View Full Version : The Scientific Explanation As To Why Matter Is Simply An Illusion

30th November 2014, 08:32 AM

I thought I might have posted this before (I think I've posted similar things) but I can't find it, so here it is (possibly "again"). Worth reading. :)

30th November 2014, 05:38 PM
I really don't have a head for New Physics, or massive stuff, yet this all makes total sense after general observation.

ButterflyWoman, I think it goes to heart of what I posted the other day: if we experience imperfection and problems, those imperfections and problems can't have any actual "real" existence because they are only known against the infinite backdrop of perfection. So, problems "in appearance" (there's probably a fancy Latin word for that) are rising in the perfect. Otherwise they wouldn't be called imperfect, resulting in massive, infinite actual perfection.

Lila, the play of The Absolute: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lila_%28Hinduism%29

Love is simply playing. Love is simply available.


30th November 2014, 07:24 PM
I know a physicist who refutes a lot of the modern interpretation, and a lot of the stuff he says makes sense. (Just because I like to show both sides of the story)- if I find the article I'll link it here.

1st December 2014, 05:32 PM
In a way isn't the whole thing circular? The more we look down, the less we really find, right? Again, I don't get the science.

But seems there's a breakaway point at which matter will not add on any scale and maybe that's why there's so much head scratching within that community?


2nd December 2014, 03:00 AM
Sometimes I wish I were smart enough to understand the details- there is so much detail in the science of it.

2nd December 2014, 05:49 PM
There certainly are, Coralie, I just like to humor myself with little math equations... If 0=1 (emptiness is matter), what is 1? Of course, it's 0--matter is emptiness.

Bam. Done, right? I hate to pretend I know this stuff, but this is my takeaway and it seems beyond figuring out at all.

Something requires somewhere to appear, both arise at once, without start, without end.

Sorta on this note I found this great article: http://oeith.co.uk/2014/09/30/neoplatonism-proclus-the-gods-and-magick/

(Or something like that)


2nd December 2014, 09:55 PM
See, I don't really agree with the matter=nothing. Even space is something. That's why it bends. I think matter is different than 'nothing', I think our considering space nothing is what creates the dual paradigm.
Ok now you got me going.

2nd December 2014, 10:15 PM
"Emptiness" is a loaded term. Sure, we can get downright nihilistic about things and disavow a "doer" in any part of creation, or we simply restate that form (matter) is selfless--inherently empty of selfish ambition or even identity. Its cause is without a self-serving anything. Christ pointed this out all the time with all that "I give up my life for..." talk. So, perhaps it's a trade...emptiness births form, which then passes off experiencing to emptiness and this is the greatest creation/masquerade ball possible. How would something show up if not for nothing to let it appear?

We learn what is by negation, seeing what this isn't. "Am I this? No. Am I this? No. You're ALL this." The Absolute knows about itself through its contents--which are selfless, and seeing the unsatisfactory nature of temporality takes on new forms. Empty of self on both sides of the equation, we get one. More than one and we get self and all the problems therein.

How we get matter? I have no idea and you can safely ignore me.

Bu that collapses duality in one chop and actually shows the unity between the apparent two. They forever and absolutely selflessly give up identity in favor of love with one another and all it take is an "I" to get in the way and cause confusion.

Call the blasphemy police if you like but I say all this IS Christ. This IS Buddha nature. When no-body is a Buddha, all is Buddha, all is The Living God. Do these thoughts think? To say "I think"...isn't that a thought?

It crumbles. It's silly. Words are silly and point to emptiness and there is nobody home.

(really, I haven't a clue what I'm saying...but it sounds like Father and Mother are still procreating all the time. Welcome to the womb?)

2nd December 2014, 11:17 PM

2nd December 2014, 11:50 PM
Ha, ButterflyWoman...as above, so below. Cookies it is.