View Full Version : The Robert Bruce Institue

17th March 2014, 02:27 PM
Hey Rob

I was reading around and saw that your wanting to open a Healing institution in Austrialia.

I was wondering if you had a Donation pool, I'd like to donate to your cause, I admit I may not be able to donate much at a time but I would like to help as much as I can.

Let me know what I can do.

Robert Bruce
22nd March 2014, 08:06 AM
Thank you for thinking of me.

donations can be sent via paypal to BruceGlobal@gmail.com

All contributions are greatly appreciated.

peace, robert

22nd March 2014, 01:43 PM
I think what your doing is great! and I want to contribute to it as best I can.

I think the world needs more of what you can teach them

22nd March 2014, 03:01 PM
I think what your doing is great! and I want to contribute to it as best I can.

I think the world needs more of what you can teach them

I agree with you, though the thing I want to do for this is more, well, demanding than a donation. Just wait one or more decades pls. :P

Polaris Akkadian
22nd March 2014, 07:48 PM
What a generous offer! I very much appreciate what Robert Bruce is doing for the metaphysical community as well. He has my support! Thanks for the link.


Robert Bruce
23rd March 2014, 08:00 AM
The first thing i need is a chunk of land. I have some ideas. In Australia, it is still possible to 'claim' land on a 99year renewable lease...similar to a pastoral lease. Its difficult and not advertized and no one will help you, but it is possible. years ago I started searching for land in this way, and found a bunch of swamps that no one wanted. I left these alone as they will probably be reclassified as 'restricted wetlands' one day....

I have had some visions on this and will soon be looking for land near the Buddhist center SouthEast of here. They did same and claimed the land. I plan to renew my search for land around July of this year.


3rd April 2014, 03:41 PM
How much land do you need? Why not in America?