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8th March 2014, 07:15 AM

About 12 months ago I was a severe drug user. I was doing this because several times in my life I have been attacked by evil men who didn't like my family and also because it stopped something from progressing. The latest time I was walking into a hospital while my father was in intensive care, I was nursing a hangover and had strong eyes. I was stopped outside the hospital and (hammered) given a mark at the center of my forehead toward the top.

Now almost 12 months on I have been clean for the last 10months, I am seeing floaters and can hear people speaking to me, they speak with distinctly different personalities and seem to want to guide me in negative fashions. They call me lightning.

Does anyone have any tips on blocking?

Edit: They seem to point me in directions of flowers.

8th March 2014, 06:34 PM
I think you need to talk to a professional first to make sure you're mentally fit before assuming metaphysical influences.

8th March 2014, 09:42 PM

Yeah already done, mentally ok. Just being attacked. The personalities attacking me are using spirituality This happened all of a sudden and is continuing to happen, they send various curses. Part of me thinks its like a recording or something transmitted through floaters. Im just looking for a way to stop it. When I was a kid I used to visualize colors, yellow, white and blue in succession, I dont do that anymore. I have a feeling that stops it, Im trying that. Its the result of spiritual attack. I feel like they have gotton hold of my hair or other personal items and are communicating with me through attatchments they have put on me...Have you heard of this? How do I de - attatch the floaters? I have stopped drug use before...for about 2 years...no issues then...this time around I have stopped for good, but wasnt using for that long even before I resolved the issue. This is definitely spiritual attack.

8th March 2014, 11:10 PM
When you say floaters, I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to. Visual phenomena? One of the ways I know to remove attachments is to go in a trance until you're clairvoyant, use your astral hands to remove them mechanically, and then seal the area where they were with a sacred symbol (your favorite).
There is also an energy work technique called the 'rapido' technique that Robert teaches. Once you do it regularly, you become an 'uncomfortable' 'non-host'. However, if these attacks are the cause of other humans doing magick on you, you need to address the reasons they did it to begin with.
Check out the PSD forum countermeasures thread and see what speaks to you.

John Sorensen
9th March 2014, 02:01 AM

Yeah already done, mentally ok. Just being attacked. The personalities attacking me are using 'black magic.' This happened all of a sudden and is continuing to happen, they send various curses. Part of me thinks its like a recording or something transmitted through floaters. Im just looking for a way to stop it. When I was a kid I used to visualize colors, yellow, white and blue in succession, I dont do that anymore. I have a feeling that stops it, Im trying that. Its the result of spiritual attack. I feel like they have gotton hold of my hair or other personal items and are communicating with me through attatchments they have put on me...Have you heard of this? How do I de - attatch the floaters? I have stopped drug use before...for about 2 years...no issues then...this time around I have stopped for good, but wasnt using for that long even before I resolved the issue. This is definitely spiritual attack.

Sometimes my family recommends things to me that I don't really care for.

I love them, but I don't have to follow their suggestions.

WHATEVER the source, you have the free will to make your own choices, you don't have to follow the instructions of anyone or anything, including me in this post, feel free to ignore it.

However, it helps to talk to friends, in person, who is there you can talk to who will listen (without judgement?) If you feel someone will not listen because you say you are being "spiritually attacked", then tell them it was a dream, and you just want someone to listen to you.

Don't suffer in silence.

One thing to consider is that drugs and alcohol abuse can cause divisions in the psyche, whatever is going on, until you accept the responsibility that you created the present situation, and make your peace with it, and asking "what can I learn from this"? Then that resistance may cause you further disturbances.

What are your daily activities and what sort of people do you associate with?
Are you are people who are kind and generous, or people who are cruel and mean?

Everything in our environment influences us, and sometimes we pick up "echos" of other people, and may even start believing that "I am not worthy" "I am unloveable" etc.

If someone is indeed "attacking" you as you say, consider this for a moment:

*If I call you a car, does that make you a car ?

*If I call you a cardboard box, does that make YOU a cardboard box?

No, why not? It is ridiculous of course.

So IF I say you are a terrible human being, useless, pathetic, no good etc etc....

Does that MAKE you a terrible human being?

No, of course not, it is just as ridiculous as saying you are a car.

Whatever people say to you, about you, or think towards you, you DO NOT have to just blindly accept it.
You can choose to view yourself however you wish.

By all means CONTINUE to see some kind of specialist if that serves you, or you feel that you are a danger to yourself or others.

If I can make a suggestion, an invitation, wich you have a freedom of choice to accept or decline.....
it is this...

*Have the intention to listen to your own inner voice, and not that of others.
*If you are confused as to whether this voice is your OWN, in making decisions and actions, ask the following

*Is this choice a loving choice?
*How will I grow by making this choice?
*How can I better a little better today, than I was yesterday?

In your shoes, I would also try the following for one month:

DISCLAIMER: This is a deliberate "program" to install in your subsconcious mind, if you do not agree with the ideas I lay down here, then by all means DO NOT use it, however if you feel empowered by the ideas, then try them once a day, each day, for one month, with full conscious attention, and FEELING/ Emotion as you say them out loud,


I am good person.
I have integrity.
I do what is ethically right and good.
Whatever life puts before me will be useful experience that will make me stronger, wiser, and more tolerant.
I am strong enough to understand and make allowances for other people's weaknesses, and their behaviour towards me. Other people's behaviour is about them, not me.
I focus on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can.
I am what I eat and drink, so I eat and drink good things.
I am what I watch and play and listen, so I watch and play and listen to good positive things.
I take exercise which I enjoy. I walk when I don't need to drive or take the bus or train.
I smile and laugh whenever I can - life is good - getting caught in the rain reminds me that it is good to be alive to feel it.
I forgive other people. Deep down everyone is a good person, just like me.
I am a compassionate and loving, caring person.
I am a good person.
I am.

Print this off, read it aloud once a day, preferably in front a mirror first thing in the morning.

Read it, and if you find "resistance" because it feels strange, unusual, continue to read, and do it with passion and enthusiasm, imagine you are this person already, and you are half way there.

But do this for one month, every day without fail.

If done, what you are doing is using repetition, intention, thought, emotion and feeling to install this "Belief program" into your subconscious mind, where it will run on autopilot, in the background of your everyday life.

Saying these things, you may experience doubt, fear, anxiety or whatever. That is fine, just add in
"I am choosing to be the best version of myself possible, while acknowledging my doubts"

In this way you deny no part of yourself, you bring acceptance and love to all aspects of your psyche.

I have used these techniques for years, and would not suggest or recommend them if they did not work.

**They work if you want them to work, if you choose to believe they will work, then they will, but if you choose not to believe, then they won't work.

But please trust yourself, and get help from someone who already knows you and has your best interest at mind, rather than some stranger like me!

9th March 2014, 04:16 AM
Hi Ayan01,

John is right on : ).

I would like to underline John's statement that drug and alcohol abuse and dependency can cause divisions in the psyche. It can be very helpful for anyone with a significant drug use history to get a professional, comprehensive, drug and alcohol and mental health assessment and follow recommendations.

9th March 2014, 10:13 PM
I love you guys. Thankyou.

I am a christian man, converted when I was 12, who had been pushed into hinduism by spiritual practice last year. Now after seeing countless swami's and priests, reading two posts on this forum and folloowing the guidelines stopped the voices (for now). I am a hindu. . Ive been around negativity my whole life, you have no idea how tragic my story is... Back to normal for now, for the first time in about 2 months. I was praying to the goddess Durga once upon a time, I got these words in my head, 'its easy to run and its easy to fight but its hard to stand' for the first time in years, i took a step forward today instead of standing there in the boxing arena being beaten, but standing tall not falling..

Seriously Thankyou.