View Full Version : Kurt Leland's book

24th October 2014, 08:21 PM
Can someone advise? 'Astral projection through spiritual practice' by Kurt Leland. '
I've been on his website where he talks of this book being the sequel to ' The Multi Dimensional Human ' , to explain how to recognise the bodies you are in, but this book is not listed on his website, nor can I find it in a Google search.
Did he change his mind about the title or about the book? Anyone in the know please?

24th October 2014, 09:30 PM
He may not have published it yet.

29th October 2014, 09:07 PM
Thanks CFT. Yes your probably right. Looking at his list I thought he had brought a book out after MDH. It seems this was a much earlier book.
Impatient as usual. Want things straight away.

28th November 2014, 09:33 PM
Have just had a reply from Kurt and he says he is between 1st and 2nd printings of the Multidimensional Human/ practices for physic development and astral projection. The publisher has been out of stock for a few months.
He will be re- printing it soon as well as doing an e- book conversion but cannt say how long it will take .
( he kindly offered me a signed copy of four he has left and it would have been half the price I paid second hand

8th January 2015, 07:05 PM
Just had a surprise e mail from Mr Leland informing me that he is working hard on a new revised and expanded version of
OTHERWHERE which he hopes to have ready in book format and as an e book in the near future. He hopes to have ready by this
June. Also he will be updating his website when he has a launch date.
For anyone who hasn't been able to read this book I would highly recommend it.
My purchase of 'OTHERWHERE' was 2nd hand at £45.00, as it was difficult to get so I think this will be well overdue and very welcome .

8th January 2015, 11:40 PM
This is awesome news. I recommend it constantly, and love it- consider it a really good book about this subject-one of the best.

25th January 2015, 09:42 PM
Have just opened up Kurt's Multi dimensional Human again. Curiosity got me logging into Amazon.
It's selling at £297.99 for a second hand book!!.
Although in November he wrote of re- printing and bringing out as an e book he had no date to work on even though he did for Otherwhere. I'm going to handle with kid gloves from now on.