View Full Version : OBE Duration and Limits

6th March 2014, 09:44 AM
How long can one potentially stay out of body during an OBE and how difficult is it to train up to that point? Can one spend or have their experience of subjective passage of time be many hours or days during a single sitting? Can long duration experiences be remembered and downloaded? What are the limit thresholds? Can one spend their nights in their astral double traveling consciously and have that experience supersede their sleeping consciousness in memory upon awakening?


6th March 2014, 01:16 PM
How long can one potentially stay out of body during an OBE and how difficult is it to train up to that point? I don't know if there is an answer to your question- the longest objective time I've been 'out' is two hours, and it happened within one or two years from the beginning of my training. I think they last less time now, but I'm not as focused on them. So I think the answer depends on the person- too many variables.

Can one spend or have their experience of subjective passage of time be many hours or days during a single sitting? Can long duration experiences be remembered and downloaded? It hasn't been my experience- a big difference between subjective and objective passage of time is more common in dreamstate than OBE. Once again, in my experience. Yours may vary.

What are the limit thresholds? Can one spend their nights in their astral double traveling consciously and have that experience supersede their sleeping consciousness in memory upon awakening?

Thanks! There have been accounts of Yogis staying in a deep meditative state for long periods of time, entire nights, even days- in the Autobiography of a Yogi he talks about a monk who stayed in meditation for years. But, whether the accounts are objectively true, think of the years it took for that monk to be able to do this. A lifetime.

6th March 2014, 02:51 PM
Thanks CF. That was very informative. Let me rephrase my last question to this:

Can one sleep and spend their nights in their astral double traveling consciously and have that experience supersede their sleeping consciousness in memory upon awakening?

6th March 2014, 04:56 PM
Sometimes. The problem is that it's remembered as a dream, if the exit isn't done consciously.
I believe many precognitive dreams or dreams of things that happen in real time are actually out of body experiences, with the exit not remembered.

12th March 2014, 05:56 PM
Thanks. I actually read somewhere a guy able to project and experience a completely other life in duration during sleep. He claimed to do this anyway. If i can remember the link, I'll link it up. It would be great to essentially have 'more life' as your conscious body rests and you live separately in your astral body during this process.

12th March 2014, 09:10 PM
I had many months of life in dreams when I was a teenager. So I know this can be experienced. I don't have the experience of a 'whole 'nother' life, but I think it was like a few months in two weeks. It's been a long time since I had that experience.