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9th March 2014, 11:39 PM

Since I was 12, (well actually sometime before that but increased tenfold when i was 12) I decided to become a Christian. it didn't sit well with certain people, cue misery :p.

Any ideas? Is this just trauma or could god be trying to teach me something about love?

10th March 2014, 05:35 AM
God doesn't teach love using a curriculum of ignorance, abuse, and torture. What happens is that people attempt to act on the impulse of love despite those things. I believe that love is the manifestation of Creative Source - Spirit - God. Love is God in the world.

Trauma cannot be suppressed or denied. It seeks the light to be healed with love. Trauma will keep coming up until all its aspects are recognized, shared, accepted as truth, made meaning with, and the energy of the wound dissipated and released. This is a process that requires love, patience, skill and mindful presence-with over the long term.

10th March 2014, 07:06 AM
God doesn't teach love using a curriculum of ignorance, abuse, and torture. What happens is that people attempt to act on the impulse of love despite those things. I believe that love is the manifestation of Creative Source - Spirit - God. Love is God in the world.

Trauma cannot be suppressed or denied. It seeks the light to be healed with love. Trauma will keep coming up until all its aspects are recognized, shared, accepted as truth, made meaning with, and the energy of the wound dissipated and released. This is a process that requires love, patience, skill and mindful presence-with over the long term.

Hi Dreamweaver,

Very good explained.
It is very hard to say it to be understood in right way.
As I see GOD...GOD has nothing to do with our World more than being the pure LOVE in the World.
There is god´s whom we pray too until we understand the hiearachy (it is wrong to say, but lack of bette) as I have tried to tell about the divider-line...duality and infinity....I truly Believe that the god´s standing on the dividerline as gate-keepers...whom also are helping us to understand what law´s there are and why....what our own Creation is and what is the real CREATOR...we are the co-creators until we want to go back home to our real home, and melt into the real CREATOR.
Even I am not able to tell my expereince as I did experience it and all the understanding of it, but I try and try, I might succeed one day....:-)

Keep up the good work!!


12th March 2014, 12:52 PM

Is love a force, I often wonder, love is the greatest power in existence, hate cannot stand before love, hate is engulfed, Would it be correct to say that?. I like the idea that love is god manifesting in this plain. I often think of a rose in bloom as a manifestation of love in the world or close to it. I guess god could be trying to show me that out of all of the hate, ignorance and torture that went on in that series of events, the only thing that my mind brings back is that love, if love is god manifesting then that seems to make sense. I blocked it out. It really hurt. If I focused on the pain all I would want to do is seek revenge, and in doing so I would lose my heart, my love and my faith. Perhaps god threw me a life preserver, he exists at the beginning in the middle and the end, so perhaps for me that love was a saving love, even though it was a small event, it comes back to my mind as I am feeling emotions close to those which took place at the 'ranch'. If one was to look at love, what would one say?

12th March 2014, 09:08 PM
I like the idea that love is god manifesting in this plain. So do I. To me, the only real thing is love, so God is love.

13th March 2014, 12:33 AM
i like RUoW's understanding on 'love'
the book talks about what 'unconditional love' is ... in the authors channelling and her experience of her source is God

RIGHT use of WILL (http://www.amazon.com/Right-Use-Will-Evolving-Emotional/dp/1929113005/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394670130&sr=8-1&keywords=right+use+of+will)

From what i can remember Ceanne Derohan channells that uncondiotional love has the capacity to 'hold' / encompass 'fear' to as to enable it to move into something else...... something like that anyway.....:mrgreen:

Love that BOOK :love:xX
