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4th May 2014, 11:31 PM
I've been doing a great deal of energy work over the past few months. It appears that this work is having some effect. Suddenly I am having psychic events that I'm later learning are true. It hasn't been in visions or anything specific that I can recall. It's just been a knowing with absolute certainty. When I later learn that I was right, I'm not even surprised...it's more like "Well, of course" instead of "Wow I was right!" *I have no control over it nor do I have any idea when this knowledge is going to pop into my head. I'm hopeful that I will gain a little control over it as time goes on.

The other thing that has just started happening over the past couple of weeks is that lights are flickering when I get near them. I wonder if this is typical when one is doing energy work? And does it eventually stop?

I am so pleased with these things happening! I feel like I am making progress. On top of everything else, I have been having a lot of lucid dreams lately. I am starting to evolve, I think. I can't wait to see where this evolution takes me!

5th May 2014, 05:32 AM
I can't wait to see where this evolution takes me!
Just be aware: the rabbithole is bottomless. ;)

5th May 2014, 12:45 PM
The flickering light thing is reported every once in a while, but I wouldn't say it happens to everyone.

5th May 2014, 12:54 PM
Oh, regarding the flickering lights, yeah. I also used to cause the electrical system in cars to malfunction, light bulbs to blow with alarming regularity, and sometimes mess up television reception, usually when I was particularly emotional (but the flickering lights was pretty common, and not just lights in my home; I once experienced street lights that dimmed as I passed each one, and they'd return to normal when I moved far enough away as I was walking down the street!).

I recommend you start working on some grounding routines. There are lots of ways to do it. I used to have to think about it, but now it's second nature and I just do it automatically. Haven't seen any unexplained electrical weirdness in many years (though that's partly just the continued development making me less volatile in general).

6th May 2014, 07:35 PM
I probably will try some grounding routines soon, but right now I'm still in the "wow isn't this cool!" stage. :)

7th May 2014, 02:45 AM
And ¿what about computer systems you are using?
¿Has you tried to program yourself with affirmations looking for disable disturbances on sensitive devices?
My best regards,

7th May 2014, 11:41 AM
Hello daisy.
First of all I'd like to congrats you.

Finishing your writing I've reached a conclusion that you have psychic power.

You can learn more from experienced one. And also you can have free psychic readings, so you can know more.

As a reference you can visit
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8th May 2014, 05:08 PM
No, I haven't had any disturbances with my computers at home or at work. So far it is just lights. I will bear that in mind if that starts occurring, though, and if it does I will take your advice and use affirmations and some grounding techniques. So far it's not annoying to me, just fascinating.