View Full Version : Visualization confusing for trance

6th December 2013, 11:05 PM
To induce trance state,we need to visualize a scenerio to feel us drop feelings.Some of pages on MAP says you don't have to see the scenerio just feel.

When I try to create a scenerio I visualize myself in an elevator.I see the elevator and buttons.I press down buttons and elevator go down.But That kind of scenerio with realistic images is hard to continue in mind long time.It is tiring.

I cant keep that kind of realistic image and scene disappear in 2-3 drop experiment.

Instead of this I can focus the feeling of this.Not any visual image.Just focus on What the elevator feeling?

What is the most helpful way for people who find difficult to create realistic scenes images in mind?

Thanks for advice

7th December 2013, 05:41 PM
If you can recreate the feeling you're doing well. If you can visualize the elevator, you can also try the smoke rings, or some other downward-motion movement, and it's perfectly ok just to feel the feeling.