View Full Version : Improving General health

28th December 2014, 10:49 PM
Hi Robert

I have been suffering from general fatigue since I was 16 - now 28. I have improved with changing my diet, doing energy work on my body, general meditation releasing attachments and completely changing my lifestyle.

However, my energy levels and health is still nowhere near where it should be. I know that you recommend fasting for periods of time. Would you still recommend it even though I am slightly underweight already? Would you recommend any sort of cleanse for my liver, kidney etc? Or any other practices you feel would improve my health?

Many thanks in advance for your time.

Bronte :)

Robert Bruce
12th January 2015, 04:02 PM
Even people that are slightly underweight can fast, but obviously not for as long as someone carrying fat. I would recommend a juice fast in your case, taking nothing but fresh juices, mainly green juices.

A liver and gall bladder flush (google this) would also be a good idea.

The following videos contain some very important health and diet information that hold the answer to better health and vitality.




