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View Full Version : Pain in the knees

8th July 2006, 09:43 AM

I have a friend who has had terrible pain in her knees for a year or so now. The pain is so severe that she sometimes can't walk from this, it makes her have to vomit (but very rarely). She describes it as a sensation like somebody was slashing her with a knife on the back sides of both legs, behind the knees. She feels pain on the front side also, but much more manageable.

She heas tried out a lot of classic medicine approaches, and none of the docs have been able to determine what's wrong with her. She's otherwise a healthy, positive girl..

What I would like to know is might this problem be somehow energy related, and if it is what can be done in order to help her with this (first and foremost by herself), meaning various energy healing techniques etc., anything that could help to at least ease the pain.

She's 24 years old and out of a job because of this, her life is passing her by and nobody seems able to help her (we live in a small country in Europe where people have largely never even heared about alternative medicine, e healing etc). It's high time for things to start changing for the better for her...

Thank you...

8th July 2006, 06:17 PM
This is going to sound strange, but it works very often. In past life regression work, it has been found that often when people develop a pain for no good reason it is related to a past life. If someone, for instance, was stabbed through the knees/legs and died from it in a past life, when they currently reach that same age when they died, pain will appear in the area of the body that was involved in their death (knees).

If she is open to the idea, she could go into trance and ask to be taken back to "the source of her pain" by her Higher Self or Guides, whatever feels safe to her. After reliving the death scene, many people find that the unexplained pain in this current life disappears.

11th July 2006, 12:10 AM

I have a friend who has had terrible pain in her knees for a year or so now. The pain is so severe that she sometimes can't walk from this, it makes her have to vomit (but very rarely). She describes it as a sensation like somebody was slashing her with a knife on the back sides of both legs, behind the knees. She feels pain on the front side also, but much more manageable.

She heas tried out a lot of classic medicine approaches, and none of the docs have been able to determine what's wrong with her. She's otherwise a healthy, positive girl..

What I would like to know is might this problem be somehow energy related, and if it is what can be done in order to help her with this (first and foremost by herself), meaning various energy healing techniques etc., anything that could help to at least ease the pain.

She's 24 years old and out of a job because of this, her life is passing her by and nobody seems able to help her (we live in a small country in Europe where people have largely never even heared about alternative medicine, e healing etc). It's high time for things to start changing for the better for her...

Thank you...
(1) http://www.egoscue.com

(2) I urge you to pray to Blessed Alphonsa of India. Her intercession is very powerful, for she suffered herself. I shall pray as well.

Blessed Alphonsa, praise the Lord...
For His mercy endures forever!
See Blessed Alphonsa in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blessed_Alphonsa)…

12th July 2006, 12:06 AM
Hi Nikpalj!

I work with energy unlocking. Do you want me to unlock it for her? The problem is located inside the family as a DNA string of energy down to her mothers mother. Who had a fear of not beeing enough. Thats why she has pain. Do you want me to release it?

Dont blame her mother mother. Its no ones fault. It is just an energy.

Love and light