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12th December 2013, 12:40 PM
Physicists May Have Evidence Universe Is A Computer Simulation - http://s.shr.lc/1jRUZDx

Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation - http://s.shr.lc/18FpKHb

12th December 2013, 03:27 PM
That would explain a lot of things, but I hope they're wrong. Or 'sort of' wrong.

12th December 2013, 03:49 PM
I definitely suspect that "reality" is a simulation, but I don't think it's a "computer" as we would think of it. I don't think it's inorganic, or mechanical. My experience leads me to suspect (though I am not claiming this to be The Truth(tm), only what I've gleaned from years and years of mystical experience) that it IS all a simulation or, more likely, a kind of self-creating dream being dreamed and experienced by one single consciousness (that is dreaming it is billions).

But, hey, I could be a brain in a jar, what would I know? ;)

12th December 2013, 05:13 PM
a kind of self-creating dream being dreamed and experienced by one single consciousness (that is dreaming it is billions).
interestingly, the 'dreaming god' and 'big computer' computation viewpoint might be the same and could be compared by looking at Vedic and Digital/Holographic Mysticism respectively. I came across this here a while ago:
http://s11.postimg.org/c81bll4jn/Computational_Metaphysics_and_Vedic_Metaphysics.jp g
source: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v550/__show_article/_a000550-000047.htm

12th December 2013, 05:20 PM
Yes, I was kind of thinking somewhat the same.....like if GOD is like a big consious property.....and we all are a little cell each of us to give the property it´s colore and flavor....we each of us must evolve to keep this property to go forward, without each of us it would not be possible...because we are a very important piece of this consousness...it spirals from light to dark to light to dark...birth...death...birth ..death....and all these are re-newing properties to keep it alive and going....never ending process....


12th December 2013, 06:41 PM
There is nothing new under the sun. Ancient Vedic text (Hinduism) claim that our experience of 'life' is only the dream of Vishnu. So Row row row your boat. Life is but a dream.

12th December 2013, 06:46 PM
That would explain a lot of thingsLike what ?
And who would run it ?

12th December 2013, 07:06 PM
I really suspected we are living a dream. You know? It reminds me of what happens when I die within my own dreams and the fact that when I start dreaming, I do not know who I am. I just figured out a concept. If we die within this dream, do we just keep going deeper and deeper? I have no idea, but this logic makes sense in terms of karma where it would hurt you too because you are virtually attacking yourself.

12th December 2013, 07:09 PM

12th December 2013, 07:37 PM
Sorry for the triple post (lol) but I came to put down another theory. As had EOB said, we are the one within our own dream in a layer of dreams. This means we are in a triple layer of dreams. Once we die, we are still dreaming. We come back here to make ourselves a reality because that is one of our goals in our own life is to make our dreams a reality. The goal for us is to reach Godhood then surpass that into the true reality. By that time, we have managed to split our body into two in real life. Now we go with the inception theory and keep passing through Godhood till we finally get out of the layers of fake reality till we finally find the real true reality. I will go with the Joshua David Stone concept that there are 352 layers of Godhood. We at the moment are in the third layer but not the bottom. We still have 349 to go till we definitely are conscious.

12th December 2013, 09:07 PM
Like what ? Like how many times I've had 'expanded awareness' experiences that show someone else running things, in the background.

And who would run it ? This is where 'sort of' comes from. I do not cotton to the 'computer simulation' idea, so no 'one' 'else' would be running it in that way. It's the main problem I have with the model.

13th December 2013, 05:58 AM
Oh, good, now I have Bohemian Rhapsody in my head. I do mean "good", too. Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?

And, yes, I do love it when science catches up with mystical thought. I always kind of picture the Buddha (or other Masters, take your pick) sitting there waving to the scientists and going, "Hi! What took you so long?" :D

13th December 2013, 06:17 AM
Yes, I was kind of thinking somewhat the same.....like if GOD is like a big consious property.....and we all are a little cell each of us to give the property it´s colore and flavor....we each of us must evolve to keep this property to go forward, without each of us it would not be possible...because we are a very important piece of this consousness...it spirals from light to dark to light to dark...birth...death...birth ..death....and all these are re-newing properties to keep it alive and going....never ending process....


The picture I got of this was.....like a web with beeds...the beeds was us...and when one did dissapere (die) the web did re-organize it self...and took little bit another path....and the feeling was the unsetainty what is the life....all kind of not planned things happen and this is at least the dualitys reality.....but I can imagen that the "plan" is more stable on the realm what I at least can not express ...yet....I am meditating on this to know...what I have to this date experienced that to become acceptanced with the outer truth....to accept this just as they are.....the stability will occure for sure.


13th December 2013, 02:41 PM
Like Indra's Net? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra's_net) <-Linked


13th December 2013, 03:17 PM
Like Indra's Net? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra's_net) <-Linked


WoW...had no idea that there is a philosofphy also about this....now I am surprised....I have not studied anything about Buddism I have read a book in Swedish about the Vision and Transformation but in that book is nothing about this Indras web....wow..
I will come back when I have read more about this, thank you CFT.


13th December 2013, 04:59 PM
Like Indra's Net? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra's_net) <-Linked


I can´t understand a word from this documents....sorry, is there anyone who can explaine it in simple words for me, please.


13th December 2013, 05:13 PM
Another take on this: http://themindunleashed.org/2013/12/simulations-back-theory-universe-hologram.html and http://www.nature.com/news/simulations-back-up-theory-that-universe-is-a-hologram-1.14328

13th December 2013, 07:41 PM
I can´t understand a word from this documents....sorry, is there anyone who can explaine it in simple words for me, please.

Indra's net is a view of reality from Buddhist philosophy, which originates from Hindu mythology.
Basically, according to this, the universe is a net, which each individual is connected to each other (the net), and their reality is a reflection of each other (the jewels). So whithin each one of us (the jewel) is reflected each other and the rest of the universe- this is sort of like a hologram, in which any part of the hologram contains all of the information of the original.

13th December 2013, 09:53 PM
Indra's net is a view of reality from Buddhist philosophy, which originates from Hindu mythology.
Basically, according to this, the universe is a net, which each individual is connected to each other (the net), and their reality is a reflection of each other (the jewels). So whithin each one of us (the jewel) is reflected each other and the rest of the universe- this is sort of like a hologram, in which any part of the hologram contains all of the information of the original.

Thank you CFT,
I can comfirme this to be true and also my experience.


14th December 2013, 04:24 PM
Well said, C.! :-)

14th December 2013, 07:53 PM
Un propósito por el cual una simulación ser♥a necesaria es la imposibilidad de experimentar (en el mundo astral y superiores) los estados relativos de placer y dolor, salud y enfermedad, riqueza y pobreza, paz y guerra, etc., con todos los aspectos éticos/morales (ética: obligación de proceder moralmente) asociados.


A possible purpose for which a simulation might be necessary is the impossibility of experiencing (in the astral and higher worlds) the relative states of pleasure and pain, health and sickness, wealth and poverty, peace & war, etc., with all the associated ethical/moral aspects, ethics here being the obligation to proceed morally.


14th December 2013, 09:54 PM
Indras net. When I saw the picture I wanted to ask if this had any relevance.
Few years ago saw golden threaded universe (written about in journal ,) but the point is the golden planets were inter- connected by fine gold threads connecting one planet to another, just like the net, it was like a spiders web.
Jurgen wrote of viewing the same whilst out travelling.( only difference is he described them as golden suns and I described them as planets but the golden threads are the same connecting them .
I thought at the time that communication About everything from one (? .planet ,soul, ) is communicated And linked to the other ( planets,souls)
Okay, if I'm completely off the map CFT please delete for me .

14th December 2013, 10:16 PM
I also saw a similar vision when traveling, which is why IA's description reminded me of Indra's net. Which is why I know about it, Aunt Clair told me about it.
It's not off topic, I think it's interesting how our senses perceive notions differently, yet similarly. Which is kind of what I was talking about before- technologists will see tech and we will see beauty, when really it's the same concept, and not necessarily 'mechanical', but natural and ever-evolving.
Or so I see it anyway.

15th December 2013, 07:39 AM
Yes it is interesting that we also have meridians and I lost the other word for these elecrtical wires in our body...so our body is the microcosmos and the univers is the macrocosmos....same but different....and all connected to each others...and by the net we all are connected and there for we are ONE.


15th December 2013, 01:33 PM
I just now remembered a recent lucidventure of mine "The Grid"


I also remember that my outer space trips somehow were along gridlines through the dark that were pretty evenly spaced (cubic) and then galaxies, stars now and then appearing and re-appearing, when I saw earth I think I also remember gridlines around it (like you see equatorial lines inscribed on earth maps or globes)

It somehow reminded me of the "Tron"-movie.

15th December 2013, 03:51 PM
Robert talks of the grids in his 1st edition of Astral Dynamics.
He describes the surface of an astral plane as two dimensional and covered with perfectly straight horizontal and vertical grid lines, making for a checkered appearance over the entire surface.Each square on a surface contains a brilliantly multicoloured geometric design repeated endlessly in all the squares.
He even describes the connection between each plane being made by colour. His back cover displays this.
I'd forgotten just how seriously good this book is.