View Full Version : Freezing Wind During Energy Work

17th November 2014, 09:02 PM
I am on Day 31 of MAP, and I would say that during 2/3 of my time doing energy work I have felt this freezing blast of wind cover most of my torso down to my legs. It always happens after I have sponged my arms and legs and raised my energy.

I have done some research on this odd occurrence and some Reiki teachers have said that it has to do with large emotional blockages in the energy body, but I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if it really has to do with energy blockages.

Thanks in advance for any replies! :-)

18th November 2014, 02:00 AM
I have never had this problem, but when I started doing energy work my legs were my main problem, and I simply did not feel much until much after. I don't know if this helps you at all.
If it is due to large energy blockages, keep working on whole-body motions, to help increase peripheral circulation until the blocks start to dissolve and maybe you'll feel something different.

18th November 2014, 01:45 PM
Okay, I will be sure to do that! Thanks! :-)