View Full Version : Channelling Abraham and Prosperity Consciousness (AKA The Law of Attraction)

3rd April 2014, 03:12 PM
Bright Blessings Robert.

I have been increasingly aware of what has been phrased Prosperity Consciousness recently. Several of my friends appear quite hooked, and are happy to part with large sums of money to listen to the likes of Esther Hicks channel such teachings as The Law of Attraction.

Although having listened to a few of these ‘rampages’ myself on YouTube, there does not seem to be any credible or practical information imparted that might benefit it’s listeners, save that universal law that like attracts like. More so, I think some of these teachings can damage the soul in that they negate the principles of karma, and are wholly ego-centred, encouraging people into a wish fulfilling frenzy!

If you have an opinion or view on this phenomena and care to share it, I would be delighted to hear.

