View Full Version : Sun Gazing

3rd March 2014, 12:22 AM
Hey Robert. I been looking into sun gazing lately. Do you think over time this can help develop psychic abilities? I also heard it can kill fluoride in the body from drinking water. It's basically like a physical, mental, and spiritual cleanse. Doing this while earthing is said to be the best medicine there is along with meditation etc. Do you think sungazing can have these effects? I am just getting into it.


Robert Bruce
14th March 2014, 02:46 AM
I think sungazing can be beneficial if you go about it in the right way and follow sensible instructions.

I am also aware of a lot or hype and mythology surrounding this practice.

For example, I do not think it would remove fluoride. A fluoride water filter, however, will remove fluoride.

btw, for the latest on the fluoride debate, see



14th March 2014, 07:19 AM
I think sungazing can be beneficial if you go about it in the right way and follow sensible instructions.

I am also aware of a lot or hype and mythology surrounding this practice.

For example, I do not think it would remove fluoride. A fluoride water filter, however, will remove fluoride.

btw, for the latest on the fluoride debate, see



Awesome, thanks a bunch Robert.