View Full Version : Third Eye Question

15th July 2014, 04:06 PM
Does smoking affect your third eye? I recently have tried to quit again and I'm on day 3. I still smoke my E-cig and was wondering if the nicotine would affect it negatively too? I ask this because I've noticed that everytime I quit smoking I experience OBE's much more frequently. The last OBE I had I quit smoking for about 4-5 days before I relapsed and haven't experienced any since. I have noticed a pressure in the middle of my head but I'm guessing that's part of the withdrawn symptoms and not my third eye opening back up. IDK though, just curious to what other people think :D

15th July 2014, 05:49 PM
Nicotine is a mind-altering drug, and in large doses it can cause hallucinations. When my mom was alive she went on a patch, and overdosed when she decided to smoke with the patch on. She had the most vivid hallucinations. When she finally reported them to her doctor the first thing he asked was whether she was sneaking cigs with her patch. They quit when she did.