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View Full Version : Nightmares: LOL Research

9th November 2013, 01:16 PM
Check this out:


Why don't researchers ask people who study dreams about this topic?

I posted (on another forum) a question concerning nightmares and lucid dreaming supposing that lucid dreaming is prophylactic for nightmares.

My worst nightmare and the only one I can remember was a dis-embodied voice saying, "Do you need some help? Do you need some help?" I don't know why but it freaked me out!:whatthe:

According to my 'lucid theory', LD precludes nightmares involving being chased, falling, aggression, 'beasts' etc.. I cannot fear falling, for example, because I can fly. Other dream powers resolve other problems.

What the researchers fail to approach, is the nature of the nightmare depends on the subject and it is impossible to take a representative slice of the population in order to learn much about nightmares.

What was the theme of your nightmare(s)?

10th November 2013, 06:21 AM
Do you always have lucid dreams involving dream powers that counteract nightmare scenarios... prior to or in near conjunction with nightmares? Or, in concert with? Or, enough consciousness during nightmares that you can make the comparison between what is happening in the nightmare vs your lucid dream experience?

10th November 2013, 11:33 AM
Do you always have lucid dreams involving dream powers that counteract nightmare scenarios... prior to or in near conjunction with nightmares? Or, in concert with? Or, enough consciousness during nightmares that you can make the comparison between what is happening in the nightmare vs your lucid dream experience?

Umm... I think the nightmare I referred to was a water-shed moment. It jolted me so that I started to become more conscious in dreaming - more aware that I was dreaming. I had had lucid dreams since I was very young but I was still susceptible to nightmares until I realized there was nothing to fear. It was just a fork in the road in my spiritual journey.

I wish more people would wake up and realize that they are the top of the spiritual food-chain - that WE are the created above all.

But your question was about lucidity. Yes, intuitively I know I’m dreaming. Always. The degree of lucidity varies which makes the dream experience more interesting. But, at the base I know it’s a dream and feel somewhat fearless. It’s not for this forum but there’s a bit of ‘law of attraction’ at work also. You get what you think! And I don’t think ugly sh*t. Not saying some ugly stuff doesn’t come my way, but I see it for what it is.

And so, yes, I started lucid dreaming many years ago and even when I am not so lucid I still have a underpinning of consciousness that realizes, always, that I’m having a groovy dream whether it’s pirates or angels.

11th November 2013, 05:13 AM
Very cool