View Full Version : Thor, and other sh*t

Neil Templar
11th February 2015, 12:25 PM
This morning i dreamed of Thor, and another God-like being.
It was an alien world to my perception.
The godlike being made a hammer, and Thor infused it with light, from his heart chakra (it looked like Ironman's chest light) which gave it magical properties.
The godlike being then made the hammer into a huge ship which he took Thor in and disappeared round a corner into another dimension.
It was then made clear to me/ us (there were others with me, i have no recollection of any details concerning them) that Thor would die, but also that he would be reborn Immortal and return to this world.
While gone, Thor had left what seemed to be his pet, in my care. It was a huge rabbit-cat creature. Very large, mottled brown fur covered creature, intelligent and gentle, yet it was clearly very powerful and could be dangerous if it needed to be.
While sitting, it looked like a rabbit, but when it stood and walked beside me, it had the body of a feline, with a very large rabbit head.
It sniffed my hand and i wondered if it had rabbit or cat-like teeth. I never found out.

I'm not sure if the next part was a separate dream or not, but there was an episode of me doing a lot of sh*t. Loads. It made a real mess, and took quite a bit of cleaning up.
I actually had to return to the toilet a second time, to clean up some that i had missed the first time.
I felt rather pleased at having gotten rid of so much useless "stuff".

12th February 2015, 03:35 AM
I've had the "sh_t" dream. I've had it happen where I really, really needed to go, but the only toilets I could find were filthy to the point of being unusable (like, tentacle creatures living in them, black goo everywhere, seriously unusable). I've had dreams where I uncontrollably shat in public. I've had various other dreams involving this particular bodily function, too.

In my dream symbolism, it's about purging stuff, "getting rid of the sh_t", if you know what I mean. Being prevented from doing so means something pretty specific (having no "outlet", etc.). Doing it in public -- especially since nobody notices but me -- is also pretty self-explanatory. But, yeah, for me, it's always about purging the crap I've been carrying around inside me (I love how literal my subconscious is, but, eww ;))

I felt rather pleased at having gotten rid of so much useless "stuff".
Exactly. That's exactly it. :)

Dunno what to say about Thor and his bunny-cat. I guess you'd have to consider what Thor means to you. To me, he means very little, but when I dream of Doctor Who, he's a kind of Christ figure (though his archetype is actually a combination of Saviour and Trickster, but keep in mind that Trickster is the agent of change). Plenty of people have noted the Doctor Who archetypical "Saviour" thing going on, but not many dream of him in that respect, and I've never heard of anyone else who has Doctor Who dreams of that sort. :) It all just depends on where your point of reference is and what you like and experience in your daily life, I think. Some dream symbols are nearly universal, but some are excruciatingly personal and individual. (You know this, of course. I'm just writing it down for the sake of some random person Googling or posterity or something.)