View Full Version : First OBE experience (s) ? Part 2

11th December 2014, 04:47 PM
This happened about 2 days after what I wrote about in Part 1 .

Again I was falling asleep as usual : I was on my bed (duh) lying on my side , I had closed my eyes and fallen asleep....except that I didn't...I did fall asleep but only about half way . Dunno if this happens to everyone but you know how sometimes when you're having a really good dream and you start to wake up at the best part, then you start a bit of a struggle where you are half still dreaming and half waking up? That's kind of what happened but the other way around, I started to have a dream (we'll nightmare when we are talking about me) but I could still "feel" my body lying in bed and hear the noises that happen in "real life" . Point is I was just " lightly" asleep , or at least that's what I think.

After some time like this I woke up a bit and just looked around my room, even if it was very dark I could still tell where all the furniture was, I noticed that I could see my room a bit more clearly than I should be able to given how dark it was and how ♥♥♥♥ty my eyes are (sure they might be cute, but I can't see ♥♥♥♥ with them) but I didn't think about that at the moment. I also had this odd feeling like I was "seeing" through my eyelids, as if I actually had my eyes closed and not open. After that for some reason I decided to get up and sit...it took a looong time for me to move, like I was moving in slow-motion it also felt like I was moving through something like water not air. Because it was taking so long to get up and I was tiered I decided it was not worth it and stopped making an effort to get up...and I started to slowly lie down again.
I went back to sleep just for it to happen again a few seconds or minutes later, I started to get up/float . This time I was a bit annoyed so while I was "floating" I looked around and waited a bit more , that's where I noticed that it did not feel like I was breathing at all, when I noticed this I had two ideas One: I continue this little adventure and see what happens next. Two: I go back to bed. I went back to bed. Since I had no idea how to go "down" and any of my super slow movements just made me go up I figured I would just relax all my body...and that made me slowly go down.

After that I fully woke up, moved my body to make sure I was not moving in slow-mo anymore, waited for a minute and went back to sleep....normally.

This is what I suspected might be an OBE of some sort, if just a very lame one. This is the first time (that I can recall) something like this happened to me and it happen just two days (in other words one night) after what I wrote about in Part 1. It has been about a week and nothing else has happened so it looks like it was just two isolated events.

So can this be considered an OBE? If anyone could say anything that would be nice.

Also it never occurred to me to actually look DOWN , so even if it felt like I was in my physical body (I could feel how the side of my head lifted and descended on my pillow) I have no idea if I actually LEFT my body or floated WITH it.

12th December 2014, 01:53 PM
Yep, you're doing the OBE for sure. Early experiences often have that dreamy residue, some confusion about what's happening or what happened. The slow motion movement is a big key and I recall that in all my early projections.

When straddling different brain states things get tricky. When I project I'm always stunned at how lucid and clear it is while OBE. And then it seems "off by one" when I open my eyes. The more energy, focus and abiding in awareness we bring, the more distinct the experience.

And no OBE is lame, not that I'm correcting you. But when you love all those little progressions, they just mature faster and in a more fulfilling way.


12th December 2014, 02:16 PM
Yes, I would say it's a pretty typical OBE to the real time zone.
I forget mine if I go to sleep afterwards, and often remember days later.

12th December 2014, 04:41 PM
Thanks SoulSail and CFTraveler for responding to my post I appreciate it more than you think!

Actually i felt like i HAD to belittle my experience somehow, I mean I go walking around hearing other peoples story's about OBEs and what happened to them without feeling very impressed about it. So just because it now happened to ME I will be totally talking about it and showing off? I think not.

I just wanted to know a title bit of what had happened to me and was wondering if this was similar to an OBE. Just to clarify SoulSail, at the start of your reply you wrote "Yep, you're doing the OBE" I wasn't trying to do it or was even interested in doing it,it just did. I don't know if you where implying that or not but I though i might as we'll say that, sorry.

12th December 2014, 04:50 PM
I sounded I bit negative on that las post....all in all it was a VERY cool experience , totally worth experiencing. In both occasions I wrote like I was overly calm in the situation. This was not because I was too asleep to think clearly. I was actually quite conscious and I suspect that because I "suffer" from nightmares almost every night I have good panic control skills...or at least I like to think so.

12th December 2014, 05:57 PM
Hi MooSaysTheCat, I just wanted to say I'm pleased you have cleared how you felt about your experience because you did seem a tad overly cooooooool. I think you are lucky to know people who talk to you about their experiences even if you think they are boasting.
( I understand you to mean people you come across in your every day life and not this forum) . The reason I say this is because I have to be quiet about mine . I decided it was best a while ago when I just wanted to fit in and not experience unease from people .
It's like having a big secret . So this forum allows us to show our excitement or disappointments without the awkwardness and also to learn from each other.
Now that you've started to experience , if you want more, I hope you have many more and then let's see who's getting excited?
shame you couldn't get to the root of the nightmares though.
Pleasant dreams

13th December 2014, 06:47 AM
Hi MooSaysTheCat, I just wanted to say I'm pleased you have cleared how you felt about your experience because you did seem a tad overly cooooooool. I think you are lucky to know people who talk to you about their experiences even if you think they are boasting.
( I understand you to mean people you come across in your every day life and not this forum) . The reason I say this is because I have to be quiet about mine . I decided it was best a while ago when I just wanted to fit in and not experience unease from people .
It's like having a big secret . So this forum allows us to show our excitement or disappointments without the awkwardness and also to learn from each other.
Now that you've started to experience , if you want more, I hope you have many more and then let's see who's getting excited?
shame you couldn't get to the root of the nightmares though.
Pleasant dreams

Well actually I don't know any people that talk about this besides my dad. That's why I joined these forums and I wouldn't say that the other people where showing-off because those "other people" I was talking about are the people in these forums...sooo uh yeah...awkward haha. The reason I was "not impressed" is because honestly I didn't have much interest in OBE's and just like for anything that does not interest you that much...we'll it's also by default not very exciting. Of course I thought it was cool but driving a race car is also cool and I don't plan on ever doing that, you know what I mean?

The reason I'm here, in these forums I mean, is because of the people not the actual OBE's...

I wanted to to ask you susan, I actually get nightmares almost everyday and I can't remember the last time I actually had a good or pleasant dream. Do you have any ideas of what or why this might be happening? I was just guessing stress (aka Fear) just because that seems to be the cause of 90% of all problems haha.

Oh and one last thing the reason I don't look to be very happy about my experience is because I was already expecting this to happen and now I'm worried that aliens will target me to do errands for them haha yeah I know it's kind of paranoid.

13th December 2014, 09:49 AM
No, sorry. No idea why you have nightmares. My only suggestion if you realy wanted to find out why would be to talk to a professional to get to the root of it. I don't know but maybe there is someone on this forum who is trained up to get to the root of it but I think it may be a lengthy process as no one on this forum realy knows each other well enough to know.

Of course on a lighter note, if you think your going to be recruited by aliens then say no more......
Why not decide that Santa will come down the chimney instead and take you for a ride on his sleigh. Much more enjoyable.
Seriously, though, I hope you find a way to have peaceful sleeps. This must wear you out.
Best of luck.

13th December 2014, 03:22 PM
No, sorry. No idea why you have nightmares. My only suggestion if you realy wanted to find out why would be to talk to a professional to get to the root of it. I don't know but maybe there is someone on this forum who is trained up to get to the root of it but I think it may be a lengthy process as no one on this forum realy knows each other well enough to know.

Of course on a lighter note, if you think your going to be recruited by aliens then say no more......
Why not decide that Santa will come down the chimney instead and take you for a ride on his sleigh. Much more enjoyable.
Seriously, though, I hope you find a way to have peaceful sleeps. This must wear you out.
Best of luck.

I WILL SAY NO MORE ! Except that I already posted that other thread about alien abduction....so yeah....♥♥♥♥.
The nightmares don't actually tire me that much...actually I enjoy talking about all the different ways I get eaten alive, burned in lava, drown in a lake later to be almost swallowed by a giant piranha, man hunted by mercenaries, getting my limbs ripped off, witnessing my brothers head explode ....and there was even this one time I dream about getting chased by zombies with a group of survivors until a zombie got me and bite my arm in a very gore'y way, I thought I would wake up there but instead I continued the dream as a zombie this time only to get shot to pieces by the same survivors I was trying to escape with.

Maybe its because I enjoy talking about my nightmares that I keep getting them....as some people say "Hell is just a place that you creat for yourself" or something similar....I'm not really sure.

Actually I'm trained to fix this by myself...I just haven't really done it lol. Thanks susan for replying to my post...I like the balance of seriousness and humor in the way that you write.