View Full Version : Chakra Color

soul elevation
4th March 2014, 03:17 AM
The traditional descriptions of the Chakras as we most know them to be follows the colors of the rainbow. However, as I continue to read more from multiple sources, I notice different descriptions among writers. For instances:

Elizabeth Clare Prophet's description:

Crown: Yellow
Brow: Green
Throat: Blue
Heart: Pink
Solar Plexus: Purple and Gold with Ruby Flecks
Sacral: Vibrant Violet
Base: Pure White

Tom DeLiso of Wisdomsdoor.com (http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/ck/chakra_des.shtml):

Crown: predominately violet in color except for the central whirlpool which is similar to golden sunlight
Brow: dark blue with or without violet and sometimes with pink-rose color coming from it
Throat: Predominately blue but with alternating blue and green sections
Heart: Golden in color but many times can dip in various shades from golden yellow to pink or light orange
Solar Plexus: various shades of red but also has random spokes that are green
Sacral: This chakra has 6 spokes each of which are a different color: red, orange, yellow, green. blue, violet
Base: red and dark-orange in hue

Master Choa Kok Sui of pranichealing.com:

Crown: the 12 inner petals contain predominantly golden prana, and the 960 outer petals contain light violet, blue, yellow, green, orange, and red pranas.2
Brow: The ajna chakra has ninety six petals, and has two divisions, each having forty eight petals. In some persons, one division is predominantly light yellow, and the other division is predominantly light violet. Others have whitish green in one division and light violet in the other. The predominant color pranas in the ajna differ from person to person, and the colors change according to a person’s psychological state.
Throat: predominantly blue prana with some green and violet pranas.
Heart: The front heart chakra contains golden and light red pranas. The back heart chakra contains golden, red, orange, and yellow pranas. The slight difference in appearance between the front heart chakra and back heart chakra, however, is that the front heart chakra contains more golden prana with some light red prana.
Solar Plexus: contains red, yellow, green and blue pranas. It also contains a little of orange and violet pranas.
Sacral: Contains red prana of two different shades, and orange prana
Base: Contains red and orange prana...contains very minute amount of unnoticeable yellow prana

Could anyone out there explain why this may be?

4th March 2014, 01:14 PM
I can give it a crack: The traditional color spectrum of the chakras (from the bottom up) red, orange,yellow, green, blue(s) violet and gold or white are given because red (the bottom part) is the slowest color of the rainbow (infrared is invisible, although slower) and as it goes higher the frequency rises, until you get to violet (crown) and then of course ultraviolet (which is invisible, too fast for our eyes) which is often depicted as gold or white, depending on who you read.
The other depictions of chakra colors are probably as the person sees them clairvoyantly, and there you have the differences- although there may be other reasons (cultural preference) why they depict them this way- they may have different symbolism regarding color as it relates to the characteristics of the chakras themselves.
If you're clairvoyant (who sees color, I have seen chakras but as light intensity and not color) go with what you see- other than that, I like the old 'rainbow method', because it is very symbolic and easy to remember.

8th March 2014, 07:41 PM
I found this on Astral Projectors (FB). It is to represent the colors of 'orbs', but I found it was also true of chakras plus some. Notice Scarlet Red (1st) Orange (2nd) Gold (3rd) Emerald Green (4th) Pilot Light Blue (one of the blues) 5th Indigo (6th) and White (7th)

Scarlet Red - Strong willpower, over-inflated ego, pompous, survival oriented, realistic
Dark Red - Anger, pain, psychological impairment
Deep Red - Short-tempered, stress, restlessness
Vermilion (Clear Red) - Creative, powerful, energetic, competitive, passionate
Light Pink - Sensitive, compassionate, affectionate, true love, openness
Salmon Pink - Immature, dishonest
Orange-Red - Confident, healing energy
Orange - Strong motivation, healthy, adventurous, courageous, outgoing
Peach - Caring communicator, ability to comfort
Amber - Strong and courageous
Orange-Yellow - Optimistic, scientific, intelligent, perfectionist
Pale Yellow - Shyness, optimistic, hopeful
Lemon Yellow - Strength of direction, fearful of loss
Yellow - Caution, warning
Buttercup - Focused on a course of action (determined), inspired
Mustard - Manipulative, overly analytical, making up for lost time
Gold- Higher level of consciousness, wise, protective, enlightened, tolerance, free-flowing energy
Apple Green - Friendly, communicative
Yellow-Green - Liar, cheater, dishonesty
Olive Green - Miserly, Scrooge-like
Emerald Green - Healer, teacher, love-centered person, fertility
Forest Green - Jealous, low self-esteem, overly sensitive
Turquoise - Therapist, communicative, sensitive, amusement, neutrality
Sky Blue (Light) - Strong instinct, intuitive, peaceful, truthful, tranquility
Pilot Light Blue - Shielding, protective
Cobalt Blue - Intuitive in a higher dimension
Royal Blue - Knows their chosen path, generous, highly spiritual
Navy Blue - Shyness, slow yet safe and sure, fearful of truth or being one's self, survival instinct
Indigo - Strong psychic ability, intuitive, deep-feeling
Lavender - Daydreamer, visionary, spiritual peacefulness
Violet - Sensitive, wise, intuitive, idealistic, seeking spirituality
Grape - Laziness
Dark Purple - Stored information
Mauve - Humble
White - Pure, transcendent, often a new un-designated energy, high frequency, protective, shielding
Silver - Linked to spiritual realm, spiritual and physical abundance, nurturing, telekinetic energy
Gray - Feeling trapped
Payne's Gray - Depressed, fearful
Black- Tortured, abused, unreleased grief
Raw Sienna - Poor thinking processes, insecure, stressed
Chocolate Brown - Environmentalist, common sense, connected to the earth


8th March 2014, 08:33 PM
I think this also can be true for auras, in my example, violet is the predominant color of my aura, and at least several traits in violet's definition are a part of what kind of a human I am.

8th March 2014, 09:05 PM
Violet! What a wonderful thing. Nobody's ever read my aura and if were to guess - well, I'd be a fool to try. I can think of colors that it's NOT, attributes I certainly don't exhibit. Like maybe Lemon Yellow. I don't have any idea really.

8th March 2014, 10:32 PM
One person did read mine actually but he didn't tell me the color, though he did indeed tell me stuff about myself. All was correct, I just didn't think if them that was, except the foretells about future, which the time for is definitely yet to come.

It was thanks to my own clairvoyance that lets me see parts of human auras which takes a some time to actually see it for me. Not too much, but it makes it almost impossible to see the aura of other people if they move around too much. For me, it was fairly easy to attain this much clairvoyance, (a few practice sessions over several days) but I'm not sure if further development of this will be equally easy.
Well, I didn't get the chance to get someone sitting or standing in front of me with or without clothes so I don't know how much I could really progress or not. They tend to move before I could get a good look and even the slightest movement breaks it and it happens again and again.

John Sorensen
9th March 2014, 05:41 AM
Just a quick note that Chakras are potentially infinite.

From the point of view that all of time is simulataneous, chakras exist in and out of bodies, as well as probable selves from parallel universes, and of course simultaneous incarnations.

I tend to focus on 10 particular chakras at present, being the 7 in our bodies you see on most charts, the one below our feet (earth chakra) and the two above our head (spirit and higher self).


As far as colours go, well I don't "see" them, I just feel them, so in my mind colour is not important.

However, the various books I have read over the years show wild discrepancies about what colour this or that colour is "supposed" to be. To me, it seems to be very culture specific.

Also, what happens if someone is blind? The colours would of no use to them.
They only exist as colour when we choose to see them that way, in view, they are just energy centres. I don't trust most literature on this topic, but I do trust my own experiences.

9th March 2014, 03:19 PM
Yes, I spent some years in Kriya Yoga and they recognize two intermediary levels/chakras above the crown and then the 3rd is the Buddha level. Above that the Godhead and then White Island and on and on.

As far as I'm concerned it's pretty arbitrary, but it helps to have some idea of an ascending ladder.

I don't trust most literature on this topic, but I do trust my own experiences.
I don't trust jack except for my experience. But something to focus the imagination on is helpful.

13th March 2014, 12:09 PM
I don't trust jack except for my experience. But something to focus the imagination on is helpful.
Same here. Striving for 'The path of the master'.

Also, what happens if someone is blind? The colours would of no use to them.
They only exist as colour when we choose to see them that way, in view, they are just energy centres. I don't trust most literature on this topic, but I do trust my own experiences.
Yes, good point and the same as what Tom Campbell think about it all when interviewed by Robert Bruce. Although applying color to them helps me target and individualize the chakras I believe it is unnecessary, and you can just 'feel' them without adding color to them.

John Sorensen
14th March 2014, 07:05 AM
Same here. Striving for 'The path of the master'.

Yes, good point and the same as what Tom Campbell think about it all when interviewed by Robert Bruce. Although applying color to them helps me target and individualize the chakras I believe it is unnecessary, and you can just 'feel' them without adding color to them.

Also, Chakras are traditionally known as "swirling vortexes", or spirals, so if you like visuals...


Personally, while I use visualisation for many other purposes (mainly quantum intention/probable realities)
when it comes to Chakras, my favourite thing to is lie on my back on the floor, or in bed, and focus on any of the various centers, and FEEL the energy and associations.

Also, I daily do the Kriya Yoga type "spine circulation" breath, which is also common in Tai Chi Chuan, Tibetan Buddhism, Budo, Essenes and many other traditions the breath, which can also be extended to include the earth chakra, and soul + oversoul chakras.

14th March 2014, 07:13 PM
Susan described a dream in which a ship on the water began spinning and rose up to her very high.

So what chakra would you think related to water (assuming the spinning ship was a chakra vortex)?
Btw, you are the only other member I have met with Kriya experience. I'm and an Adept - so they say. I certainly am not :lol:.

14th March 2014, 08:32 PM
The sacral chakra. It corresponds to the female energy, water, intuition, creation, yin. In the color scheme it would be orange, but in hermetics it would be cold-water-blue. FWTW.

14th March 2014, 11:19 PM
Thanks C. Makes sense.

Aunt Clair
5th April 2014, 12:05 PM
Imho and ime;

Water; blue , indigo, sapphire ...Akasha; basal violet, noble silver

Location of principle Water Energy Centres on Human Energy Body

*Blue; left side of basal energy body, 5th jaw chakra

*Indigo; left arm and right ring finger, 6th brow chakra

*Sapphire; blue works Tail of Peacock, left glove pinky, stone left of head, treasure of middle tan tien; chi

*Plum; index toe left foot,

*Lavender;middle toe right foot ,

*Violet; 7th chakra, purple works Tail of Peacock, left pinky, universal stone rear of head

*Silver; right thumb, ring finger right glove, supernal chakra, sphinx,lunar angel

For contrast
Water; blue, indigo,sapphire..........Akasha; basal violet, noble silver
Fire; yellow,orange,topaz......................... basal amber, noble golden
Earth; red,salmon,ebony, black................. basal rose, noble ruby
Air;green,chartreuse,ivory, white...............basal aqua, noble emerald

The body begins left side female water blue and right side male earth and red.

The chakras are dull but rainbow coloured from red to violet ;base to crown.

The belly is the bull ; red earth
The chest is the lion; yellow sun
The head is the eagle; blue water
The supernal is the angel; green air

After the solar works the electric sun rises from the right foot which becomes salmon red, to the right arm which becomes orange fire
to the left leg which becomes yellow green or chartreuse. With little fire remaining the sun sets in the left arm becoming indigo like the evening sky.

In the tetrapolar human; the right arm is fire, the left arm is water, the right leg remains earth, the left leg becomes air.