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View Full Version : Kundalini Activation vs Life challenges

Unreal Specimen
31st July 2014, 08:20 AM

My little backstory: For the last 5 years I 've been experiencing spontaneous kundalini activation along with strong symptoms and kriyas. It's been an interesting, scary, wonderfull and time-consuming journey sofar.
I have progressed along with the ride but still feel that I have many blockages to resolve. Especially intimacy and relationships are huge issues for me, probably due to what seem to stem from childhood trauma as some form of attachment disorder. The kundalini has brought forth some serious introspection.

My dillema: the Kundalini is really something I want to explore further, but as a man in my mid-30's am starting to feel the paternal clock ticking aswell. I feel it's time to put all my efforts to take care of my bussiness as a man, finding love, starting a family, making career moves, etc.

Thus I wonder if it's possible to shut down the activation for as long as necessary and come back to it later?

I have also considered that the Kundalini activation may actually help me with my real life challenges but it's just too unpredictable in my opinion. I would love to hear Roberts take on this aswell as experience from others on handling life itself while Kundalini is activated.

31st July 2014, 11:10 PM

My little backstory: For the last 5 years I 've been experiencing spontaneous kundalini activation along with strong symptoms and kriyas. It's been an interesting, scary, wonderfull and time-consuming journey sofar.
I have progressed along with the ride but still feel that I have many blockages to resolve. Especially intimacy and relationships are huge issues for me, probably due to what seem to stem from childhood trauma as some form of attachment disorder. The kundalini has brought forth some serious introspection.

My dillema: the Kundalini is really something I want to explore further, but as a man in my mid-30's am starting to feel the paternal clock ticking aswell. I feel it's time to put all my efforts to take care of my bussiness as a man, finding love, starting a family, making career moves, etc.

Thus I wonder if it's possible to shut down the activation for as long as necessary and come back to it later?

I have also considered that the Kundalini activation may actually help me with my real life challenges but it's just too unpredictable in my opinion. I would love to hear Roberts take on this aswell as experience from others on handling life itself while Kundalini is activated.

you sound just like me right now. really have struggled with all of this stuff.

Robert Bruce
1st August 2014, 12:04 AM
While I don't think kundalini can be turned on and off, as it has a life of its own, you can certainly reduce the symptoms by avoiding those things that stimulate it, and by staying grounded, etc.

You certainly won't 'miss the boat' or anything.

peace, robert

Unreal Specimen
4th August 2014, 07:28 AM
you sound just like me right now. really have struggled with all of this stuff.

Yeah, I've been occupied dealing with all this spiritual stuff that I disregarded my "real" life. I was also hoping that the Kundalini would "fix me" and give me more personal power, tho Im not so sure anymore. Whatever your situation, good luck.

Unreal Specimen
4th August 2014, 07:36 AM
While I don't think kundalini can be turned on and off, as it has a life of its own, you can certainly reduce the symptoms by avoiding those things that stimulate it, and by staying grounded, etc.

You certainly won't 'miss the boat' or anything.

peace, robert

Thanks for replying Robert. At this point I am not concerned about missing the boat regarding spiritual progress. I'm more afraid that the Kundalini
may trigger something harmful at the worst time, like when starting a family and similar situations when a person is needed.
ARe there ways to keep this from happen with up 100% certainty?

Anyone else want to share their experiences regarding this, please share.

John Sorensen
5th August 2014, 03:13 PM
Feel free to read or ignore my suggestions :)

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon

No matter what you do, there are times when you will get shaken up in life, and for sure there are steps you can take to make that process go a little smoother. You (here meaning my experience) don't have to go into states of depression or psychological instability to long periods of fluctuating energy cycles and being bombarded with psychic phenomena.

However you are, is from your presently held beliefs, the past holds no power over you whatsoever, except that which you give to it, through your PRESENTLY held beliefs.
To say this is because of the "past" is to give more power to you 10 or 20 years ago, while conveniently robbing YOU now of any power whatsoever. A convenient psychological narrative that has no bearing on the actuality of who you really are, right now... in this moment.

Examine your beliefs honestly, and you will find ways to do whatever you want to do, or to let go of what is no longer serving you.

In my experience, daily meditation and vigorous physical exercise keep me centred more than any other activities in the world, perhaps also physical touch, which may be a loved one, or a pet, the living fields of other beings can entrain our brains and hearts to their frequency, and theirs to ours, in a mutually beneficial way. Obviously this works for anger as well, so if you get into a heated argument with someone, then it's probably not the best time for physical touch, until after that energy has dissipated. but experiment and see what works best for you, perhaps keep a short journal of ideas and practices that work for you, for a time, and follow them faithfully.

In times of stress, be it physical, psychological, spiritual or whatever word you prefer (they are only artificial divisions, your body is your spirit made flesh) simplify your day to day activities, do as little as possible, while not avoiding your responsibilities. Pick the most important things to do each day, do them and do them well. Spend some time in the outdoors, preferably around trees, birds, parks or whatever is convenient for you, this alone is tremendously grounding, if you stand in barefeet on the earth even better, our hearts follow the pulse of the earth, and our biorhythms are governed by natural forces.

If you are going loopy, spend less time with electronic devices and artificial environments, more time in the outdoors, or just simply sitting and relaxing instead of doing 101 stimulating activities, and talk to a friend or supportive loved one, rather than just ruminating or just feeling like a victim.

The biggest mistake I made when I was at my worst was not talking to other people, and becoming more inner focused and introverted, meditating more rather than less and avoiding actually connecting with real people.

We live in physical bodies on this planet because we chose to be here, and we leave when we are good and ready to leave, no force in the universe can change this, it's a safe and friendly place, and when we FEEL otherwise, know that it is a belief, and not absolute reality, although you can say the same of anything I have said here.

Robert Bruce
20th August 2014, 12:29 AM
There are only two things in life that are 100% certain....death and taxes.

All anyone can do is to do his her best.


22nd October 2014, 07:44 AM
However you are, is from your presently held beliefs, the past holds no power over you whatsoever, except that which you give to it, through your PRESENTLY held beliefs.
To say this is because of the "past" is to give more power to you 10 or 20 years ago, while conveniently robbing YOU now of any power whatsoever. A convenient psychological narrative that has no bearing on the actuality of who you really are, right now... in this moment.