View Full Version : Questions about reiki
25th July 2006, 10:14 AM
Hi I'm at reiki 2 level and there are some things that bother me..
I think a lot of reiki people believe blindly everything that is marketed by reiki masters and I feel that there are some questions that require closer examination:
Why is it that after attunement you get a boost and your reiki feels a lot stronger and then it fades after few weeks? I'm sure many have had this experience.
Have you noticed that after treating others you sometimes feel drained? I know I should always feel energized after treating others, but I don't.
It also seems that if I take a break from reiki, and then start doing it again, it feels stronger. This shouldn't happen, if I'm really tapping into universal energy.
Ok, today I read an article which seems to answer these questions. In the article it was told, that the person who wrote the article has been seen a disturbing phenomenon. That sometimes a reiki practitioner will drain the energy from a client without him knowing that. He explains this with the following points:
If your vibrational level is not high enough, then you won't be able to tap into the limitless source of energy, but instead you are using your own "battery". Things work fine as long as you have power left, but when it runs out, you will start to drain your client, without you knowing it. This is because energy moves automatically from where there is more, to where there is less. Just like water runs downhill. So if it happens that your battery is empty and your client has some juice, then you will take from him.
This "using own battery" thing also explains why taking a break helps.
It seems that the attunement raises our vibration to a higher level for a while(and then we can tap into the source), but it seems that it doesn't stay there for too long(at least for me) and after awhile, reiki seems to fade off. Not completely, but it sure isn't what it was after reiki 1 course. I think that after that boost-period, some of us start to use our own power. So reiki still works, but it isn't as powerful.
Has anyone else had similar experiences? Or is reiki always energizing to you and your client?
This also raises the important question: how can I raise my vibration to a level where I will use the limitless source, and how do I know when I get there.
Why is it that after attunement you get a boost and your reiki feels a lot stronger and then it fades after few weeks? When you are around others (healers) who have strong energy abilities, it increases yours. Try working in the same room with other Reiki practitioners and see if the energy increases.
Have you noticed that after treating others you sometimes feel drained? I know I should always feel energized after treating others, but I don'tOne of the most important things in any kind of healing is to stay relaxed. If you are tense or in an uncomfortable position, you will be blocking the energy flow through yourself. This can make you very tired afterwards.
It also seems that if I take a break from reiki, and then start doing it again, it feels stronger. This shouldn't happen, if I'm really tapping into universal energy.All of our energy levels go up and down. It depends on how you feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Feeling energy is rarely consistent. It can feel different from hour to hour. My guess is that you are getting a boost from chi when you start doing it again. The energy flows, whether you feel it or not. Feeling it has a lot to do with how strong you've developed your energy body. Have you been practicing Robert's NEW? That would help a lot.
Sometimes a reiki practitioner will drain the energy from a client without him knowing that. He explains this with the following points:
If your vibrational level is not high enough, then you won't be able to tap into the limitless source of energy, but instead you are using your own "battery". Things work fine as long as you have power left, but when it runs out, you will start to drain your client, without you knowing it. This is because energy moves automatically from where there is more, to where there is less. Just like water runs downhill. So if it happens that your battery is empty and your client has some juice, then you will take from him. When you tap into Chi energy, whether with Reiki or any other healing modality, it is not your energy you are using. Energy does move from where there is more to where there is less. But, Chi is an infinite source. This is not very good information you are getting. If your intent is to use your own energy to heal, that is what will happen. If your intent is to tap into Universal Life Force, that is what will happen.
This also raises the important question: how can I raise my vibration to a level where I will use the limitless source, and how do I know when I get there. You raise your vibration by your intent. You don't have to "know" when you get there. Your belief, trust, and intent are what matters.
I would definitely recommend that you practice Robert's New Energy Ways on a regular basis. You will be much more in tune with the energy that you are bringing in from the universal life force. His healing method is also excellent, and can be used in conjunction with Reiki.
May I ask where you are getting your attunements? Are you getting any Reiki education along with it?
25th July 2006, 01:13 PM
You are right, just being in the same room did increase my flow. I did my most powerful self healing during reiki 1 class. I was visiting a class, so I did not get attunement, the boost came simply from being there.
Yes I know the NEW system, and have practised it, but not on a regular basis.
How do you feel the energy when you are channeling it? I usually feel it in my hands(tingling, pulsing) and legs. Does this mean reiki flows through the legs into my body?
And do you use grounding exercises before of after reiki? I sometimes feel lightheaded afterwards so maybe grounding should be done more often.
How do you feel the energy when you are channeling it? I usually feel it in my hands(tingling, pulsing) and legs. Does this mean reiki flows through the legs into my body? Energy flows in from the chakras. Where you feel it depends on what energy channels are most developed in your energy body. I don't do just Reiki anymore. It's a very passive healing system. I mostly felt it in my hands, as hands are fairly easy to develop. After learning Quantum Touch, which is very similar to Robert's healing technique, I was able to feel it quite a bit stronger. After spending a lot of time developing my energy body with NEW, I feel it everywhere. I don't believe the energy (Universal Life Force) is really stronger. I just can feel it a lot better. Because of feeling it better, my intent and belief go up, which increases the flow. Intent plus belief is a powerful force.
And do you use grounding exercises before of after reiki? I sometimes feel lightheaded afterwards so maybe grounding should be done more often.
Yes, you definitely need to ground yourself. As much as it takes to help with the lightheadedness. That is very common with healing, hence the instructions to ground.
25th July 2006, 02:24 PM
Have you been giving yourself reiki treatments, too? Ideally, you should meditate and give yourself regular treatments and not just work on healing other people. Also, the fact that you do not need to receive reiki from other people does not mean that you should not receive regular treatments if you can. Repeating the attunements that you have received from other people is nice, too. When I was starting out learning reiki I thought that because I did not need something I should not ask for it. I thought that having reiki meant that I had to do everything for myself. That wasn't true. The more healing you receive from yourself and others the more clear you will be as a channel for the universal life energy and the more effective you will be as a healer.
Really good point, Tom. :D
filipcza, if you haven't read any books on Reiki before, "Essential Reiki" by Diane Stein is a really good read.
25th July 2006, 09:12 PM
That's the one my teacher recommended to me, and I in turn recommend to everyone I know too.
26th July 2006, 01:26 PM
Thanks everyone for your advice.
Painterhypnogirl, You said Quantum Touch is similar to Robert's method, so is it basically drawing in energy with breath control and then pushing it through your hands to the client? Or is there something more?
26th July 2006, 03:00 PM
One should always protect onself before starting any healing...So that yo don't disturb each of you.
when you're healing but you need reiki too, it can sometimes be that you take reiki more than your patient, but not your patient's energy because it's not the deal you're doing...So have a rest, an do yourself reiki and then treat your patient.
Reiki is consciousfull and goes where it needs to, wether the arms or legs, it goes wher you need.
26th July 2006, 03:52 PM
The reiki symbol "cho ku rei" from the second level functions as a source of protection as well as energy. It is activated by the flow of energy in level 1 and then intentionally after that. At the third level the symbol "dai ko myo" functions for both power and protection like "cho ku rei" does, but it does so at a higher level.
Hi Pete,
Quantum Touch does use breath control. There are stronger breath patterns to increase the flow of Chi. It also uses visualization (imagnination) to increase the flow. The energy is channeled and condensed to flow out through the hands. You can learn the techniques by buying Robert Gordon's book, Quantum Touch. There are workshops, but the book will give you everything you need to know. The workshops are good for practice, confirmation of what you are doing, and has a wonderful experience at the end of the power of combined healers using energy. You lay on the floor (12 people) in a star pattern and "run" the energy together. It's pretty powerful and a wonderful feeling. ... 27?ie=UTF8 (
26th July 2006, 09:52 PM
I've been studying a lot of healing stuff lately (mostly Reiki, Quantum Touch, and Bruce's Healing from the Heart), and to be honest I get the impression that a Reiki "attunement" is little more than one person stimulating another's energy centers. I have some trouble believing that Reiki is some special, separate energy that is only accessible to someone who's received "attunements" coming from a line that goes back to Usui.
IMO if you get a Reiki attunement and then don't do anything with it, then it will fade; just like an exercised muscle will atrophy if you cease using it. Someone who frequently uses Reiki will, IMO, find that their ability doesn't atrophy much, but also that it doesn't improve much (without further attunements) either, since Reiki users are taught to channel the energy in a passive way that does not challenge their energy bodies to strengthen. To continue with the exercise analogy, common Reiki practice is like a mild aerobic exercise that will maintain one's current level of fitness, but not improve it.
This is wonderful for the potentially enormous number of students who would love to be healers but do not have the motivation to put time and effort into energy work. Likewise, Reiki seems to be the ideal system for teachers who are more than happy to attune those students for a price. I think the replacement of time and effort with money goes a long way in explaining why Reiki seems be the most popular system of energy healing in the U.S.
Please note that I do believe Reiki is valid as a system of healing, and I'm not trying to suggest that all Reiki teachers are in it for the money. But I do disagree with the notion that "attunements" do something special for the student that the student could not do for themselves with some time and effort put into energy work. And I do believe that, with enough time and effort put into it, people can develop themselves well beyond what they could get from attunements.
Hence, I find myself preferring Quantum Touch and Healing from the Heart over Reiki.
However, I do not claim to be an expert, nor do I claim to be an experienced healer. If anyone here has done an extensive amount of energy work and has received Reiki attunements, and feels that their attunements gave them access to some special energy that they otherwise would not have been able to access, then I am certainly eager to hear about your experiences and thoughts. :)
26th July 2006, 10:57 PM
It seems that the attunement raises our vibration to a higher level for a while(and then we can tap into the source), but it seems that it doesn't stay there for too long(at least for me) and after awhile, reiki seems to fade off. Not completely, but it sure isn't what it was after reiki 1 course. I think that after that boost-period, some of us start to use our own power. So reiki still works, but it isn't as powerful.
This also raises the important question: how can I raise my vibration to a level where I will use the limitless source, and how do I know when I get there.
Dear Filipcza,
Higher vibration? I hear this term often and wonder if people think higher is better? Most people exposed to "higher vibration" energy for an extended period of time will get mentally imbalanced. It is like having a short circuit that overheats your battery. You need your battery to be well grounded to be safe. This is why Robert's methods encourage people to develop the lower energy centres (grounding themselves) before working on the higher ones.
For me it is all about balance between the higher and lower vibrational energies. We want to have the FULL spectrum of energy balanced within ourselves. One could equate it to eating. Fruits have a different more subtle finer energy than earthy root vegetables but if we only ate fruit and not a balanced diet we would become sick and unhealthy. And really for me it is not bad at all to have lower vibrational energy within ourselves. This is extremely grounding. It gives us a sense of strength and vitality. Just like the lower notes on a piano keyboard are not bad they bring depth to music. The question is, "Is the music harmonious, integrated and balanced?"
Back in the time when Reiki and Indian Transendental practices were developed, people were very much of the earth. We were out in the fields working the land and likely very earthy in our vibration. The high vibration energy exercises might have been very important to bring balance to people back then. People were not so much in their mind. Now most of our awareness and energy is in our head. Our society does not need to stimulate the higher centres with higher vibration energy like was needed in the past. In a lot of cases these centres might be over stimulated relative to the lower centres. [For me it is all about energy balance between higher and lower centers.] Overstimulation of the mind can "contribute" to ADHD among other things. I am not saying it is the cause since there are several contributing factors to ADHD. Earth energy is a wonderful way to help calm ADHD. I think what many people are possibly lacking now is earth energy and elemental balance due to our processed food diet, lack of exercise and being overly of the mind.
Has anyone else had similar experiences? Or is reiki always energizing to you and your client?
This also raises the important question: how can I raise my vibration to a level where I will use the limitless source, and how do I know when I get there.
Any healing method can be draining to the healer if one is using your own energy and not drawing in energy from the earth or the "pool" of reiki energy or from other sources.
How does one avoid draining self and then clients?
Here are some ideas:
1) Clear out blockages in your own energy body so energy can easily flow in and through you. This helps avoid stagnating energy and makes sure that energy is constantly flushing, washing through you the healer keeping you energized. Robert's NEW method is great for this.
2) Learn how to ground your energy so that you do not fry yourself. Healers can overstimulate their energy body at times and feel shaky even which then causes problems and ultimately drains them. There are lots of ways to ground. I could give a little mini course on this. Painterhypnogirl can attest to my groundedness. <wink> I know people who blow light bulbs and electronic devices when they get over energized and ungrounded.
3) Learn to pump energy through you. This pumping action will help ensure the flow of energy is through and out of you into the patient. This also helps reduce negative energy from the patient from entering you. Some mixing of energy is inevitable but we want the major flow to be into the patient.
4) We also wish to clear out disharmonious energy from the person but if negative energy is removed it needs to be replaced by harmonious balanced energy. This is where learning how to use the elements to transform energy and harmonize it is helpful. It is helpful to learn how to do this for yourself also.
5) Also I find prayer helpful. I ask for a good flow of energy and that the type of energy best for your patient flow through me in a way that is best for your patient and for me the healer. This is channeling energy.
6) Rarely you have a patient who has so much disharmonious energy that it floods you. What can be helpful in this case is to stop the healing, take a mega salt bath, take a break for a few days, then do heavy energy work on yourself before working on patients again.
Very Best Wishes,
27th July 2006, 08:47 AM
Thanks for the info, I ordered the book you recommended there, so I will get to try those exercises out.
I have also wondered what actually happens when you get an attunement. I definetely felt a strong burning sensation back of my head when I was attuned, so something did happen. But was it more than simple energy channeling?
I think one way to find out would be to use clairvoyant who would watch and report what happens in persons aura during and after attunement. If attunement really does something significant, then it should be clearly seen by such person.
I believe that everyone has the ability, but it's just weak from not using it. Attunement may clear and open those energy channels, so that you get a jump start and have faith that "now you can do it too".
Good points you have there, low notes are not "better" than high notes. They are all equally important, because without the low, there cannot be the high.
The high vibration thing I was talking about there, was referring to the article I read. There it was claimed that you have to be able to rise to certain frequency to tap into the limitless source, otherwise you would be using your own energy during healing session.
This grounding is something I need to do more. Do you have any good ways to do it. I have used to eat heavy meals and exercise to ground myself. Any other methods?
27th July 2006, 03:24 PM
I have also wondered what actually happens when you get an attunement. I definetely felt a strong burning sensation back of my head when I was attuned, so something did happen. But was it more than simple energy channeling?
Going by the directions for passing attunements in Diane Stein's Essential Reiki, that would make sense as a big focus seems to be on stimulating the crown chakra. Basically the attuner is opening the crown chakra and "drawing" Reiki symbols on the crown and hand chakras.
It makes sense that you would experience sensations in your head and hands from this.
I believe that everyone has the ability, but it's just weak from not using it. Attunement may clear and open those energy channels, so that you get a jump start and have faith that "now you can do it too".
I think you have it quite correct there, Pete.
27th July 2006, 03:31 PM
Reiki and NEW is a good combination. I've used NEW when the reiki seemed to slow down and reiki when I couldn't keep NEW working at the regular intensity. I used to think that it would be nice to create a reiki system based on NEW that would have attunements. Self-attunement is another part of reiki systems that would be nice to have in NEW.
27th July 2006, 05:47 PM
Here's just a quick bit on grounding... all I had time to write at the moment: ... =Grounding (
27th July 2006, 09:58 PM
The high vibration thing I was talking about there, was referring to the article I read. There it was claimed that you have to be able to rise to certain frequency to tap into the limitless source, otherwise you would be using your own energy during healing session.
This grounding is something I need to do more. Do you have any good ways to do it. I have used to eat heavy meals and exercise to ground myself. Any other methods?
I see this a lot also that only high vibration energy is limitless energy. Now, there is some truth to this IF only your higher centers are activated. Cause then this is the only limitless energy you are ABLE to tap into. And some healing methods teach that energy must be brought from the top centers down.
But really ALL energy is limitless. We are swimming in energy, we just don't realize it. The way we tap into different energies is by drawing them in and there is no better collector and concentrator device than those spinning vortices we call chakras. Love energy is extremely healing for healing emotional wounds and earth energy is extremely healing for mental and physical healing and health. Robert's methods teach people how to draw up the limitless energy of the earth for healing and then use this to activate the chakras so even more energy of multiple levels can be drawn in. Robert finds this method safer. It can be dangerous (mental stability wise) to open the higher centers first. So likely better to work from the bottom up rather than the top down.
I need to go back to work but will post about grounding soon.
Best Wishes,
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