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29th January 2014, 09:53 PM
UFO in California- Facebook Video, not sure how it can embed here



29th January 2014, 10:37 PM
Something major is going to happen next week -- the lights in the sky are one of the many signs that things are in place and something major will enfold soon.

30th January 2014, 01:31 AM
Part of me hopes so and part of me doesn't.

30th January 2014, 10:27 AM
Something major is going to happen next week -- the lights in the sky are one of the many signs that things are in place and something major will enfold soon.

Part of me hopes so and part of me doesn't.

Why? And what's in store? (now don't say Ragnarök on Feb 22 please ;) )

30th January 2014, 01:18 PM
Part of me wants for things to get better, part of me fears it's not going to be 'better', and part of me fears change. But feels a cool trickle of anticipation. You know, the usual human mixture of glee and dread.
And part of me doubts anything 'special' will happen also, to add to the mixture.

30th January 2014, 03:53 PM
Lights in the sky over California, any part of CA, seems pretty commonplace. I know my brother followed a green orb through the woods of Northern CA once night before it took up in the sky, sat in place, and then vanished.

Now, I'm aware of Earthquake lights, but I'm curious how UFO lights are a signal. I realize this could open a box of issues. I realize UFOs show up on disaster video often, but a conclusive link?

And on that note, has anyone seen The Conjuring? Fascinating story. I listened to an interview with the Wife/Mother who lived through the real ordeal and she mentioned how the family all saw UFOs above their haunted home several times. This is actually pretty common for those that live in seriously haunted places. So now, we've got UFOs with Big Foot, haunted houses, natural disasters...I'm not feeling the love.


30th January 2014, 05:15 PM
So now, we've got UFOs with Big Foot, haunted houses, natural disasters...I'm not feeling the love. I'm a big fan of all those themes (Forteana?) and will watch anything associated with it. Some better than others, but I still love them.