View Full Version : Zodiac Sign in relation to Cerebral Hemispheres' maturation

3rd November 2014, 04:27 AM
is the position of the cosmos relative to earth (Stars, sun, moon) affect brain development at birth? Does your astrological sign affect Left and/or Right Cerebral Hemispheric dominance? Does your birth date define if you're going to be a Left or/and right brainer? (or am i just reaching for the stars, lol)

My short story:

I was born left handed. Got trained to become right handed. As a young person, I loved getting into something new but would jump unto the next cool thing as soon as improvement on a certain skill became tough. As an adult, I love variety in my life so I dabble in a lot of different things, like cooking, basketball, music. At the same time, people have told me I am very rational and very practical, especially when leading project groups, time management, and financial budgeting. I am starting to think that if I work hard at anything/everything I can be a "Jack of all trades" but I can never really be "a King of one thing" especially because I got to have variety.

I read about my star sign and the description was spot-on. Gemini from head to toe.

Thanks in advance for your advice and responses and also if there is an article out there relating Cerebral Hemispheres and Star signs, please link me!

Peace n Love!

3rd November 2014, 07:44 AM
my readings in newspapers have sometimes been right and sometimes way off. My general reading for a person type born on my birthday often seems accurate. 15 years ago, I read a newspaper horoscope that I had a romantic time with a Virgo that day. I was dating a Virgo at the time and we did have a date that day. So I've always read them for fun since then.

4th November 2014, 09:44 AM
I don't dig daily horoscopes. I was talking about the general personality traits. Although that's pretty cool buzzok

5th November 2014, 01:14 AM

ajem....now that I got that out of my system...

...we'll I'm no expert (and I mean really, I'm not trying to be modest or anything) but I do believe it affects your personality. I don't have any proof ,however I also read my own sign (Gemini) and it was quite accurate....I have also looked up my friends signs believing that they are very accurate to them too....but when I show it to them sometimes they say that it does not relate to them. These people are my CLOSE friends I KNOW these people...so the only explanation I can think of it's that a lot of people simply don't know themselves that we'll...this might sound like I'm being "subborn" or "arrogant" but self knowledge is something that surprisingly few people have.

There is a website that tells you your personality depending on the day that you where born (ignoring the year) and I think it is more accurate and personal because it uses days and not years. Maybe you can have a look and see what you think. Also it is linked to Numerology (is that how you spell it?) so theres some kind of high level math involved there, so it must be true...I guess.

This is the link to that website http://birthdaypersonality.tumblr.com

Also I personally prefer the Chinese Zodiac. You get to be cool animals instead of two fishes or weighting scales.

I look up all of this just for fun...I don't follow it like a religion or anything. It's just nice to be reminded of you're good traits sometimes.

PS. That thing you wrote at the end "(or am i just reaching for the stars, lol)" that was really lame, just saying lol.

Update....we'll I just checked that link and apparently that website doesn't exist anymore...sooo uh yeah...awkward...

5th November 2014, 01:19 AM
OH !!! I just remembered what these forums are about....you where probably looking for a more "spiritual" or "enlightened" answer....I'm so sorry but this is all I've got T . T

5th November 2014, 05:30 AM
I don't like to blame or credit my personality traits on the position of the earth in its orbit at the time I was born. ;) That aside, unless someone knows my birthdate, they NEVER guess my zodiac sign, because I have traits that don't supposedly line up with it (and I agree; I don't fit the profile that much). I put zero faith and zero investment of belief and energy in the position of the earth as forcing or creating or otherwise influencing my life.

I know. I'm a heretic.

5th November 2014, 05:34 AM
LOL MooSaysTheCat, I like you, man.

Nah I wasn't looking for whatever type of answer really.

Cuz I read that when you're born certain primary chakras you're inclined to have open (i hope that sentence made sense). Like an example is like Males: They got the first red chakra open and the second orange chakra open therefore we get the age old "Men always think with their bleep*" or "Best way to a man's heart is through his stomach"

Women have their Blue chakras open (inclined to) and you get the "Women are nags" and what not.

Well I was trying to find out if that works for a person's sign. As a gemini, we are intelligent and sociable (etc. etc.) so do we have our 6th and 5th chakra open at birth? Ya knoooow??

It's a really interesting question I think. :D

5th November 2014, 06:06 AM
Yeah I like all that too ! (I don't know much about chakras tho)

I believe that all that (zodiac signs included) are more like the "foundation" of a persons creation or starting point of becoming human.

Like for example if you where born in Africa there are very high odds that you are gong to be black or if you are born in China you are probably going to look asian , get what I'm saying?

Changing from that possibly racist example....let's say you are Gemini , it means you are good at chatting and making friends....but that does not mean that all Gemini's are the most popular kids at school or work (even if we are) or that a Gemini can't be an anti-social .

Like they say that women think with emotions and men with logic...this might be something that is usually true, but it does not mean that a woman's can't think with logic or a man lisen to his heart.

ugh I think my best example was the possibly racist one and I think I said something sexist there too....anyways Butterfly woman YOU ARE IN THE SYSTEM . YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE SYSTEM. WE. ARE. EVERYWHERE. (The system I mean, not geminis)

UPDATE: ok so it has been like 5minutes after I originally wrote this post. I got a little overly excited there (with Searching4Guru saying that he liked me and all, ya'know how it is) and I just wanted to say that I know what you mean about not blaming the stars for your personal problem. Actually one of the first things that you have to face to get hold of your life is that EVERYTHING that happens is your own fault and you got to take responsibility for it. You can't be blaming other things or people.
Well I'm not really sure if you are coming from that place of thinking. But I thought I might write this just so you know I also understand that. And personally I thinks it's more fun to believe in the zodiac than not.....and it's not like there isn't a certain level of truth in it.

6th November 2014, 04:55 AM
Yes, I agree. It is totally just a starting point and one can mold one's self into anything they want.

My personal goal is to be a complete human being (like- well rounded)

I want to stay happy and spread happiness (positive energies) to everyone and everything around me.

I am getting better but I'm still working out the kinks (There are certain levels of stupidity I can't quite deal with yet)

With that said, I really wonder if there's an article about chakras and zodiac signs and left/right cerebral hemispherical dominance.

In chinese zodiac birth year... I am a bunny (Gemini-Rabbit super speed power woo!)