View Full Version : Need Help

2nd January 2014, 01:19 AM
To all respectible members of this forum ! I need to ask a question: How can one kill himself using astral projection? I've read somewhere that it's possible and rationally, you're out of your body and it's just a step away from being death. Don't tell me, like in other forum, that you can't kill yourself...

I know maybe rather inappropriate to ask such question, but think about it, somebody (a friend of mine actually) who is really in lots of pain, and there's no way to go to.... something like terminal illnesses (no cure), don't you think it's a good idea to end his pain? do you think I should insist that he should keep on going with his life (is there any life at all?)? I mean it's either taking his life in gross way such as shot himself in the head, taking whole bottle of sleeping pils, etc, or thru astral projection ?

The most important question is: once one is out of body, is it possible to go far away (in astral plane) and for long period of time (from one's body) and never return and doing so result in death?

Maybe you could help me further [Email address deleted for privacy and spambait reasons; please contact this user via PM]

Thank you very much all in advance for the help!

2nd January 2014, 04:46 AM
To all respectible members of this forum ! I need to ask a question: How can one kill himself using astral projection? I've read somewhere that it's possible and rationally, you're out of your body and it's just a step away from being death. Don't tell me, like in other forum, that you can't kill yourself...

I know maybe rather inappropriate to ask such question, but think about it, somebody (a friend of mine actually) who is really in lots of pain, and there's no way to go to.... something like terminal illnesses (no cure), don't you think it's a good idea to end his pain? do you think I should insist that he should keep on going with his life (is there any life at all?)? I mean it's either taking his life in gross way such as shot himself in the head, taking whole bottle of sleeping pils, etc, or thru astral projection ?

The most important question is: once one is out of body, is it possible to go far away (in astral plane) and for long period of time (from one's body) and never return and doing so result in death?

Maybe you could help me further [Email address deleted for privacy and spambait reasons; please contact this user via PM]

Thank you very much all in advance for the help!

Hi Daniel_yuri,
The only thing I will say is...do you think that your friendĀ“s life was created in vaine?? And that he has not choosen to come here by own choice to take care of his karma??

Think again!!


2nd January 2014, 03:59 PM
There is no way to do this. You don't leave your body empty in projection- it's like your body/mind is a flashlight, and the projected double is the light that comes out of it. You can't turn off the flashlight by removing the beam.
I think IA addressed the 'value of life' issue- only your friend can decide deep down whether he's done here, it's between and his God/Higher Self/etc.

5th January 2014, 06:46 AM
Hi all! Thank you for all of your answers!

I think it's rather hard to answer such question, I agree with the other guy in the other forum that my friend just need to get there by himself and ask around. Or just try several ways until he "succeed".

well, thanks for your reply anyway...



5th January 2014, 09:05 AM
Maybe your friend did test you how much you care and love him, if he is at all important to you??
