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9th July 2014, 03:20 PM
The 1995 Ariel School Encounter

https://ripplesinapoolofhighstrangeness.files.wordpress.co m/2014/07/ufo_afrinews-11-150.pdf
https://ripplesinapoolofhighstrangeness.files.wordpress.co m/2014/07/ufo_afrinews-12-150.pdf

13th July 2014, 03:59 AM
What bothers me is the notion of 'mass hallucination' as if that explains anything. There is no science there and it explains nothing. Yet the term is bandied about as an argument to the veracity of the witnesses accounts. It's like, if I said I had a headache and another person said well, that's just a migraine. Where does that get ya'? It's pointless.

13th July 2014, 10:30 AM
What bothers me is the notion of 'mass hallucination' as if that explains anything. There is no science there and it explains nothing. Yet the term is bandied about as an argument to the veracity of the witnesses accounts.
Very true! I could not agree more. How can it be that many people experience with the 5 senses (see, hear, feel, smell, etc.) exactly the same thing at the same moment? Still they say it cannot be real what must not be real - according to their 'definition' of what a hallucination is (mine is different anyway).

It shows yet again how self-contradictory and illogical those 'rational' skeptics are. They put a label on sth but don't actually know what the label exactly is and they could not bother to try to shine a light on it and take a deeper look at their own argument(s). They would be in danger of discovering their own shallowness and logic inadequacies. It seems to me those scoffers always score an own-goal (yeah, as German I'm a bit in soccer-mode today ;) ) with arguments like this.

13th July 2014, 01:11 PM
Best of luck to Germany today, Sinera! :) I'd be in a soccer mode if I were German too. I wish US/German relations were better, but tapping Angela Merkel's phone is just so wrong. I'm having a hard time loving my own country lately. :(

13th July 2014, 02:20 PM
Best of luck to Germany today, Sinera! :) I'd be in a soccer mode if I were German too. I wish US/German relations were better, but tapping Angela Merkel's phone is just so wrong. I'm having a hard time loving my own country lately. :(
I couldn't care less about Angie, tapping my phone or everybody else's in the world is much more worrying for me. ;)
Hey, but you have 'Klinsi' as US coach, that's a good start. :D