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23rd July 2006, 12:46 PM
What are your experiences with these majestic beings?

24th July 2006, 02:06 PM
dont have any known experience but was always interested in them and kind of belive their around us,read about guardian angels and mine is called Iahhel,and I quite found myself in the description of those who he guards..

24th July 2006, 02:31 PM

14th October 2006, 06:05 AM
i personally use their names in banishments, and write them down on my skin when i experience psychic attacks.

14th October 2006, 01:52 PM
Yes I call upon the four of the cardinal direnions in the LBRP.

During my first reiki treatment my healer said Michael had come into the room with a very strong presence and that he would help guide me. He has in a way although I don't address him personally much.

14th October 2006, 03:02 PM
i normally use michael as a source when im trying to summon big amounts of spiritual energy.

14th October 2006, 05:37 PM
Only experiences I've had with them is through the LBRP, and I remember I used to get good vibrations from 3 of the AA's, except Raphael. Either he didn't like me much, or I was too insensitive at the time to notice him.

Michael was the one who felt the strongest and the first one that gave me chills. I'm going to evoke him soon.

Invoking my Guardian Angel has also been very cool. Like getting pumped full of adrenaline for a few seconds.

14th October 2006, 07:16 PM
Reading this gave me chills. I'm not sure why.

15th October 2006, 07:18 AM
Reading this gave me chills. I'm not sure why.
ha ha ha

22nd October 2006, 04:03 AM
I've seen the shadows of angels carrying me when I state outloud in the astral to be taken somewhere. Don't remember ever actually seeing an angel. Just the other night one of the baby angels were carrying me. I think they're called cherubs?

22nd October 2006, 04:13 PM
from what ive heard, angels show themselves as you believe them to be. for example, if you believe they look like squirrels, then they will manifest themselves as suirrels. and for people who believe that angels are those winged beings with white sheets on, they will show up looking like that. i have heard though that angels have manifested themselves as orbs (not small spirit orbs) and that they look like a bright unnatural fire. maybe an orb is their true form and they only show their true form when the person they are encountering dosent really believe in angels, or dosent have any exact belief in what they look like. if youve ever watched harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, and you remember the scene where they have the boggart in the wardrobe that turns into what people fear the most, you have an idea what im talking about. angels kind of act like boggarts (form harry potter of course).

22nd October 2006, 05:50 PM
I've had trouble believing in typical "angels" for a long time. Not saying I'm right, but I've thought of them as energetic beings who are quite advanced spiritually. I think the original idea of wings came into being because people were seeing the auras around them and interpreting them as wings. (Same thing with halos.) These advanced spirits have taken on the look of angels because of all the thought and time that has been put into them. In other words, they've been developed visually as a thought form.

So, it was to my great surprise that I actually saw one. For a long time, I had a spiritual guide who would never show himself to me. I knew it was a male type personna. After much time, I received a name...Gabel. But, I still could never see him or what he looked like. One day in meditation, I knew that he was near me. He suddenly popped into my vision as a huge angel with an enormous wing spread, telling me he was "Gabriel". I almost fell out of the chair in surprise. To this day, I still don't know if he was an actual angel or was being humorous. :lol:

22nd October 2006, 10:11 PM
it could have simply been a spirit guide.

16th November 2006, 05:52 PM
I think it was the Sufi poet and mystic Rumi ( or maybe ibn al'Arabi) that said: "Angels are the powers and faculties hidden in the organs of man."

Of course Sufis have their own system of "spiritual" organs which is superficially similar to the yogic chakra system.

I just wanted to contribute that quote as food for thought.


Aunt Clair
6th December 2006, 04:01 AM
I think it was the Sufi poet and mystic Rumi ( or maybe ibn al'Arabi) that said: "Angels are the powers and faculties hidden in the organs of man."

Of course Sufis have their own system of "spiritual" organs which is superficially similar to the yogic chakra system.

I just wanted to contribute that quote as food for thought.


I love that quote, thanks for sharing it . Imho ,there are eternal archangels and there are emergent ones within each of us . The eternal ones are sentient and powerful . I feel some are immortal and created by the Godhead and were never human . I feel that there are some ,imho , who are created from the cosmology of an avatar slowly over lifetimes . I feel that the principle 4 are part of the Christ consciousness having been manifested over lifetimes and looking distinct from each other . I believe that within each human there exists

elemental archangelic selves ( as described in Gospel of Judas )
light watcher self
united HS/GA
elemental selves
higher self
guardian angel
guardian demon
lower self
the united GD /LS makes the dark watcher destroy the magician
the transmuted GD protector self does not unite GD & LS
dark watcher self
elemental archdemon selves obedient to the Godhead

I feel that there are basically 3 options stand still , move ahead or fall from grace . I feel there is freewill to ascend , descend or not bother to grow at all .