View Full Version : Clarification of Neg research in Practical Psychic Self Defense.

22nd February 2014, 05:42 PM
Hi, I am hopefully seeking to get clarified to better understand the picture painted in the Practical Psychic Self Defense Workbook. On page 10 it is stated “Negs have no physical substance. Their reactions to some countermeasures suggest they are two-dimensional energy beings that are bound to the surface of the earth.” Then it goes on to state “Negs appear to exist in a thin layer of energy that covers the entire surface of the planet. This energy layer appears to follow the contours of the earth… Lightning appears to be responsible for generating such a field.

In contrast on page 146 you state “the surface of the earth carries an energy field that is contributed to by the several thousand lightning strikes that occur each minute around the world. It is this field of energy to which Negs appear to be attached.” Then you continue “Negs may attach to the electrical field that covers the surface of the human skin. This connection protects them from running water and electrical grounding” and then “… they are demanifested when they are electrically grounded to the planet.”

My questions are:

- Is this energy field contributed to or is it created by lightning strikes?

- By “bound” to the surface of the earth do this mean mean bound but not grounded and only existing in this thin energy field? On page 96, If they come up from the ground through to the feet wouldn't they already be electrically grounded and therefore demanifested?

- If the human being is grounded to the surface of the Earth already by walking on it in conjunction with crossing running water wouldn’t these two details help to demanifest the neg rather than the neg using the human being as a vehicle for cross running water considering crossing running water is used as a countermeasure as is being grounded or earthed? If it would be demanifested, how could it use a human being as a vehicle to cross running water and be attached to the magnetic field in the first place if the person is grounded? I have to assume that their is a quality of grounding that needs to be reached?

Could anyone clarify or expand on the details as to what into why this is not?

THANK you so very much!

... also posted in Ask Robert Bruce Forum

22nd February 2014, 10:00 PM
I think this one is for Robert. I have found personally that almost all countermeasures have worked for me, so, except for associating elemental inferences, I haven't gotten into the 'science' part of negative entities, because I just don't 'know' anything about them, at least not enough to come up with a coherent answer for you.

23rd February 2014, 01:37 AM
Hi CFTraveler. I'm sure they do. These are just questions that came up in my mind when reading over the material several times to know it in and out. :)

25th February 2014, 05:17 PM
My view of the contemporaneous area to the physical in which some entities operate is it is what some call the etheric. An astral material with a nature closer to the physical earth than that of the more subtle places. Its surface seems to tend to vary depending on location and can sometimes be below the physical surface but more likely above it, it is also responsive to the nature of some activities, some of which can be purely physical such as regular road traffic or the performance of ritual be it of a religious nature or even non religious repetitive activities. Like the physical Earth it is malleable in that it can be somewhat shaped to provide infrastructure. Just as we exploit the physical natures of our environment, so the etheric can be exploited and utilised by dwellers of such places.

I hold a viewpoint that the etheric is exploited by some entities in order to give them a degree of presence in the near physical, a stepping stone perhaps between their own environs and ours. Other types probably (can) only exist in that space and maybe some thought forms can only operate there. Another facet of this level is the presence of energy lines which may utilise etheric or coexist in their own form, some maybe very traditional known as Ley lines, others the result of directed energy work, attachments of various natures or again repetitive activities. It probably plays a role at some locations labelled spiritual or special on some manner, that it as well as the physical elements can be imbued with say the collective will of the people using such sites or even be part of location chosen to be energised for some psychic purpose. There is a fluid nature to "etheric" particularly when being manifested for specific tasks so it may be oversimplifying by giving too many attributes to one name but I find it works well enough for some practical purposes.

The electrical field element is interesting, on the one hand electromagnetism and electrical potential pervades all and generally varies constantly. Just muscle movement generates electrical potential and such is attributed to the risk of damaging electronic components hence the existence of earth straps for some types of work. I have observed an entity moving through a wall where there was an electric socket and seeming to react to it, others take no notice. My thoughts on moving water as a neg repellent is that it disturbs the subtle layers such as etheric and makes it difficult for some entities to stabilise themselves in the physical, moving furniture about can mess with some entities for a while also. How much is it electrical and/or maybe it is a question of consistency of the environment e.g. etheric framework needed to manifest their intent. An interesting area full of questions. :)

Lightning is another factor, certainly shakes things up a bit and results in massive energy flows but it is also ultimately neutralising the disparate electrical potential between two regions, not that a subset of either of those regions is really bothered about that part of the picture. The so called grounding of an area is a relative measure to somewhere else and one persons ground can be different to someone else's ground by plus or minus some volts. All good fun. :) Grounding in that a current flow can be induced may also work by disrupting the etheric framework or even attachments using subtle materials, just putting current thoughts to paper here.

Which leads on to Tesla coils, some in the past have talked of trying this as a solution but do not recall anyone posting results. Lightning globe ornaments presumably are based upon such. We tend to live in a rather noisy electrical environment anyway although with much lower electrical potentials, some would be rather alarmed at adding more but to hear some results would be of interest.