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5th January 2015, 12:42 PM
A proposal to structure the mind ego body

I have been analysing a simple technique like the gathering of energy of Robert Bruce and I got an idea.
Don't expect too much, but it has interesting concepts anyway I had been developing to understand.

They are 4 breaths to structure the being
Don't think about as a magical technique it is like thinking in all people who is good playing golf, this will activate in your mind the cognitive funcitons and connect with them.
In the same way it is a way to connect mentally intenraly with youself and with other beings outside yourself, and activating cognitive functions.

Fist breath: integration with god
This first breath creates the "aura" this is about expanding the energy an covering around 1 meter around the body.
The characteristis of God the father, is he is unconditional positive, and always good.
You program in that way, you forgive to synchronize with that energy.
In this moment you connect with God.
About god what I had found is they have different fucntions, and limitations, they are not like the religious says, and they have a specific position.
God the father, apparently in the are of the front of the craneus, provides the patterns of HOW TO DO THINGS, and is a real ego.
Saint spirit is mind and is present in atoms, because the matter is the materialization of the thought of him, the connection. O read that infinity in the atoms is the house of the father, so this exercise makes sense.
Meanwhile the son, is the energy of life.
This means you are conscoious of the atoms, contact with the infinite mind and receive the flow of energyh of life, you fill with that energy then you "santify it" this means grants the control of it to the fragment of the father in you.

Second Breath: activation and control of towers
The second breath a more complex concept I had found is the presence of egos is related to a tower.
Meanwhile you activate the second breath, you reinforce the first and second breath structures.

It is easy for me because I can identify easily the my own egos, the angel being egos, it can take some time.
The idea is to visualize them
- 6 towers of the mind ego body
Each tower allows and ego belonging to our own being or to another being to be present in the working of our mind and spiritual being.
In the basement of the tower, at the height of the sex, there are the access to the towers.
There are 6 towers I had identified until this moment:
Seventh in the position of the belly, the tower of ego child,
Sixth in the middle of the body, the tower of the internal warriors
Fifth in the backbone the tower of the egos that executes mental processing
Fourth behind the backbone in the tower of higher minds.
Third, behind the fourth tower, the tower of the higher mind.
Second, behind the Third tower is the tower of being of source of life.
- The filter at the base, this means the programming of the integration of each tower to an angel being, a source of spiritual life and a higher mind.
- The connections at the top, the top of each tower has the function to connect with other beings through egos projected in that area
First, behind the Second tower
This tower represent the integration of the one, I had choose the explanation of the creation from the urantia book, because it is the more reasonable for me and the one that covers the biggest area. These is god, the perfect central creation, the seven superuniverse and the areas of expansion of the presence of God.
This tower is the integration with this evolving being.
- Other areas of the mind ego body

The main focus is to set the him, and start the flow of love an energy, and have a second connection with the local source of life, and finally a general activation of the being.

Third Breath: teh activation of the world of egos
Meanwhile you activate the third breath, you reinforce the first, second and third breath structures.
Thsi is a more specific actiavtion of the being

A world is a ego system, the reason to call it world is because it implies a lot of connections, internalised realities, methapors, roles, relations in family, society, etc, etc. with egos of the same functionality.
The world world gives a clear idea of something big.
- The tree of the worlds
Every world is a tree,
-Ego Child
is starts with ego child, in the Closed Pocket System (belly), this egos gathers and drives energy to the ego to operate.
-Adult Ego Systems
This are the egos
-HIgher mind ego system
Some times the world has higher mind ego assigned to this system, if not, then the adult ego has to connect in some way to higher ego, to oprate correctly
The higher mind egos has the functionality to connect with other beings, so it is very important.
-The relation with chacras
Every worlds is related is some way with one or more chacras

To activate the worlds you can focus in chacras, from down to up.
To activate one world you need to activate the tree of egos, the energy, and the motivational (internalised reality)
first chacra,
motivator, you are in danger you can die, every thing is real
sexual energy to higher mind,
secodn chacra
activation of all the root of worlds, the ego child that gather energy for the different world of egos
third chacra
the heart chacra I found it is realted with the sequence of egos that are activated in the life of the person, this is the experience of the person, and is extremely important, because it activates his memories relations, etc.
fourth chacra
activatino of the egos that purify energy
and in the back, behind the chacra the presence of the unconditional positive ego mother that bless teh being,what I had found is, if you project behid the back a femenine ego, it is inetrpreted as the mother, and the mother uses to be the source of mental reality, this means what she say is what a person is, psychic attacks to create depression uses to project there and give a message like "you deserve to die", and that reality is accepted by the ego child in there unconditionally. For that reason is better to reinforce a special globe that only allow the ego child of the mother that provides unconditional love.
the fifrth is the a strong and stubborn ego that keeps a person in a track
The sixth is an ego of defense, in the sixh column
the seventh is the ego, that in theory is related to the top of the column of the backbone and is about connections of the being.

This third breath structures your egos memories that keep them working, tihs means actiavtes several cognitive functions

you do thsi while execute the tow charging of chacras technique teach by Robert Brouce
chacras and belly charge at teh same time.

Fourth Breath: the creation of the filled
Meanwhile you activate the third breath, you reinforce all the breath structures.

The filled is a more complex concept and is based in the wu xing, and have the funcitons of:
- clean previous filled (in wu xing you say the metal cut the earth)
- create a new filled
- defend a filled (in wu xing the metal cuts the earth, but if you increase the earth it can destroy the metal)
But it is not about that it includes other complex structures that stores different kinds of energy.

The flow as I see currently is the follow, and reinforces the first breath.
-first is the appearance of the earth, this is the patter of your mind ego body. earth
-second is the water that comes from the infinite positive mind
-third is the wood, it is more related wit hthe energy you can get from pasture, in the time of my experiments I found the mind ego body is structures from energy they gather from plants and other elements, is interesting the fact the wu xing is related to the
-fourth tis the creation of fire (energy) from the wood energy
-fifth is to get from the ash, metal, and to create another group of structure from that energy left
-sixth is the use of metal as a energy that increase the power of water.

- The filled for the presence of the mind body
The filled are different levels of structure that allows an ego to be present in one area.
The filled is the presence of the energetic body that allows the presence of the mental body in one area.
- The cleanse of the area, destruction and gathering of the residual energy of the current mental structure previously projected in that area, using "powerful detergents and cleaners", this is important because the opposite filled avoids the raise of energy and life in one area.
- The emotional energy that configure the vibration of the area.
- The circuit of energy projected to an area to create an structure that allows an ego to be present there.
- The presence of egos of one being in that area.
- Once an ego leaves the filled area, the energy of that area is configured in a way that allows egos of that being, or compatibles with that being, to project in that area easily, even when no ego is present.
- To refill that area with the present of one being incompatible in some way, the filled of energy must be destroyed and need to be refilled.
The process to create the filled is specific for every ego group, .
The Process to protect the filled, the filled is like energetic flesh, it can be cut moved, destroyed, etc. And once destroyed the attacker can get energy from this filled. Is necessary to program in the subconsciousness the reaction of this filled once an attack is projected on it or a destructive programming of the filled is activated in the subconscious of the attacked.
- The creation of the filled, requires energy from plants specially grass, it is obtained by egos and inserted in the mind body.