
Found that one too, and it seemed kind of out of place. I didn't find anything else really and this seemed like rambles to me. But you never know. It might be real to the person who wrote this, as he seems to have traveled out of body and found various things that makes it true to him.
Interesting subject nevertheless.

24th October 2013, 12:43 PM
Or maybe they just liked the show.

24th October 2013, 12:55 PM
hmm, perhaps I'm slow.. but who was enjoying the show? (Haha.. I feel.. rather dumb, am I missig something here?).

24th October 2013, 04:16 PM
hmm, perhaps I'm slow.. but who was enjoying the show? (Haha.. I feel.. rather dumb, am I missig something here?).

The person who wrote up the star gate idea. See I was thinking that too, but why would you just come onto a thread about astral devices, which no mention of TV shows, or stargates before, and just talk about a TV show you like without even actually mentioning the show. Because he talks about it as if its a real thing.

24th October 2013, 04:16 PM
Whoever wrote the bit about making one. It looks a lot like the one used in the movies/TV shows, at least in principle.

24th October 2013, 05:52 PM
The strongest force of magnetism is definitely the electromagnetic fluid. Extremely strong. An MRI too is a very strong magnet.

25th October 2013, 05:19 AM
Ah, now I get it :) Yeah.

2nd November 2013, 06:42 PM
After thinking about this a bit i came to the following conclusion.
It IS quite possible that an individual HAS managed to produce some type of home made astral projection device. This is a BIG maybe yet well within the realm of possibility.
However, IF this is so THEN it is also likely that the person would NOT make this discovery known to the outside world. Some secrets are best kept secret. IMO such a device would be priceless. No amount of money and reknown would be adequate compensation.
This is, of course, a personal opinion, yet is one worth considering.


2nd November 2013, 08:20 PM
I think I'd share it with these forums, I wouldnt shout about it sure but I'd want other people to know about it