View Full Version : Not able to exit. - Soul concern

3rd December 2014, 01:48 AM
Hey fellow travellers,

I'm good at projecting myself in different demensions and scouting them or interacting with different entitles, but I only do that as some kind of thrown energy, which explores different realms.

I've been practicing more and less exiting from body for 2 years now. I achived perfect relaxation, very high vibrations - such that it just shake me like hell, through meditation a ideally clear charkrams that shine pass me, good amount of courage - I'm not getting scared anymore and finally I've been doing tentacles, which I'm fully aware of and I'm doing it kinda well too.

Lately I've been practising ROPE as it allows me to quickly reach to the point where everything is about to exit and I have been there too many times, like dozens, but it's impossible for me to make the final move. I've tried sliding, slipping, jumping, rolling over, pushing my astral body with enourmous force and whenever I achive that point I feel like there is nothing there to exit. Like there is no soul to travel. It's such a strange feeling.

I've been wondering if that could happen cause maybe I've lost my soul while dealing with the devil. Could anyone explain me this? Or maybe it's still something missing? What exaclly happens while the final point? Cause I sometime feel it pushing me up, but then it slowly fades out.

3rd December 2014, 03:02 PM
You haven't lost your soul because you are your soul. If your soul was lost, you'd be where it's lost. The concept of being a body with something insubstantial that some people call a soul is unsupported by the bible (if you're going with the biblical idea of a soul) and modern mystical psychology (Jung) considered the soul to be the whole package: What we nowadays call mind.

When you project you move your conscious awareness- the point of view that we think of as 'us' but is only part of us- the soul doesn't 'go' anywhere, because it simply 'is'.
If you're having trouble exiting it's possible that you're using the rope method as a trance-induction method, and not as an exit method. If you're trying to achieve the exit symptoms with the rope, more than likely it won't work as an exit technique- you need to wait for the vibes before you start using the rope, use some other form of trance induction, and then the rope- or if you want to use the rope both ways, induce the state going down a rope instead of going up it, and when you get the vibes, use it to get up.

Another thing is that vibrations tend to be 'slippery'- the more experience you get the earlier in the trance they come, when you're not actually 'ready' yet to move out- in which case you shouldn't try to start the exit technique until they're very very strong or almost gone- and if the exit technique doesn't work, switch it and keep trying- try for at least fifteen minutes after you've given up.

3rd December 2014, 08:33 PM
I agree with CFT. You don't "have" a soul, per se, you ARE what soul is. If you stop being aware, as in 100%, then maybe you've lost something, but you'd never know because you wouldn't be aware, or here, or there--anywhere. Rest easy.

We like to divide things up between body and soul, me here and you there, when no such division is actually found. We may experience different vehicles (bodies) while traveling, but even those aren't really "you". Your essential nature IS the awareness watching and experiencing what the body does.

Therefore, I finally found my best method to exit in first dropping bodily sensation through meditation--this includes ALL thought as well. You'll find you don't need thought to assert will or intent. In fact, if you can simply meditate to the point where all senses fall away, you'll be zipping around without a single hindrance. Takes time, but doable.


3rd December 2014, 10:39 PM
I agree with SoulSail and CFT on the "soul" thing. I don't go for the concept of a soul as some sort of discrete, distinct, separate "thing" that is encased in flesh. I can see and experience no evidence or reality of this. It's true that philosophers from the dawn of time have wondered about the idea of a "soul", but in my experience (and study of religion and philosophy), the idea that a soul is a thing like a button or a book or a comb that you can trade or lose or sell is not accurate.

I have no advice on the exit strategy, unfortunately, but CFT always gives good advice on the topic.

9th December 2014, 09:55 PM
Liberator, you have had three superb replies above. I can but agree with what they have written. Whilst it is true that we have various bodies (of which the physical is the "heaviest", for want of a better word), the soul is indeed what we ARE. It cannot be divided or separated.

So losing your soul is impossible. The physical body can die, but the soul cannot. Perhaps you have been reading stories about people selling their soul to the Devil, or something like that? Your soul cannot be sold, or taken, or lost. It is you. The fact that you were able to type your post on a computer shows that you are still "alive" - and I don't just mean physically.

As for your sensation that "there is nothing to exit", this suggests to me that you at not on those occasions at the right point (or right state of spiritual preparedness, perhaps) to project. Relaxation, deep meditation, spiritual positivity are the keys.

Every best wish to you!