View Full Version : Question from a total "layman"

26th December 2013, 07:56 PM
Hello, i am new here and have a very specific question to which i have not been able to get a reply so far anywhere in the Net.

A few months ago i had what seemed like the weirdest dream. In the dream there was a tunnel, the appearance of which is difficult to describe but seemed like a woobly sort of tunnel of light. at the far end there was a point that was half in the dark half light. i was sort of floating/flying towards it. then, all of a sudden, everything stopped and i was rapidly being pulled back to where i had started. at this point i guess i woke up and opened my eyes and for some time (could not say how long, but it did not seem like long) it was as if my ability to think was taking some time before kicking in, so that my mind was absolutely empty. When i started thinking again i wondered if i was still alive or had died; i swear i had to pinch myself and feel my body with my hands to realise that i was alive and in bed, and that it was the middle of the night. i wondered about the whole thing for a while and then i just went back to sleep.

next day i searched the net for some sort of an explanation and googling terms that more or less described my "dream" i came up with the term "astral projection", which seemed like a close enough explanation of what had happened (i had never heard of the expression, though). i then searched youtube for videos on "astral projection" looking for further explanations and information and came across this:


i started watching it and realised it was in Hindi; i was about to forget about the whole thing when, at minute 1 i saw it: i saw the tunnel. if you have the patience to watch the first 2 minutes of the film, what appears in the video between minute 1 and 2 is EXACTLY the tunnel i saw in the "dream".
So i asked a friend of mine from India to translate that minute for me, but it was all about the wonders of meditation, so on and so forth, and absolutely no explation about what the tunnel was.

So my question is: does anyone here know what this tunnel is ???

Does anyone have any idea what happened to me that night ???

i would be extremely grateful for any input. This is not a life or death question for me of course; i can live with not knowing but in some way, i feel that this is something i am supposed to know, something that i should look into, if at all possible.

Thank you again,


26th December 2013, 08:43 PM
Beautiful video: too bad I can't understand Hindi and verify the legitimacy of whatever the narrator is saying.
The tunnel is a fairly common mechanism that happens on the exit, eventually anyone who projects will experience it, but not all the time. It usually happens when someone exits into an astral landscape (plane), but it has happened to me when in a dream, I became lucid and attempted to exit the dreamscape and enter the astral plane. I have also seen 'vortex-like' entrances while in the real time zone, and have gone through tunnels when I approached one. They can be great fun.
So my interpretation is that you had an exit from a dream, or had a projection in your sleep that you 'woke up' to in-process.

For definitions on the terms I used, please take a look at the ADPedia in my signature, or read this:

26th December 2013, 09:28 PM
Thank you for taking the time to see this and reply CFT.
I am a bit at a loss here. This has never happened again after that night and had never happened before. Does this thing (projection) mean anything or is it like an ordinary dream? Is there anything i should do about it? Is it dangerous? What is the meaning of this? What do people do with this information (for lack of a better word...).
Thank you very much for your help,
much appreciated


26th December 2013, 09:34 PM
Beautiful video: too bad I can't understand Hindi and verify the legitimacy of whatever the narrator is saying.
I can help!

And wonder about another synchronicity.

This is the English version.


I came across it only - believe it or not, I swear it's the truth - YESTERDAY.

It just happened accidentally, saw it in a Youtube sidebar of another video on meditation (or even meditation audios only). I saw the first 20 minutes and also thought it is nice and interesting, and bookmarked it to view the rest perhaps today. I also saw that there are other language versions (in the sidebar).

It is of course steeped in Hindi esoteric science and mysticism, but beautifully done, as far as I can judge from these 20 minutes.

Now I come here and read this post. And here it is ... again, just the Hindi version.

This is so strange, but I am somehow accustomed to these things happening so often now. :wacky1:

To teulada:
Sorry for getting first so offtopic, but I just needed - again - to express my wonder and astonishment about these 'coincidences'.

And yes, the vortex tunnel is a typical means of 'transport' when you are lucid on the astral planes and want to change planes/'locations', but not the only method. I believe this can happen in dreams which I believe are 'unconscious' astral projections, too.

Good luck in your quest, maybe you just started on an interesting journey (that might lead you if you're willing through quite some tunnels but to many more things and places perhaps...). And thanks for the post because I can add another one to my list of synchronicities beyond belief. ;)

26th December 2013, 09:35 PM
Just decided I will watch the rest NOW. :D

26th December 2013, 09:52 PM
This is the English version.


I came across it only - believe it or not, I swear it's the truth - YESTERDAY. I believe it. I get synchronicities like this all the time.

@ Teulada: astral projection (in a nutshell) is a projection of your conscious point of awareness into 'another' environment. The environment can be physical, can be energetic, and can be purely subjective, such as a dream.
The link I gave you to the Treatise on Astral Projection will give you more in-depth information. I suggest you read it.

26th December 2013, 09:53 PM
I can help!

And wonder about another synchronicity.

This is the English version.


I came across it only - believe it or not, I swear it's the truth - YESTERDAY.

It just happened accidentally, saw it in a Youtube sidebar of another video on meditation (or even meditation audios only). I saw the first 20 minutes and also thought it is nice and interesting, and bookmarked it to view the rest perhaps today. I also saw that there are other language versions (in the sidebar).

It is of course steeped in Hindi esoteric science and mysticism, but beautifully done, as far as I can judge from these 20 minutes.

Now I come here and read this post. And here it is ... again, just the Hindi version.

This is so strange, but I am somehow accustomed to these things happening so often now. :wacky1:

To teulada:
Sorry for getting first so offtopic, but I just needed - again - to express my wonder and astonishment about these 'coincidences'.

And yes, the vortex tunnel is a typical means of 'transport' when you are lucid on the astral planes and want to change planes/'locations', but not the only method. I believe this can happen in dreams which I believe are 'unconscious' astral projections, too.

Good luck in your quest, maybe you just started on an interesting journey (that might lead you if you're willing through quite some tunnels but to many more things and places perhaps...). And thanks for the post because I can add another one to my list of synchronicities beyond belief. ;)

Hello Sinera, thank you very much for providing the link to the English video. i had not noticed it myself or would have spared my friend from India the trouble of translating that part for me. And yes, it does seem very interesting.
