View Full Version : In need of serious help

8th January 2015, 12:00 AM

Robert Bruce
12th January 2015, 05:15 PM
If not already, I recommend you get a copy of my book 'the practical psychic self defense handbook'. Apply the countermeasures given, and adjust what you do based on what works best.

Earthing products, like earthed (electrically earthed/grounded) bed sheets and wrist straps are very effective.

Fumigation is also most helpful, using incense and other substances.

Learn how to do a banishment (see final chapter in the book for how to do this)

or, look online and learn how to do the LBRP (lesser banishment ritual of pentagram). This is very effective.

A full detox and healthy diet are also most helpful, as is a good spring clean.

Moving to another room, or another house, can also help.

St. John's Wort is a herb that is most useful for treating anxiety and etc, and for restoring sleep. This is recommended, but check with your doctor first as it will conflict with some medications.

Rub some Tiger Balm into your feet, and other affected areas, at night. Any strong smelling ointment or liniment will help.
