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View Full Version : New Lucid Dream trigger technique

15th September 2014, 06:50 PM
I have recently discovered a great technique for Lucid Dreaming that I wanted to share.

Most people already know that to LD you need to train yourself to do reality checks. Although doing regular reality checks can be hard to remember and keep doing consistently.

So what i did is install on my phone a app called "A HIIT Interval Timer" its a work out app that lets you make a timer that goes off during certain intervals. What you can do with this is make a custom timer to go off ever 20min 30 times over. So when you have a day off or at at home you can just set this and every 20min a alarm will go off for a few seconds and it will remind you to do a reality check. And after the alarm goes off it resets itself and will go off again in another 20min. So after you set it you dont need to do anything with it.

I found this is a great way to remind me to do my reality checks and have already had a lucid dream where i actually heard the timer go off and when i did my reality check i realized that i was dreaming.

15th September 2014, 08:28 PM
Yes, I believe Saltcube used to sell them some time ago- now it's the age of the cellphone.

6th November 2014, 10:45 PM
A timer with a powerful BEEP sound can be useful as system to avoid getting asleep; specially at times when you are training in order to achieve OBE.

If annoying, sound intensity could be moderated. Also, a reliable self-programming with aid of affirmations like: "I'll be totally fresh when timers beeps" could help, I think.

My best regards,