View Full Version : Heavy pressure during RTZ

7th September 2014, 06:22 PM
Last night I woke into the real time zone, I experienced what felt like an expanding, intense pressure that accompanied me partially floating out, and there was a "writing on the wall" occurrance as I came fully awake. Thinking on this, the experience felt imposed and was like having a vision.

I'm wondering if others have experiences like this and am curious what sense has been made of it, if so.

Another thing - I don't have vibrations when I obe - haven't ever. But then I've never been successful at inducing a conscious obe. They happen in a sleep state, and I just float out or feel pulled out. When I vibrate its when my emotional body is receiving or sensing incoming energy.... or maybe a better way to think of it is as a sphere of sensation issue. And I'm always awake in beta or alpha when that happens.

Not sure what to think and am confused about where my obe 'style' fits into the scheme of things.... and am seeking insight and input.

Thank you for any thoughts shared.

8th September 2014, 12:13 AM
I've had both things (actually the 'writing on the wall' thing used to be quite common and I enjoy it very much)- it is a vision, it happens in a different part of the brain than when you imagine something. I believe it's clairvoyance, but of what kind i'm not sure.
Some writers beleive that asomatic transitions (that is, transitions without tactile sensations) happen when you're more visually-involved than when you're using techniques that involve the sense of touch, like NEW.
The pressure is interesting- I have gotten it sometimes when I'm so physically tired the sensation overlaps into my energy body or perceptual focus- a sensory overlay. Maybe it's what happened to you.

8th September 2014, 12:57 AM
Hmmm. I was exhausted. Thank you CFT, interesting stuff!