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View Full Version : Met a person with a very strong aura/vibe

18th November 2014, 01:50 PM
I was having drinks with some friends yesterday and I met a man who approached us as he knew one of us and wanted to say hello. He is an art therapist who works with autistic/special needs people, he sat and talked with us for a while.

And this guy just...it was like he was hypnotising. He was really calming and soothing, just to be with. He was really warm to be with. It was like I could feel calming drugs radiating from him to me making me feel high. And he was saying really nice things, comforting a friend who was a bit down.

I just want to know, how does someone build up this energy. How can I be like him, and how can I have people like him in my life.

18th November 2014, 02:24 PM
I don't know, but I know someone who is like that. She just radiates calm.

18th November 2014, 03:07 PM
I've known a few people like that. One was a lady I knew only briefly, but her aura was calm, loving, and content, and she just radiated it. She was the person who first planted the seed in my mind that it actually is possible to be happy all the time (not always happy with everything that happens, but happy from an inner sense of joy that transcends). It wasn't until years later when I changed my name that I realised I had taken her name as my new middle name (honestly, I didn't even think about it; my mind was on a couple of other reasons I liked the name and it was only sometime well after that I realised I'd called myself after her).

My husband's late grandfather also had a beautiful aura. He was a retired minister and had been a military chaplain for some seventeen years, and he just radiated calm and kindness. Nothing ruffled him. I loved being around him for that very reason (that and he was pretty charming and amusing).

In both of these cases (though probably not every case, of course), I believe this aura was from having a strong, unshakable faith that they were loved and held securely by and within the Divine.

2nd September 2015, 03:48 AM
Thanks a lot. I am making a strong effort to cultivate this in myself.

4th September 2015, 04:54 AM
People like this have very well developed, fully integrated personalities and are connected to and filled with spirit.

4th September 2015, 07:33 AM
Thanks. There is another man in my life who gives me the same feeling, an African social worker I know. Do you think Jungian methods would help me?

5th September 2015, 05:17 AM
What do you mean by Jungian method? Thinking of entering psychoanalysis?

7th September 2015, 10:06 AM
Not analysis, just thinking of doing some self directed Jungian explorations with books etc.

7th September 2015, 09:07 PM
buzzcock I highly recommend reading his works, but what you'll find online is shaky at best. Unfortunately he passed on in 1961, and frankly there's a lot of Jungian theories online that do not capture his true insights. I was lucky to pick up Carl Gustav Jung Selected Writings printed in 1997, which contains many of his key original works that were compiled by Princeton University. The publisher is Book of the Month Club out of New York, United States.

8th September 2015, 11:54 AM
Thanks. There does seem a lot of wrong interpretations of him out there. I liked the recent film about him and Freud.