View Full Version : Success story

29th November 2013, 10:28 PM
I took PAPI last summer, didn't have a lot happen, which tends to be somewhat typical of me. It seems that simply by paying attention to what I want to do, go OBE, prevents it from happening. I know this is how things have operated for me in the past and basically don't worry about it because something always happens when the whole of me is ready.

Well, the whole of me was apparently ready a couple nights ago. I usually wake up about 4 a.m. and do my Heartmath meditation technique, which usually puts me in a mind-awake, body-asleep state. I enjoy that state of intense relaxation so much that rarely does it occur to me to try to do anything with it. But this time....I thought, hmmm, why don't I try to roll out? So I did try, and did roll out. Everything was "backwards," so I knew I had skipped over the RTZ and right into the astral zone. As usual when I am "close in," I had no sight, but I stood next to the bed and actually remembered the directions, which were to stay out no more than ten seconds and then return exclaiming my success. So I was thinking loudly, "I did it! I went OBE! Success! I did it!" Re-entry took a little bit of "squiggling" back into my body but none of it was anything but serene. The cool thing is I still lay there for a while before I remembered to record the experience, so I grabbed my voice recorder and talked into it.

Cool. All these months and there it is. The less I try, the more success I have. Getting out of my own way is the name of the game.

Canary girl
30th November 2013, 03:11 AM
Congrats! :thumbsup:

1st December 2013, 02:51 PM
Fantastic Mary Ann! It's what we like to see.