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View Full Version : please help me with this, i need help to decode this as fast as possible...

29th December 2014, 05:50 AM
555 111 66 88 777 444 1111 55555 88888 222222 444444 8888 999 4444 888 777 333

1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8h 9i 10j 11k 12l 13m 14n 15o 16p 17q 18r 19s 20t 21u 22v 23w 24x 25y 26z

eee aaa ff hh ggg ddd aaaa eeeee hhhhh bbbbbb dddddd hhhh iii dddd hhh ggg ccc

the first line is the actual message, the others are attempts to decode. second line is just alphabet that is numbered and the third is the message put into letters.

Please post any ideas, patterns, full decodings, anything to help. this sequence came to me at a time of meditation. thank you all.

1st January 2015, 07:47 PM

Some people, when trying to OBE, (tempestinateapot, by example, at http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?3522-Your-First-Conscious-Projection&highlight=hiero*) gets a stream of hieroglyphics.

Quoting tempestinateapot:

"With hypnagogia, I often get what looks like parchment scrolls with hieroglyphics moving across my vision. I once asked Robert what this was, and he says he also gets it, but has no idea what it means."

My best regards,

17th January 2015, 05:40 AM
thanks for the response. I don't know what it means but the severity seems to have passed which is good. Sorry for the late response, depression hit me like a brick recently.

4th February 2015, 06:20 AM
does "cabca" mean anything to you?

8th February 2015, 07:01 AM
No it does not.

10th February 2015, 06:35 AM
Well that's what I came up with using the cipher you gave.
Actually I'm kinda wondering how you remembered that sequence.

My answer kinda reminded me of a music note so I pressed the keys on a piano to hear the tune. so there's that :D