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View Full Version : started program, how fast to move?

6th February 2014, 07:07 PM
I recently started this program last week and am extremely impressed with it.

I have been following your NEW system for around ten years now on and off. I have always had problems with consistency, but luckily this has improved in other aspects of my life and I hope to use this same momentum for my energy work.

Anyways, since I have been using it for some time, I am wondering how fast to move in this work. I realize that everything is based around strengthening feet, legs, hands and arms, and then the lower chakras.

I appreciate the workout analogy, since that is something else I have been doing on and off for many years. I have been working intensely since last week, putting in an hour or two a day as was suggested, and I am still reluctant to begin working on higher chakras and more advanced techniques.

Am I being overly cautious? Since it is so individual, how am I to know when to continue on. I just want to make sure I heed all your warnings and am careful. At the same time I want to make sure I'm making progress and moving towards the goal on kundalini awakening.

I appreciate any advice from folks who have more experience than myself.

Robert Bruce
7th February 2014, 02:56 AM
You are good to move on with the more advanced exercises.

If there was any reason not to, you would have already been experiencing problems, given what you have been doing. So that tells me you are good to go...

you should also get into some fasting. Start with fasting from bedtime to 6pm the next day. When you are good with this, do a complete day, from bedtime till morning the day after, and go from there.

A good alternative is to take only juices. This will keep your energy levels up and it takes just as much self discipline to succeed.


7th February 2014, 04:21 AM
I look forward to trying out some of the more advanced energy work involved in the program. Thanks for your advice on fasting. I will start incorporating that into my practice as well. I'll let you know how it all goes!

Robert Bruce
12th February 2014, 12:56 PM
The Gerson Therapy is also a good alternative to fasting.


this involves organic juices and foods, some cooked and some raw. It is a well known cure for cancer, and it will cure just about anything else as well. This is a good alternative if you are a lightweight and want to do something long term, or want a super healthy lifestyle change.
